

@linguisticsyall / linguisticsyall.tumblr.com


I’m a fan of Anthony Burgess, not only because he spoke 14 languages, but because he wrote A Clockwork Orange. If you’ve ever read A Clockwork Orange, you may have noticed that Alex DeLarge and his friends speak a dialect called Nadsat (-надцать, an ending on many of the numbers from 11-19 in Russian, I suppose this was implying that this language was an adolescent language) with many made-up sounding words. Burgess based Alex’s street slang off of Russian. Here are some of my favorite examples:

  • Horrorshow, from Russian хорошо (horosho), which means “good.”

“Long time is right, I don’t remember them days too horrorshow. Don’t call me Dim no more either, Officer call me.”

  • Droog, from Russian друг (droog) which just means “friend.”

“There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim.”

  • Viddy, from Russian видеть (videt’), which means “to see.”

“Suddenly, I viddied what I had to do, and what I had wanted to do, and that was to do myself in; to snuff it, to blast off for ever out of this wicked, cruel world. One moment of pain perhaps and, then, sleep forever, and ever and ever.”

  • Soomka, from Russian сумка (soomka), which actually means “bag.” The slang is from English when referring to an old woman as a bag.

“Naughty, naughty, naughty! You filthy old soomka!”

Hearing a non-native speak my L1 with an accent, making mistakes: Oh my gosh you’re so cute! I love it! You are so precious! Please never shut up you are so great and you’re doing such a good job!
Hearing myself speaking my TL with an accent, making mistakes: This is the worst thing that has ever happened. I am a terrible failure of a human being. I must never open my mouth again.

anyone on HBO wanna hire me to make their fake TV language? I will add a complex case system that’s even bigger than Finnish as revenge for what you did to game of thrones

Don’t forget to make some unnecessarily complex verbal morphology


- pointless vowel shifts that happen randomly, without any explanation

- more tones than Vietnamese

It will have the four horsemen of the linguistic apocalypse

Give me a project and I guarantee I’m adding phonation contrasts, ejectives and massive verb complexes so help me God.


anyone on HBO wanna hire me to make their fake TV language? I will add a complex case system that’s even bigger than Finnish as revenge for what you did to game of thrones

Don’t forget to make some unnecessarily complex verbal morphology


- pointless vowel shifts that happen randomly, without any explanation

- more tones than Vietnamese

It will have the four horsemen of the linguistic apocalypse


if you’re irish and you complain about britain “erasing culture” but can’t even speak the language/ don’t know shit about ireland before 1910 then just shut your cakehole nobody cares

Them being Irish and not being able to speak the language/not knowing shit about Ireland before 1910 is a direct result of Britain erasing culture, you goddamn Vitamin D-deficient circus clown


hey guys after like a 10 year hiatus I just got back from living in China for six months (i got kicked out, long story) but in other news you can absolutely live in China for six months using only the phrase  不要 ( búyào) and be completely fine

不要 ( búyào) – DO NOT WANT

to those of you asking me to explain details lmao búyào !!! 不要 !!!


I always thought it was extreme that the Dutch sometimes swear with infectious diseases, but living here means learning to get around by bike. This has really forced me into this angry defensive mentality. When there’s always a threat of being hit by a car, knocked over by…

In Russian we like to say “холера вазми!” Which basically translates to “May cholera take you” and it’s such a loose curse that my grandmother says it and no one bats an eye.

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