

Asks, because why not?
1. Name
2. Nationality
3. Age
4. Birthday
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign)
6. Gender
7. Sexuality
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
9. What do you/did you study?
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have?


11. Your birth order
12. How many siblings do you have?
13. Do you have good relations with your family?
14. How many friends do you have?
15. Your relationship status
16. What do you look for in a SO?
17. Do you have a crush?
18. When did you have your first kiss?
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
20. What are your deal breakers?


21. How was your day?
22. Favourite food & drink
23. What position do you sleep in?
24. What was your last dream about?
25. Your fears
26. Your dreams
27. Your goals
28. Any pets?
29. What are your hobbies?
30. Any cool places in your area?
31. What was your last awkward situation?
32. What is your last regret?
33. Language/s you can speak
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
35. Have any quirks?
36. Your pet peeves
37. Ideal vacation
38. Any scars?
39. What does your last text message say?
40. Last 5 things from your search history
41. What's your [device] background?
42. What do you daydream about?
43. Describe your dream home
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion
45. Your personality type
46. The most dangerous thing you've done
47. Are you happy with your current life?
48. Some things you've tried in your life


49. What does your wardrobe consist of?
50. Favourite colour to wear?
51. How would you describe your style?
52. Are you happy with your current looks?
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
54. Any tattoos or piercings?
55. Do you get complimented often?
56. Favourite aesthetic?
57. A popular trend that you dislike


58. Songs you're currently obsessed with?
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like.
60. Favourite genre?
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?
62. Hated popular songs/artists?
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?
65. Do you like karaoke?
66. Own any albums?
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?


68. Favourite movie/series?
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc
70. Your fictional crush/es
71. Which fictional character is you?
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so
73. Favourite greek god?
74. A legend from where you live that you like
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist?
76. Can you share your other social media?
77. Favourite youtubers?
78. Favourite platform?
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite?
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)
82. Do you play board/card games?
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?
84. Favourite holiday
85. Are you into dramas?


86. Would you use death note, if you had one?
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true


95. Cold or hot?
96. Be a hero or be a villain?
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
100. ..... or .....?
Anonymous asked:

I feel so embarrassed to ask this but I see that your always so down to earth with people could you do a mob!tom when he’s super anger and he takes it out on you like sexually and your screaming stop and when he finally does he try to say sorry and shit but your just like I’m done it makes me mad when I see these and the y/n stays Im sorry to bother you lol love your stuff you seem like an amazing person.

Hey! Don’t be embarrassed, it’s a really good concept. Sorry this has taken so long to reply to 💗✨


“For fuck’s sake, Y/N!” Tom yelled as he threw a glass across the room so it shattered, making you jump. “You never fucking listen to me.”

Your eyes narrowed as you scoffed and shook your head.

“Are you fucking joking? At least I’m not the one throwing a temper tantrum because I can’t get my fucking point across.”

He snapped his head over his shoulder and looked at you with squinted eyes before charging over to you. You stumbled backwards so your back was pressed against the kitchen door, heart pounding.

“You’re being fucking immature right now, Tom. Grow up!”

“Grow up? You’re the one crying because you can’t see me-“

“Tom you’re working constantly! I never fucking see you because you’re locked in that stupid fucking office, working! How are we meant to make this relationship work if you’d rather be killing some mobsters.”

The mobsters eyes seemed to turn dark with anger as his face scrunched up. He grabbed your wrist and lead you out of the kitchen.

“Ow, Tom! You’re hurting me!”

“Shut. Up.” He said through gritted teeth as he dragged you up the stairs. Tears began to form in your eyes as you desperately tried to pull away from him but he was way too strong. He lead you to your bedroom before throwing you onto the bed.

You quivered as you scrambled into an upright position, clutching onto the covers beneath you.

“T-Tom what are you doing?”

You watched nervously as he undid his tie and shook his jacket off. He licked his lips as he crawled onto the bed and spread your thighs.

“Tom, stop.” You muttered as you swallowed the thick saliva that was forming at the back of your throat. He unzipped his jeans and leaned towards you.

“Tom, I said stop!” You cried out desperately. “Stop it! Please!”

Tom quickly pulled away from you with a dropped jaw.

