

@smilestudy / smilestudy.tumblr.com

22 | studyblr | final year uni
my youtube channel

it's just me and one other coworker who get in at 8 and when she's not in on time i get very sad like who am i going to waste my first hour at work with???? i need to chit chat!!


Revising for my quantum computing module which I am very behind on. Luckily, I only have three exams this year. I've gone home for the holiday, and it's so nice to be able to enjoy my mother's cooking while preparing for exams. However, I will have to go back to uni early to finish off and submit my thesis.


why is the post office like the worst place ever after the dmv??? god forbid i use the post office to post something. i feel like a criminal walking in there. just guilty of the crime of existing.

a very kind man in line paid for a woman's purchase who's card wasn't working and couldn't speak much english to explain what she needed. did that good deed lighten anyone's mood? absolutely not. miserable place honestly


why is the post office like the worst place ever after the dmv??? god forbid i use the post office to post something. i feel like a criminal walking in there. just guilty of the crime of existing.


While looking through my 2023 journal I stumbled upon this cute little page of what I wanted for April 2024. The best thing about journaling is reading back over everything when you are an older and wiser version of yourself 🤍


i never post on here anymore but just wanted to say i start my new job tomorrow (more money, nobody reporting to me so i'm basically the boss..., more independence, lots of room for creativity) after the last job that i thought was a dream job ended in a shit show. so things get better!!! i'm very excited and ready to move up into more project development roles 🫶


My Baudelaire presentation + essay are finally submitted! I’m basically done with this evening diploma in French and honestly… it’s a relief. Consistency really pays off, even when the end doesn’t seem in sight ⭐️


whereabouts of february 10, 2024 📰

i’ve picked up the study techniques of time-blocking (setting aside time for one task) and the 5-minute rule (committing to 5 minutes of studying, which helps build momentum when starting feelings intimidating). lovely strategies!

the sky was clear for the first time in weeks <3 it was a great day. i got coffee, bought some cosmetics, did some pilates yoga, and had fun social time.


March 20, 2024 - Friday  | Ramadan Challenge 10/30

Pictured: Migraine essentials and early blooms of the season. Alhamdulillah feeling better by the time of this post!

Taraweeh Tip: If you’re at the masjid, follow along with the recitation in your mus-haf. If you’re not sure where they’re up to, ask someone! If you’re praying at home, read from your qur’an! It’s not an obligatory prayer so you’re allowed to hold up your mushaf and read from there. Doing that instead of just speeding thru rakats with the same few juz amma surahs you usually read will make such a big difference trust me. Ofc this is advice to myself first and foremost 🌱


seen two co-workers and a resident on various dating apps in the past 24 hours 🫣 see this is why i never bothered trying this


wednesday | march 6

finals countdown: 4 days

today was the last day of covering new material before finals! i've finished all of my "normal" homework for the term, so now it's just a few more days of intense studying and then i'm done. in some ways this is my favorite part of the term - i get to study in my own way, on my own schedule, and then show off all the things i've learned at the end of it.


so the job i've had my eye on for almost a year and a half, finally got after multiple interview attempts, is actually a total boys club (+1 enabling woman) and making me miserable after three weeks 🫶 so i desperately need to find a job in women's services and there is no way im going to mentally be able to give a months notice. not happening


palestinian embroidery obi project

The collective works with Palestinian women (refugees and those living in Gaza) to create tatreez (Palestinian embroidery) for Japanese obis (wide sash/belt). They also participate in cross cultural initiatives such as embroidery workshops and exhibitions.


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