
Dweeb Art


Just ignore me like everyone else does.

When your big bro Jesse is trying to sneak a few moments away in the hot tub with Hanzo, so you tell Dad on him! Bonus: Genji showed up and made fun of his brother. Perfect!

Sorry I ruined your date @egoer!! 


when you’re a hanzo main who always tries to flirt with the mccree on your team but they keep walking away



PSA to all other artists and creators, reblog to save a life. No more.. sending art to yourself via email, dropbox or messanger and having to pretype tags and copy pasting etc. 


For people in the notes wondering when “they” will disable this, this appears to be a general browser developer thing, so you can view any page as if you were on a device, and not an IG thing.





That means free access to Photoshop CS2 - and that already has most of what you could ask for, really.

All you have to do is create a FREE ADOBE ID.

I am not sure about commercial use, but MAN. FUCKIN’ SWEET DUDE


Reblogging for the greater good.


I’m unlikely to pick it up as I honestly never use PS anymore, but here everyone who follows me. Free stuff.

oh wow this is perfect i was just lamenting that i’d have to buy creative suite for my new laptop WELP


Signal boost for any of my followers who need art programs!

The cs2 programs date back only a few years, and still have much of the functionality of today’s more modern ones. The differences between most of the versions are little more than slight modifications or additions of minor features, and UI changes. Go for it guys!!

Also, in case the page is down, here are the download links + serials.



I need



tumblr blogs:



supplies (traditional animation):



  • Blender (3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline: modeling, rigging, animation,etc)
  • Emofuri (animate using .psd files)
  • Google Sketchup (
  • Live2D ( animation/drawing software
  • OpenToonz (Studio Ghibli’s open source animation software)
  • Pencil2D (create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics)
  • Renderman (Pixar’s free 3D rendering software)
  • Sculptris (Free digital sculpting tool by the makers of Zbrush
  • SculptGL (Online modelling program)
  • Synfig (2d animation using a vector and bitmap artwork)


  • Zbrush (digital sculpting sw by Pixologic)
  • Mudbox (digital sculpting sw by Autodesk)
  • Cinema 4D (digital sculpting sw by Maxon)
  • TVPaint  (2d animation)

animation studios:

inspiration: worth watching short films

Source: s0ffia


Mini: So we’re getting cops, yeah? Vanoss: Yeah, we’re getting lots of cocks Delirious: OW  Vanoss: See? He already got one.

Anonymous asked:

what are some really important pointers you have for people who want to make animatics?

this is probably gonna be a bit long so just a heads up i guess?? also please note im not a student for anything in art and am not a professional i’m just giving out my opinions on this and things based on my own experience.

  • do thumbnailing 
you don’t always have to start it with the actual frame and the drawing for thumbnailing doesn’t have to be good. this is just to let you have a feel of what you want for the final frame. it also doesn’t have to be digital you can just doodle it in some paper you found lying about. this is also good for parts of your animatics where there’s lots of movement(like dancing!) 
thumbnailing is also good for parts where you have multiple ideas! doodle all your possible ideas and see which one is best for that scene
  • perspective/angled shots
these are super cool and can help with the atmosphere of the scene! for example:
they also just look really nice and interesting and fun
  • landscapes and backgrounds
you can’t always have just a bunch of people gathered around all in one frame, you gotta show the setting of the whole thing
this also allows for your characters to move around more! don’t always make them flat like this though(this doesn’t mean you can’t do this, just don’t do it all the time)
grab a ruler or if you don’t have one like me, zoom out completely and try to make straight lines(they don’t rlly have to be perfectly straight though! but don’t make them too slanted either)
and if you have sai, free deform it and set the perspective to 100% and then just mess around with it!

also remember to add buildings/furniture/etc if needed!!

  • do dynamic poses
these help the facial expressions of the character! a lot of people seem to just concentrate on just the face for emotion but body language is also important!
you can throw in some perspective into this as well!
  • make a LOT of frames
as mentioned above, movement is very exciting!! and you can show movement with those frames. it doesn’t even have to be a lot of movement like one second they were there and now they’re in an entirely different spot, subtle movement is also very good! 
try not to reuse the same frame too much! it might end up looking very awkward 
also try not to just erase and add things to the body of a character as if it were some kind of paper doll stuck to a wall like this:

it’ll end up looking very stiff and awkward. instead, just redraw the character completely! make them move around a bit

you don’t always have to make things super clean
you don’t have to do clean lineart, just doodle a frame and make it easy to read for everyone on what’s happening. especially because drawing hundreds of frames is already so time consuming and not to mention stressful. do yourself a favor and not tire yourself out more than you should.

that’s kind of all the pointers i have. hope this helps!!!

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