You instantly burst into tears as you shakily crawled off of the bed and slid onto the floor so your back was resting against the bedside drawer.

“Darling, I’m so sorry.” He muttered. He zipped up his jeans and dropped to his kneees, a few inches away from you. He reached out to you but you slapped his hand away from you.

Don’t you dare fucking touch me, Thomas.

“I-I didn’t mean to take it this far.” He replied shakily.

You slowly stood up and rested your back against the wall.

“I thought you loved me.” You sobbed as you wiped your nose with the back of your hand.

“I do! I just… I was just mad.”

“That doesn’t mean you can fucking abuse me like that, Tom.” You sobbed again before swinging the bedroom door open and storming down the stairs as you cried loudly.

“Baby, please wait.” He begged as he watched you put on your heels and grab your purse.

“Fuck you, Tom.” You spat on the ground in front of him before swinging the front door open.

“Please don’t go, I’m sorry.” He collapses to his knees and begged.

“Get the fuck out of my face, Tom. I never want to talk or see you again. We’re done.” You said as you stepped outside and walked to your car.

Tom watched you in the pouring rain, regretting everything he said and done as he watched the love of his life drive away, knowing that he’ll never see her again.


whump dialog prompt list

1. “Can you hear me? Do you know what day it is? Your name?”

2. “I- I can’t see! I can’t see anything!”

3. “No! Don’t leave me here alone!”

4. “I don’t know how much longer I can take this…”

5. “Don’t worry, this will only hurt a little bit. Maybe.”

6. “No no no no no! I can’t be here! I need to go!”

7. “You promised me- you promised!”

8. “I can’t live without you…”

9. “You can’t sleep yet, kid, I need you to stay awake.”

10. “If we don’t go now, we are all going to die.”

11. “We can’t just leave them here, they’ll never get out on their own!”

12. “Throwing up is one of the symptoms.”

13. “You’re all that I have left!”

14. “I trusted you to keep them safe, and you couldn’t even do that?!”

15. “You know, it took me a long time to decide on food poisoning.”

16. “She’s going into shock-”

17. “He’s hemorrhaging!” 

18. “Maybe the ghosts will take you away.”

19. “You can’t tell me you didn’t care! Not after everything!”

20. “Maybe this will keep that big mouth of yours shut.”

21. “You were severely dehydrated and malnourished.” 

22. “Apply pressure, i’ll be back soon.”

23. “I promise.”

24. “And if something were to happen to you… I don’t think I could take it.”

25. “You were missing for days!”

26. “You shouldn’t go alone, remember last time?”

27. “He’s seizing!” 

28. “You’ve been out for a few months…”

29. “Because I couldn’t live with myself if you got hurt!”

30. “Just because I did it doesn’t mean you should too.”

31. “I told you I had a weak heart…”

32. “I have something I need to tell you, but, uh- maybe we should find a place a little more… Quiet.”

33. “Who are you again?”

34. “I thought you were smarter than that!”

35. “You really think that that is still an option?!”

36. “All we can do now is wait.”

37. “I wanted you to be better than me.”

38. “Couldn’t you do something?! We can’t just- just give up!”

39. “This is a matter of life and death, make the wrong move, the wrong choice, and they’re dead. You hear me?”

40. “It’s been 6 years!”

41. “Granted, this has never worked before, so really we’re just hanging onto hope with this one.”

42. “Go grab the first aid kit, and be quick!”

43. “Were did you get all these bruises from?”

44. “You’re just like your father!” 

45. “If I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take.” 

46. “I don’t think she has much longer, you should say your goodbyes while she’s still with us.”

47. “Before you go, I have a little something I would like to share with you!”

48. “Fight like you mean it!”

49. “You’re just some drunken bastard that can’t do anything right!”

50. “If I never see you again, just know that I love you so, so much…”


“How do you do it?”

“How do I do what?”

“Pretend you are okay.”

“I’m not pretending.”

“Yes you are, every single day. And it breaks my heart.”


Random dialogue prompts

1. “Well, not everyday your uncle’s boyfriend comes back from the dead so excuse me for acting surprised”

2. “Are you seriously throwing forks at me?”

