
Ling Qi / Spiritpact Chapter 121 - Part 1

Part 1 is now up! 

I can only fit 10 images per post, so I’ll split this here and post the rest in a day or so. 



Ling Qi/Spiritpact 120 Translation Progress

Working with @the-metal-ravenclaw on 120 currently. The translations are finished, it’s now at the stage of cleaning up pages and typesetting. Got three pages done, and will aim to finish the remainder tomorrow. 

We work back and forth with the translations, grabbing the text for OCR then run it through different MTLs to work out the best meaning/translation. Sometimes the translations are easy, but other times it is difficult to work out an English equivalent for Chinese sayings. 

One phrase here as Xi is walking away is saying 「 时间不够 」where my understanding is that this phrase can be read in two ways, one not having enough time (time available in day) and also time left. We have had to leave this though as “I don’t have enough time” as it is supposed to be an ambiguous phrase. 

I wanted to share this little behind the scenes as neither myself nor @the-metal-ravenclaw​ are native Chinese speakers, and this is why we take a bit more time with doing the translations. :) 

Thank you everyone for your support so far and keep following for more updates! 

Looks great so far! Thank you for the help @mtlasana!


On the translations... thinking this should be some kind of fabulous Uncle Xiren advert.


Have some squishy baby Jinghua to brighten up your day ☺️


@ryuukoizawa​ baby Yang Jinghua is freaking adorable. I want to cuddle him. 

Translations and typesetting by me. Enjoy!




I’m thinking about continuing on with Chapter 96/93 (the site says it’s chapter 96, but the actual manhua says it’s Chapter 93, so I’m not sure). I also want to take the “translation” a little more seriously, so I’m learning a couple of the more common Chinese characters (obviously not all of the thousands!), just so I know if my results are going on the right track. I’m afraid the stuff so far is VERY liberally translated, in fact changed around a lot. So, as a sign of respect for the actual language, I will go through each character myself from now on. Sorry for this rant of an update.

Still trying, still struggling ( இ‸இ )

But - I found a Chinese teacher!

Thank you people for the support!


Update on Translations thingy

I stopped picking at the LQ translations for now because there are a bunch of things on my mind to worry about at the moment - but I will definitely get straight back at it when I get a chance to sort things out. Unfortunately, that may take from at least a few weeks to a month... I don't really know if there is anyone at all I'm leaving waiting so I haven't pressured myself as much about them as I would with other issues. Thanks for reading.


Notes on LQ Translations

  • I've already said this several times before, but I'll say it again: the link to the chapters I tried to translate (in order) are found on the Tumblr WEBSITE, on my translations page.
  • I gave up on the "sections" thing, it's too confusing. I'll just try and post them as is.
  • I would really appreciate if someone told me where the uncensored kiss scenes can be found (the original QQ raws site has blurred out the kiss scenes for legal reasons but I don't live in China so...)
  • I can't read Chinese. I only understand the MOST basic words and phrases. That includes useless ones that literally never pop up in a manhua. I use translators and dictionaries to make my way through understanding them.
  • I do not own Ling Qi and never will. Credits always go towards the author.
  • Bonus useless point: I read philosophy. That's why nobody takes me seriously.

Thanks for reading.


Ling Qi Translations Update

-Done first 3 pages of chapter 100 (S95)

-There is a lot of text in this chapter so it will take a while

-But it's totally worth it!

- Like I said before, life is pretty busy so might not manage to squeeze out many pages in the next few days.

Just got onto translating this page:

So. Much. Text.

Kill. Me.

Edit: I've finally finished the monster page above, and it took me days and nights to do this one page... honestly Jinghua needs to take a breath in between his words, they are all over the place.


Remember the first kiss scene in the Ling Qi manhua?

Where Xi gave Jinghua a breath of his life? Well, I'm pretty annoyed right now. Looks like Tencent took it out:

It's so sad that it's gone... probably for "legal" reasons but -

This is me right now:


How could you do this?! All the other kiss scenes got through but you took out this one?!

I really just wish there wouldn't be such a fuss on "censoring" the stuff just because they're both guys. Honestly, I really miss that scene T~T

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