my mind when I look at photos: not real
my mind when I look at people: not real
my mind when I look at my hands: not real
my mind when I look in the mirror: no, not real
Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes
Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes

“You need people in your life that are further along than you, people that are more experienced, people that are out of your league. You need to be exposed to new levels so that you can go to new levels.”

— Joel Osteen (via amargedom)

Source: amargedom

apparently controversial fucking opinion: some of us need closed captions/subtitles to understand what is being said in a video and don’t want to see fan transcribers demolishing captions with zalgo text or giving their own commentary/cracking stupid jokes when we turn those on 

i promise your jokes/theories/fucking leet speek for some reason can stay in the comments and not in the captions where i have to keep rewatching the video to figure out if that’s actually being said or not

stop putting your own jokes/commentary on what’s being said in the video!


if the video is silent while someone is doing something, there are no needed captions! stop putting weird summaries of what’s happening visually!


i guess i can technically read these yes but holy shit it’s annoying cut it out

i’m glad you suddenly realized captions support stylized text but stop using it, neither of those words had any spoken emphasis on them and this stuff only makes it harder to read captions at a glance

and that’s what captions are for- i need to be able to glance at them so i can continue to watch the video while i know what’s being said. i don’t know what’s being said if they’re cluttered with your unnecessary jokes, and i can’t glance at them and call it good if they’re stylized or written weirdly or full of emoticons and stuff.

You must be fun at parties😐

oh my god shut up, it isn’t “not being fun at parties” or “killing the joke” some people are deaf and hard of hearing or have auditory/sensory processing difficulties that make it difficult to hear, especially with or dialects. 

subtitles are there to give accessibility to these people, not for you to have a laugh in and to make the text difficult to read. it’s an accessibility tool not a school note book.

if you want to do this make your own gifs and put fake subtitles on them if you have to. make a parody video. just don’t kill the video for an entire group of people in the name of “fun”


A really difficult thing for a lot of people to grasp is the statistics around carbon gas footprints for individuals, and their consumption of meat.  Eating less meat is one of the biggest ways to reduce your individual carbon footprint.  However even if literally everyone went vegan, it would only cause a small reduction in the national carbon footprint.  And a lot of people struggle to realize that both of these things are true at the same time.  This is because the amount of pollution individual create is so incredibly small that even the entire civilian population put together is dwarfed by the pollution generated by corporations.  Which is why like my personal organizing and activism entirely revolves around deconstructing capitalism instead of like shaming people for eating meat. Even speaking “as a vegan” directly - directly involving myself in the fight against climate change will probably do more for animal wellbeing on earth than the 7 years worth of meat I’ve personally abstained from. 


it doesn’t matter how good you’re doing, those sad nights will creep up on you from time to time and that’s ok. doesn’t mean all your progress is gone


“Those Who Don’t Believe In Magic Will Never Find It,” by Mel Volkman

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