3. “I’m here, I’m queer and I’m ready to kinkshame your ass ‘til you can’t walk”

4. “Do you ever chill?”

“Not really, no”

5. “And now we all know why (s)he doesn’t get drunk”

6. “I never loved you, just the idea of you”

7. “I can die and my reaction would be meh”

8. “Do you like my IPhone 7?” *shows a very old Nokia phone*


“My IPhone 8 is broken”

9. “You shouldn’t trust me planning weddings”

10. “Guess who broke their nose? I broke my nose!”

11. “I’m kind of broke so sorry if I couldn’t afford your fancy medication”

12. “I’m starting a revolution, any of you wanna come?”

13. “Never let them die, they’re the soap opera of my life”

14. “I will come back from the dead most so you can pay me those 30€, got it Clarice?”

15. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Yes, kinda”

16. “I knew it! You wouldn’t ever like the way I am! You are just like the others, trying so hard to make the perfect daughter you never had!”

17. “Are you sure you wanna be friends with a back stabbing bitch like me?”

18. “I’m never touching that tie again”

“You just set it on fire, of course you won’t”

19. “Today’s lesson is that your morals are so low that I’m not even trying to stop you anymore”

20. “Educate yourselves, you sexist sons of bitches!”

21. “My logic is plain weird, don’t ask”

22. “Does every evil genius have a secret fridge full of Nutella?”

23. “What’s happening?”

“All I know is that my phone is dead and those weirdos we’re saying something about a queen but that’s not important”

24. “There’s no way in hell you’re going to do that”

“Why not?”

25. “Could you stop, Idk, murdering people for fun?”

“Did you just used idk in a verbal conversation?”

26. “I’m pretty sure you won’t get tumblr popular if youjust lay chill”

27. “So actual methods didnt work… time to be problematic!”

28. “There’s an angel blade stuck in my ass and that’s what you’re thinking about?”

29. “I wouldn’t say that”

“I would”

30. “Did you heard the news?”

“MCR is coming back?”


“Then I don’t care, go fuck yourself”


Writing Prompt #201

“Get out of the way.” “Or what, you’ll kill me too? And then what? You’re going to still be pissed at the world, and alone.”

angst & post-angst sentences.   feel free to change diction, pronouns, and the like around to make the sentences more suitable. these sentences are kept vague to imply but avoid mentioning specific triggers besides death—feel free to mention specifics in your ask.
  • “ don’t touch him!
  • “ please, don’t hurt _____!
  • “ i had nothing to do with that. ”
  • “ is this my fault?
  • “ you lied to me. ”
  • “ [name]? —oh, i’m hallucinating. ”
  • “ she’ll never hurt you again. ”
  • “ did you kill him?
  • “ you have to stop this. ”
  • “ it’s been weeks. is it not getting easier?
  • “ i just need to know that something’s real. ”
  • “ you can resist it. you have to. ”
  • “ i’m sorry, i thought i saw—… ”
  • “ every day you’re becoming more like her. ”
  • “ if i go, he’ll leave you alone. ”
  • “ you can’t tell ____ that i’m doing this. ”
  • “ we’re gonna see each other again, right? right?
  • “ she’s not you. ”
  • “ i can’t hurt him. ”
  • “ i don’t feel like the same person i was before it happened. ”
  • “ she’ll go through you to get to me. ”
  • “ it’s nothing personal. ”
  • “ you can’t expect me to believe nothing happened, not when you flinch everytime something touches you. ”
  • “ i thought you knew. ”
  • “ please, don’t trust me. ”
  • “ he was just a kid. ”
  • “ i need you more than you need me. ”
  • “ if you really wanted to help, you would leave. ”
  • “ i needed to make it stop. ”
  • “ do anything she says, don’t give her a reason to hurt you. ”
  • “ you really don’t remember. _____, you tried to kill me. ”
  • “ have you ever seen the life leave someone’s eyes?
  • “ i know you can’t talk about it, but i’m going to stay with you regardless. ”
  • “ hey, everything okay? [name]? [name]!
  • “ you died. ”
  • “ i deserved worse. ”
  • “ you never came. ”
  • “ you would’ve let me die. ”
  • “ beg. ”
  • “ the problem is you keep thinking i’m a good person. ”
  • “ it’s not about me, anymore. ”
  • “ please tell me he’s lying to me. ”
  • “ you’re not actually considering this. ”
  • “ look me in the eyes and say that again. ”
  • “ you have no right. ”
  • “ i don’t believe you. ”
  • “ i love you. i’m sorry. ”


