
h e a t h e r

@heatherdrawings / heatherdrawings.tumblr.com

cartoonist / illustrator from NJ / NYC

hey so did you like it at sva?? i was just accepted for BFA cartooning (which is now BFA comics) so i’d love to hear ur input!!


Hi! I'm so sorry I didnt see this until now, hopefully it still offers some insight whether you went with SVA or not. I personally had a love hate with the school, its a great place to make friends and connections and most teachers are really cool and care about your growth. However, Cartooing (comics) especially is a hated major. The higher ups truly do not care about the art of storytelling through comics and treat you as lesser or not as important as say animation or illustration, so me and my classmates were always fighting for some kind of representation and transparency with our projects and events. overall I'd rate it an 8/10

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