
Quite Unbelievably

@bethofbells / bethofbells.tumblr.com


there are some questions it's really just not appropriate to ask a lady.

questions like "how much yarn do you already have" and "don't you already have three projects" or "where would we store a blowtorch"


Bruh I’ve been off tumblr for so long

Everyone I follow has different usernames and new fandoms and I have no idea who anyone is

I’ve had two different jobs since the last time I posted on here

I met someone and got married and we just celebrated our 1 year anniversary

I’m old

Anyway, TT has been banned on my work wifi so now I’m scrolling tumblr again


an underrated detail in pride and prejudice is that elizabeth bennett was home alone on the day darcy proposed because she had a headache. can you imagine. this was in the pre-painkillers era. you're at home with a headache and then this asshole walks into the room and tells you he loves you and wants to marry you even though he hates your whole family and you're beneath him. imagine having to deal with that while also having a headache. she doesn't even have ibuprofen


liking a character for what they have the potential to be even though in canon they’re a lot less faceted that what you want to envision in your head


im sorry but writing enemies to lovers on ao3 is so fucking funny. one of them will go a whole paragraph saying how much they hate, absolutely despise, have genuine burning contempt for the other and we’re all here knowing damn well that enemies to lovers tag is just sat there. like we already know what’s coming bro you’re just embarrassing yourself

the appeal of enemies to lovers though is less “oh will they ever get together?” and more “at what exact point does he go from wanting to kill the bitch to the oh in italics?”


With respect to the whole sex-scenes-in-movies discourse, I think that nearly any comedy of the silent film era would in fact be greatly improved by the addition of a gratuitous sex scene, provided that it was shot and edited with the exact sensibilities of the era’s slapstick chase sequences, complete with flailing limbs, jangly piano score, frenetic undercranked film speed, and – this is key – that obligatory moment where the protagonist abruptly pauses to wipe their brow and give the camera a pointed Look before getting back to it.


Do you guys want to feel warm about the people who worked on TNG? Here you go.

This is an excerpt from "William Fucking Shatner" by Will Wheaton, & he's performed it live before. There are a few good videos of the whole thing on YouTube.


There's really no end of sweet, heartwarming stories about the TNG cast and how much like a family they were and still are. TNG isn't the best Trek, but it will always have a place in my heart because I think that love they had for each other is often very palpable in the show.


Imagine Michael Dorn in full make-up holding Shatner by the scruff of his neck in front of Wil Wheaton, booming “IS THIS MAN HARASSING YOU, KING?”

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