More question-based dialogue to include in your writing. (Be creative and use these in any context you desire)

  • “Am I bothering you?”
  • “What’s the magic word?”
  • “Did you sleep well?”
  • “How did you find out?”
  • “Can I try?”
  • “What are you doing this weekend?”
  • “Did you get my text?”
  • “Am I doing it right?”
  • “What did you just say?”
  • “Are you sure you’re alright?”
  • “There’s more?”
  • “You live here?”
  • “Do you need to lie down?”
  • “Is anybody there?”
  • “Am I hurting you?”
  • “What day is it?”
  • “Can I be honest with you?”
  • “It sucks, doesn’t it?”
  • “Have I told you this before?”
  • “What happens next?”


Do you ever find yourself over-using the word “angry” to describe characters in your writing? Try using these words instead:

  • livid
  • annoyed
  • outraged
  • mad
  • furious
  • infuriated
  • fuming
  • steaming
  • hot
  • heated
  • cross
  • cranky
  • wrathful
  • enraged / raging
  • seething
  • irate
  • exasperated
  • irritated
  • offended
  • pissed / pissed off

first date sentences .

between friends .

  • “ oh my god. i can’t breathe. this is it. i’m dying. ”
  • “ but, would it be weird if i suddenly got a case of the flu? ”
  • “ do i look fat in this? of course i do. don’t even answer. “
  • “ what if he/she/they won’t like me? ”
  • “ god everything looks weird on me now. ”
  • “ not sure if i want to throw up, faint or both. ”
  • “ we’re meeting in an hour and i have no idea what to wear. ”
  • “ you know them ?! why are telling me just now !? ”
  • “ okay but legit question ; how do you know that they won’t kidnap you? ”
  • “ do i kiss them goodbye ? or do i hug them ? what is natural !? ”
  • “ i can’t do this ! i’m going to fuck up. ”
  • “ promise me you’ll call me if i ask you to. ”
  • “ but if they don’t look like their profile picture ? ”
  • “ if i don’t want to meet them maybe i can pretend to be someone else. ”
  • “ i know, i know. no sex on the first date. ”
  • “ rest in fucking pieces. this will be the death of my love life. ”

the first meeting .

  • “ woah — you look… great! ”
  • “ so you’re my date for the evening? you look better in real life. ”
  • “ where do you want to eat? ”
  • “ do we… shake hands or — hug, or… ? ”
  • “ i rarely do this, haha! ”
  • “ i was nervous you wouldn’t make it! ”
  • “ i just have to say that i’m really nervous, sorry! ”
  • “ sorry that i’m late ! ”
  • “ oh… your profile didn’t mention — that. ”
  • “ let me get your coa— you’re not wearing a coat, haha, oops — ”
  • “ no, please — allow me! ”
  • “ i just can’t take my eyes off you, sorry ~ you’re just really stunning. ”

dinner for two .

  • “ what do you do, and how long have you been doing it? ”
  • ” where are you originally from? ”
  • “ where did you go to school? ”
  • ” what was your major? ”
  • “ where exactly do you live in [insert your city or town here]? ”
  • ” so you have any nicknames? ”
  • “ if you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d buy? ”
  • ” do you have any siblings? ”
  • “ if you could be any person for a day, who would it be? ”
  • “ there’s this bar downtown… we could check it out? ”
  • “ what are we doing after this ? ”
non-sexual forms of intimacy.   send me ‘INTIMACY +’ a number between 1-125 and i’ll write a starter or a drabble about our muses engaging in a form of intimacy outside of sexual context.   note: as the level of trust required for the things listed here varies a lot, feel free to send multiple numbers if you aren’t sure if they’ll work! bonus:   if the mun is comfortable with randomising a number if asked, state so in the tags when you reblog!
  • 1        watching tv/movies together
  • 2        going to an event together  ( like a carnival, festival, etc. )
  • 3        going on dates, like to the movies or shopping
  • 4        sharing secrets
  • 5        hugs
  • 6        sharing drinks
  • 7        having a phone call
  • 8        touching noses
  • 9        cuddling
  • 10      having a philosophical discussion
  • 11      hand holding
  • 12      sharing jokes
  • 13      sharing smiles
  • 14      laying your head on someone’s shoulder
  • 15      linking arms

