
Say "Ahhh"


(profile art by @darkwingownsthenight) Hi there, my name is Dr. Breanna Matilda Von Drake! I am the well known kooky, Professor Ludwig Von Drake's daughter. My mom is Matilda McDuck, Scrooge McDuck's sister. People say I get my intelligence from my father and my stubbornness from my mom. I am a medical doctor and I love helping others. I'm all up for answering asks and role playing! I'm always up for making new friends! (Mun's name is also Breanna. Is 23. Other blogs: @agentgandradee @sweet-little-minnie-mouse and @never2old2doodle. If you have a OC please message me about your character that way we can make the most out of our role play. Trust me I don't bite. :P)

"Peggy!!!" Breanna runs up to the not so little anymore duckling. "Look how much you've grown, princesa! I've missed you so much!" She picked Peggy up hugging her tightly.


Peggy grinned as she hugged the duck back, tears starting to fill her eyes. It had been a while since she's seen Breanna. Her mother figure, her "Tia", her best friend. They had ended on such a sour note but, all that time apart, all that time being busy, she had completely forgotten what made them stop talking to each other.

"I missed you too! I-I missed you so much!"


"Oh yeah! From my birthday party last year, it was alright. It IS a great photo though! We've missed too Breanna." Peggy grinned as she gently kicked a rock along the sidewalk.

Breanna strolled down the sidewalk with Peggy until they reached the Cabrera's household. It felt like just yesterday that she was there, but butterflies of nervousness were still in her stomach.


"Peggy!!!" Breanna runs up to the not so little anymore duckling. "Look how much you've grown, princesa! I've missed you so much!" She picked Peggy up hugging her tightly.


Peggy grinned as she hugged the duck back, tears starting to fill her eyes. It had been a while since she's seen Breanna. Her mother figure, her "Tia", her best friend. They had ended on such a sour note but, all that time apart, all that time being busy, she had completely forgotten what made them stop talking to each other.

"I missed you too! I-I missed you so much!"


She giggled at the slight tickle as she listened to Breanna and what she had done. After she had finished, Peggy answered her questions.

"My GrandM'ma and Papi are alright. They've been busy with work. GrandM'ma still works in the force and Papi got a promotion. He's finally, Dr.Crackshell-Cabrera! That's not how doctorates work but, I'm still proud of him." She smiled. "Right now, they're at work, I'm just walking back home from the GDFC, the GizmoDuck Fanclub. I take care of the house while they're gone."

As Peggy spoke about M'Ma and Fenton Breanna's heart swelled with happiness. She was happy M'Ma was doing well and she was so proud of Fenton. A small blush tinted her cheeks. She had missed Fenton so much. She wondered how things would turn out between them. Did he still feel the same way about her? She was broken out of thought when Peggy said she was heading home and that she watched the house by herself. "Peggy you're growing up too fast." She couldn't help but laugh.

Peggy nodded and held her camera.

"Already 12 and taking on the world, one picture at a time!" She laughed. "I better head back home, I've been away too long."

"Peggy, do you mind if I tag along? I don't want to intrude or anything, but I'd love to see your abuela and papi again." Breanna asked softly.

"I would love to Breanna, but my papi and GrandM'ma have a rule about letting people in the house when they aren't home." She let her camera fall to her stomach as it was supported by the lanyard. "Even if they are family. But, they'll be back home soon. I'm sure by the time we walk over, one of them will be back soon."

Breanna sighed and nodded as they walked. "Alright." She glanced at Peggy's camera and smiled. "So my little photographer, have you taken many photos lately?"

"Kind of, I ran out of film so, I had to get more. That's where I was coming back from when I ran into you!" Peggy smiled.

Breanna reaches into her labcoat pocket and pulls out a photo of her, Peggy, Fenton, and M'Ma at Funzo's Funzone. "I still have this. I keep this photo with me all the time. I'll always treasure it. I've missed you all so much."


"Peggy!!!" Breanna runs up to the not so little anymore duckling. "Look how much you've grown, princesa! I've missed you so much!" She picked Peggy up hugging her tightly.


Peggy grinned as she hugged the duck back, tears starting to fill her eyes. It had been a while since she's seen Breanna. Her mother figure, her "Tia", her best friend. They had ended on such a sour note but, all that time apart, all that time being busy, she had completely forgotten what made them stop talking to each other.

"I missed you too! I-I missed you so much!"


She giggled at the slight tickle as she listened to Breanna and what she had done. After she had finished, Peggy answered her questions.

"My GrandM'ma and Papi are alright. They've been busy with work. GrandM'ma still works in the force and Papi got a promotion. He's finally, Dr.Crackshell-Cabrera! That's not how doctorates work but, I'm still proud of him." She smiled. "Right now, they're at work, I'm just walking back home from the GDFC, the GizmoDuck Fanclub. I take care of the house while they're gone."

As Peggy spoke about M'Ma and Fenton Breanna's heart swelled with happiness. She was happy M'Ma was doing well and she was so proud of Fenton. A small blush tinted her cheeks. She had missed Fenton so much. She wondered how things would turn out between them. Did he still feel the same way about her? She was broken out of thought when Peggy said she was heading home and that she watched the house by herself. "Peggy you're growing up too fast." She couldn't help but laugh.