150 Angst/Horror Prompts

  1. “The screams all sound the same…”
  2. “You’re gone… I watched you disappear…”
  3. “We all watched it happened, and time stood still.”
  4. “It feels as if time hasn’t passed”
  5. “I feel stuck. And everyone is moving without me.”
  6. “They keep staring at me.”
  7. “What if I never get better?”
  8. “Why wont they wake up?”
  9. “You said they’d come home. Where are they?”
  10. “I used to think I didn’t deserve love. Now I know that it’s true.”
  11. “We found you crying. What happened?”
  12. “Who hurt you?”
  13. “You’re scared…. and broken…”
  14. “I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you.”
  15. “What did I do wrong?”
  16. “It’s so cold…”
  17. “Am I going to die?”
  18. “Please answer me.”
  19. “Nothing ever goes right!”
  20. “Why do you have to ruin everything?!”
  21. “Why do you hate me so much?”
  22. “Things will be better this way.”
  23. “I swear to god if you jump-”
  24. “I trusted you.”
  25. “I never thought this would happen.”
  26. “This is all my fault.”
  27. “You’re the worst mistake I’ve ever made!”
  28. “Are you even listening?”
  29. “Why are you always so sad?”
  30. “Why have you been hiding this from us?”
  31. “… Where did all of these scars come from?”
  32. “Were you drinking again?”
  33. “I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?”
  34. “Did I ever even matter to you?”
  35. “Would they even notice if I vanished?”
  36. “What if I end up being forgotten?”
  37. “I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
  38. “I don’t think I can make it.”
  39. “Why are you being so nice to me?!”
  40. “You’re supposed to be yelling at me! And… and hitting me! Why aren’t you doing that?!”
  41. “Please don’t look at me…”
  42. “I never want to see your face again.”
  43. “You’re dead to me.”
  44. “I wish I never met you.”
  45. “Why do you look at me like that?”
  46. “I found those medical papers in your room… Why didn’t you tell me?”
  47. “Are you going to be okay?”
  48. “Stop lying to me!”
  49. “Please, just breathe.”
  50. “Where did you go?”
  51. “I thought you died.”
  52. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
  53. “I just wanted to help…”
  54. “It hurts so much.”
  55. “Why can’t I stop thinking about you?”
  56. “I can’t feel anything anymore.”
  57. “It never mattered anyway.”
  58. “I’ll just be forgotten.”
  59. “There’s too much going on!”
  60. “I can’t think like this.”
  61. “You will never be good enough.”
  62. “It’s okay. They’re gone now.”
  63. “Why did they have to be so cruel?”
  64. “I hate you!”
  65. “I didn’t mean it… Please forgive me.”
  66. “Get out of my head.”
  67. “Put the pills down.”
  68. “I can’t hear you.”
  69. “My eyes hurt… why can’t I see?”
  70. “Bad dream?”
  71. “My throat feels tight.”
  72. “I-I can’t breathe!”
  73. “Please help me!”
  74. “I think I broke my leg-!”
  75. “Quiet- I can hear it.”
  76. “I want to cut your hand off so I can hold it forever.”
  77. “Nothing could go wrong!”
  78. “Where am I?”
  79. “What did you do to them?!”
  80. “Where are they?”
  81. “Will they be okay?”
  82. “Don’t turn around. It’s behind us.”
  83. “Breathe slowly, show no signs of fear.”
  84. “I think it’s touching me.”
  85. “Hey, who turned out the lights?”
  86. “There’s something in the kitchen.”
  87. “Did you hear that?”
  88. “Please tell me it’s just you down there.”
  89. “If this is a joke it isn’t funny!”
  90. “Where are you? I’m scared.”
  91. “My light wont work.”
  92. “This is all your fault!”
  93. “Wake up!”
  94. “Why aren’t they breathing?”
  95. “Please tell me this is fake.”
  96. “Just shut the hell up.”
  97. “You’re the reason why I’m like this.”
  98. “I thought you loved me.”
  99. “If this is what you think is best…”
  100. “Am I just a toy to you?”
  101. “Nothing ever mattered to me.”
  102. “I am damaged.”
  103. “The weakest must go…”
  104. “I can hear it calling my name.”
  105. “I feel so sick.”
  106. “I’m tired of living in a life where I’ll never be happy.”
  107. “All I can think of are those rainy days.”
  108. “Why can’t things just be the way they always have been?”
  109. “Do you not care anymore?”
  110. “I would rather die.”
  111. “I’m tired of getting wounds that will never heal.”
  112. “Why am I always so tired?”
  113. “Is this what sadness does to people?”
  114. “You mean to say that you’ve never been touched?”
  115. “Please don’t touch me.”
  116. “It feels gross.”
  117. “It burns.”
  118. “Stop! Turn it off!”
  119. “Why are you doing this?!”
  120. “Why can’t I make you happy?”
  121. “I don’t need you anymore.”
  122. “You were never useful to me.”
  123. “Why are you still here?”
  124. “You have a lot of nerve showing up here.”
  125. “Please don’t shoot!”
  126. “When they died, I feel as if I died with them.”
  127. “Life isn’t worth living without you.”
  128. “I need you. Why do you always leave me?”
  129. “I thought I told you to leave.”
  130. “Why is the window open?”
  131. “This was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”
  132. “I had a dream where I killed you.”
  133. “I had a dream where I killed myself.”
  134. “Why won’t this nightmare end?”
  135. “God must hate me.”
  136. “I think the medicine is starting to kick in.”
  137. “That wasn’t there before.”
  138. “Who are all of these people?”
  139. “I don’t remember who I used to be.”
  140. “I deserve to rot.”
  141. “We all know you hate me. Just admit it.”
  142. “You promised me nothing would happen.”
  143. “The creature is staring at me again.”
  144. “We found you in the snow. What the hell happened?”
  145. “Can you hear me?”
  146. “Why am I always late?”
  147. “This is all my fault.”
  148. “They hate me, don’t they?”
  149. “I just want to look at you.”
  150. “I don’t want to fall asleep. I’m scared.”

100 Ways to Say ‘I Hate You’

I saw a post about 100 ways to say ‘I love you’, so I thought I’d make the anti-version if it doesn’t exist already. Roleplayers, send these to each other for angst reasons! Tw for emotional abuse, language, and some major rejection themes, though some  them are joking and could be used for friendly rivals or pals who play-insult one another. Change or add pronouns as necessary.

  1. “You’re a disappointment to me.”
  2. “I don’t care if you live or die.”
  3. “I used to care about you. Now? I regret every second I wasted.”
  4. “How do you think I feel? I’m pissed off!”
  5. “Go. Just go.”
  6. “If you come back, I won’t be here.”
  7. “I’ve never despised someone as much as I despise you.”
  8. “Ha! You think I care about you? What do you think I am, desperate?”
  9. “I regret ever saying ‘hello’.”
  10. “Leave and don’t come back, ever.”
  11. “Remember when we first met? I wish I didn’t.”
  12. “You’re the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”
  13. “Don’t touch me. Don’t even look at me.” “You took months/years of my life away. I’ll never get those back.”
  14. “I saw a trash bag on the side of the road today. Reminded me of you.”
  15. “I could have been doing so much better than wasting my time with you.”
  16. “You’re a sick bastard, you know that?”
  17. “I don’t care.”
  18. “Go ahead, leave. Don’t worry about coming back.”
  19. “You’re such a piece of shit.”
  20. “I didn’t think you could be any more of a shithead, but you just proved me wrong.”
  21. “You’re so stupid.”
  22. “Why do I waste my time with you?”
  23. “You’re not the person I thought you were.”
  24. “Hey! Just a daily reminder: you’re a piece of shit!”
  25. “I deserve so much better.”
  26. “We’re not friends. We were never friends!”
  27. “I pretended to like you because I felt bad for you! How did you fall for that?”
  28. “I never want to see you again.”
  29. “You’ve done nothing but make my life a living hell.”
  30. “Don’t apologize - you don’t deserve my forgiveness!”
  31. “No, I’m never giving you another chance!”
  32. “I wish you were never born.”
  33. “You’re the last person I wanted to see right now.”
  34. “I’d rather be working with anyone else in the whole world right now.”
  35. “When you get back, your shit’s gonna be on the front lawn. Take it and get out.”
  36. “Go ahead, choose them! You deserve each other.”
  37. “I don’t know what they see in you.”
  38. “You’re an embarrassment to me.”
  39. “You’re an embarrassment to all of us.”
  40. “I wish it was you. I wish it was you to die instead of them.”
  41. “God, why did I have to end up working with the biggest asshole in the world?”
  42. “How could you think I ever loved you? You seriously think I’d sink that low?”
  43. “Sorry, I just puked in my mouth a bit. I accidentally looked at your face.”
  44. “How can you even live with yourself?”
  45. “If I was your mirror, I’d break myself just so you would throw me in the trash and I wouldn’t have to look at you.”
  46. “Being with you was the worst time of my life.”
  47. “You’re a monster.”