Peggy nodded and held her camera.

"Already 12 and taking on the world, one picture at a time!" She laughed. "I better head back home, I've been away too long."

"Peggy, do you mind if I tag along? I don't want to intrude or anything, but I'd love to see your abuela and papi again." Breanna asked softly.

"I would love to Breanna, but my papi and GrandM'ma have a rule about letting people in the house when they aren't home." She let her camera fall to her stomach as it was supported by the lanyard. "Even if they are family. But, they'll be back home soon. I'm sure by the time we walk over, one of them will be back soon."

Breanna sighed and nodded as they walked. "Alright." She glanced at Peggy's camera and smiled. "So my little photographer, have you taken many photos lately?"


"Peggy!!!" Breanna runs up to the not so little anymore duckling. "Look how much you've grown, princesa! I've missed you so much!" She picked Peggy up hugging her tightly.


Peggy grinned as she hugged the duck back, tears starting to fill her eyes. It had been a while since she's seen Breanna. Her mother figure, her "Tia", her best friend. They had ended on such a sour note but, all that time apart, all that time being busy, she had completely forgotten what made them stop talking to each other.

"I missed you too! I-I missed you so much!"


She giggled at the slight tickle as she listened to Breanna and what she had done. After she had finished, Peggy answered her questions.

"My GrandM'ma and Papi are alright. They've been busy with work. GrandM'ma still works in the force and Papi got a promotion. He's finally, Dr.Crackshell-Cabrera! That's not how doctorates work but, I'm still proud of him." She smiled. "Right now, they're at work, I'm just walking back home from the GDFC, the GizmoDuck Fanclub. I take care of the house while they're gone."

As Peggy spoke about M'Ma and Fenton Breanna's heart swelled with happiness. She was happy M'Ma was doing well and she was so proud of Fenton. A small blush tinted her cheeks. She had missed Fenton so much. She wondered how things would turn out between them. Did he still feel the same way about her? She was broken out of thought when Peggy said she was heading home and that she watched the house by herself. "Peggy you're growing up too fast." She couldn't help but laugh.

Peggy nodded and held her camera.

"Already 12 and taking on the world, one picture at a time!" She laughed. "I better head back home, I've been away too long."

"Peggy, do you mind if I tag along? I don't want to intrude or anything, but I'd love to see your abuela and papi again." Breanna asked softly.


Breanna Von Drake

Stole from: @ducktales-wco-oo

Tagging: Anyone!


$  FINANCIAL : wealthy / moderate  / poor / in poverty

✚  MEDICAL : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable

✪  CLASS OR CASTE : upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure

✔  EDUCATION : qualified / unqualified / studying / other

✖  CRIMINAL RECORD : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / hasn’t been caught


◒  CHILDREN : has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent

◑  RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased

◔  AFFILIATION : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)  / not applicable


♦  extroverted / introverted / in between

♦  disorganized / organized / in between / both extremes at once

♦  close-minded / open-minded / in between

♦  calm / anxious / in between

♦  disagreeable / agreeable / in between

♦  cautious / reckless / in between

♦  patient / impatient / in between

♦  outspoken / reserved / in between

♦  leader / follower / loner / in between

♦  empathetic / un-empathetic / in between

♦  optimistic / pessimistic / in between

♦  traditional / modern / in between

♦  hard-working / lazy / in between

♦  cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown

♦  loyal / disloyal / unknown

♦  faithful / unfaithful / unknown


★  FAITH : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated

☆  BELIEF IN GHOSTS OR SPIRITS : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care

✮  BELIEF IN AN AFTERLIFE : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care

✯  BELIEF IN REINCARNATION : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care

❃  BELIEF IN ALIENS : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care

✧  RELIGIOUS : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious / questioning

❀  PHILOSOPHICAL : yes / no


❤  SEXUALITY : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / no labels.

❥  SEX : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless

♥  ROMANCE : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless

❣  SEXUALLY : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited

⚧  POTENTIAL SEXUAL PARTNERS : male / female / agender / none / all

⚧  POTENTIAL ROMANTIC PARTNERS : male / female / agender / none / all


☠(MAGICAL) COMBAT SKILLS : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  

≡  LITERACY SKILLS : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none

✍ARTISTIC SKILLS : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none

✂ TECHNICAL SKILLS :  excellent / good / moderate / poor / none


☕DRINKING ALCOHOL :  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

☁ SMOKING : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

✿  NARCOTICS : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

✌MEDICINAL DRUGS : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

☻  INDULGENT FOOD : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

$  SPLURGE SPENDING : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

♣  GAMBLING : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess


What does your soul smell like?

Stole from: @ducktales-wco-oo

Breanna Von Drake's Result:


key words: sensitive, romantic, calming. you are a beautiful person inside and out whose kindness shines through even on your worst days. being around you is like stepping into a crisp smelling floral garden on a spring evening. others are inspired by your empathy, charm, and all the love you have to give. compatible with: fresh linen, freshly baked bread.

Link to quiz

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