  48. “Not a day goes by that I don’t wake up wishing I was dead because of you.”
  49. “I’m going to ruin your fucking life.”
  50. “You said you would change, but you never did! You never will!”
  51. “Some people are just born to fail. Sorry you’re one of the unlucky ones.”
  52. “You’re so worthless, you hardly even exist to me.”
  53. “I wish I could go back to the day I met you, and just walk away.”
  54. “If you give me that look one more time, I’m skipping jump-rope with your large intestines.”
  55. “Honestly, I’m embarrassed to even know you.”
  56. “Ugh, it smells like something died in here. Oh. It’s just you.”
  57. “You need to stop. You hurt everyone around you!”
  58. “Until you get your shit together, I don’t want to hear you complain.”
  59. “Look at you. You’re disgusting.”
  60. “Stop making me look bad.”
  61. “You have a face that makes me wish punching people wasn’t frowned upon in our society.”
  62. “Shut your mouth. I don’t want to hear your obnoxious voice.”
  63. “Go play in traffic.”
  64. “Fuck off.”
  65. “If I saw you in the ocean clinging to a log for safety, I’d save the log and let you drown. At least wood can become something useful, like toilet paper.”
  66. “How could I ever love something as terrible and hideous as you?”
  67. “I can’t even look at you right now.”
  68. “It was all a lie.”
  69. “I never loved you, and I never will.”
  70. “Don’t try to beg. It won’t work.”
  71. “You’re not worth the mud on the bottom of my shoes.”
  72. “Look at you. You’re pathetic. I’ve never seen a sadder sight.”
  73. “I’m going to hurt you slowly, and I’m going to enjoy every second of it.”
  74. “For what you did to them, I’ll do the same to you.”
  75. “An apology? You want to offer an apology? No. I don’t accept it.”
  76. “You’re everything I hate in a person.”
  77. “I wish you were dead.”
  78. “You’re nothing to me. Less than nothing!”
  79. “What a sad sack of shit you are.”
  80. “My life is in fucking shambles thanks to you!”
  81. “How could you? You bastard!”
  82. “I’d rather eat sewage than ever touch you again.”
  83. “Hey asshole, I’m here to ruin your day, just like I did yesterday and the day before that.”
  84. “You’d be more useful if you weren’t even alive.”
  85. “Hey, it’s my least favorite waste of space.”
  86. “Every day that I woke up next to you, I was tempted to smother you with a pillow while you slept.”
  87. “Love you? Don’t make me laugh.”
  88. “Just thinking about you makes me sick to my stomach.”
  89. “You deserve a slow and painful death for what you’ve done.”
  90. “I can’t stand people like you.”
  91. “Stop doing that thing. You know, that thing I hate. Breathing.”
  92. “If I could trade you for a nest of angry wasps, you would be long gone.”
  93. “I can’t wait to dance on your grave.”
  94. “If we were the last two people on earth, I’d be subtracting one.”
  95. “I never want to see the likes of your filth around here again.”
  96. “I’m disgusted by you.”
  97. “Fuck you!”
  98. “If I ever see you again, it will be far too soon.”
  99. “I have three words for you: Burn. In. Hell.”
  100. “I hate you.”

boyfriend - t.h. [masterlist]

pairing: baseball tom x female reader // fake dating & college au summary: you’re trying to get over a flakey romance and he’s trying to impress his parents, there’s no harm in that? right? warnings: violence, cursing & smut updates: mondays 9pm/central zone (us)

✩ - smut mentions


things my boyfriend has done

- urgently marched into A&E and said ‘we’re having knee pain!!’ to the confused receptionist. i had to explain that it was only my knee and that he was just worried

- when asked to tag me in a meme of ‘what water are you?’, said ‘you are the ocean: home to all friends’

- loved ‘filthy gorgeous’ and, rather than learning the words, learned ‘all three parts in the song where they ring a triangle’

- after we had an argument about him not ‘getting’ my ADHD, i caught him halfway through a three hour playlist of lectures on ADHD, with a pen in hand, taking notes

- he suffered a TBI last summer and he did not like the orienting questions they ask (’what year is it? what day is it?’ etc). when asked ‘do you know where you are?’, he cracked one eye open and angrily said ‘in bed!’

- he played knack 2 and hated it. when i asked why he was still playing it, he said ‘so i never have to play it again’. he got every achievement and as soon as he got the last one he stood up, ejected the disc and returned it to the store

- lately he’s given up on making lunch so he just drinks huel which is a meal replacement shake, except huel is kind of boring so he sometimes puts nesquick strawberry powder in there

- my favourite drink is pepsi max. when asked about his dreams for the future, they often involve ‘being rich enough to find a way to pump pepsi max directly into our house’

- one time in our first year of dating i hadn’t seen him in weeks, whereas we normally saw each other all day every day, so i was gonna go stay with him for a couple days. he had a temporary job (i’m talking 2 weeks total) at the time and i was bummed that i was gonna be alone at his for a bit, but w/e. he was texting me like ‘work is going okay, in the line for the canteen right now’ while i got on the bus. i found the key where he said it was, i found a note on the table like ‘hi love! the wifi code is [password], I’ll be back at 5!’, and then I went into the lounge and he was there. he was lying on a fold-out bed with Marvin Gaye playing. the TV was on a powerpoint slide that said ‘Welcome, Jess. I quit my job.’ he was entirely naked except for a cushion with the letter ‘D’ over his crotch. im 95% sure there were candles

- we play the game Rimworld, where you micromanage a colony of people on an alien planet. he uses it entirely to simulate a peaceful colony, mostly of women, who have a large number of animals they care for and train. one time he got this random event where all the women in the colony got a psychic mood boost and he was like ‘honestly that’s my life goal’

- when he was in hospital and his cognitive functions were slowly coming back, he looked up from twitter with horror and said ‘jess… is the american president a racist?’

- we were playing Articulate, which is a game where you have to describe a word without saying the word itself. His partner said ‘when you’re beginning sex, you are…’. he, without a second of hesitation, yelled ‘FOREPLAY’. the answer was actually ‘initiating’, but my ego grew like fourteen times

- one time he asked me what guacamole was, and i told him, and he said ‘if it’s made up of things that already have names why does it have a different name?’ i have not let him live this down yet

- i used to have an eating disorder, and whilst i’m good 99.9% of the time now i occasionally do have wobbles. one time i’d eaten some mini-donuts and i told him ‘i kind of want to check the calories on those…’, so he immediately pulled the label off and ate it

- i lost him for like twenty minutes at a uni event, and when i found him he presented me with a pepsi max badge and said ‘i rode this mechanical bull to try and win you a year’s supply but i fell off pretty quickly. sorry.’

- we won the ‘best couple’ award in our year at uni, but neither of us were there to collect it because i was ill and he left halfway through to come home and take care of me

- one time he wasn’t paying attention while making lunch and he cracked an egg directly into the bin. the look of confusion on his face was priceless.

- on the rare occasions when i wake up before him, when i kiss him/ touch him he makes these little like… activation sounds? you know like when you touch a cat? it’s like those

This is the cutest thing I have read with my own eyes

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