
Or You Could Stay...

@likemereckless / likemereckless.tumblr.com

@xsurefinewhateverx is where my follows come from. I drink too much coffee and write Bughead fanfic because the world is chaos and that’s what makes me happy.

This One Time in Key West

When Betty Cooper arrives in Key West searching for answers from her past, she never expects to find a rag-tag crew of characters at the local bar to call friends. With their collective baggage and eclectic ways, they may be exactly what Betty needs in her life. That, and the broody bartender, Jughead Jones.
Thanks and love to my friend @jandjsalmon for the edits and continuous support.

Probably one of the only people who has still watched all the episodes live and today my cable decides it will play every channel except CW… Okay smart friends… how can I watch tonight?


Week 11

It’s been a minute, but I’m back. Life has been very busy and I haven’t had time for much reading or writing. Tonight I have a small window so I decided to read and share my read with all of you!

This week I’m rereading Summer Shivers by @lucivar as a nice intro to my own summer break.

Here’s the synopsis: Betty’s big brother, Special Agent Charles Cooper, is getting married to Kevin Keller. Betty has returned to Riverdale for the summer holidays to help her mother set up for the "wedding of the century” while completing her internship with The Register and hanging out with her best friends: Veronica and JB. When a lead that Betty is investigating takes a dark turn, Charles’s best man and partner, Special Agent Jughead Jones, decides to stay in town to help her out. Or, Betty gets what she wants.

Word count: 127,314

Rating: E

Ao3: Link

Enjoy and leave the author a little love…


… casually strolled by Molly Ringwald in my town today. If I didn’t have a “no bugging celebs” personal rule I would have totally asked if we ever get out of the 1950s.


Okay fic writers - here’s a question.

I was working on writing something for work with three other people. I stopped at one point, was looking off to the side, apparently shaking my head, then smiling, then writing again.
They started busting me and asking what I was doing. I explained I was watching how that part played out and the word choice was wrong, but now it was fixed - it didn’t “look” right. They were perplexed and asked what I meant with “look”. Didn’t I mean “sound”.
I shared that when I’m writing I can actually see, like literal images in my head, of what’s happening. They thought I was insane. I thought this was normal.
Please tell me I’m not alone or suffering from insanity. I was made fun of for a solid hour. (All good-natured ribbing from my apparently non-imaginative friends).
Anonymous asked:

Rereading Assault & Buttery while I await your next update! Wanted to share a favorite quote since you’ve been sharing so many of your favorite stories and spreading the love lately ❤️

“The warmth was fleeting, that first blow of air into your palms after playing in the snow for a while. Momentarily it feels good and you think this isn’t so bad. And then it’s gone, just as quickly as it came in, and the cold is back, stronger and much worse. That’s the thing about cold, once you’ve felt the warmth, the cold burns, sometimes worse than the sun.”

Thank you, anon! You made my day!!!

Anonymous asked:

Hii! When are you gonna update your wip? Really looking forward to the next update hehe… sorry to bother you

Hey anon,

You’re not a bother at all! I’m itching to finish writing and I haven’t abandoned it! I finish my second masters within the next ten days and towards the end have been wrapped up in my research! I hope to be able to do some writing for fun again as soon as all of this is submitted!

Thanks for reading 💕


Week 10

Back from a slight hiatus! I have been losing my fic-reading steam, but this is probably one of my three most read fics and so I know it will get me back in the spirit! It’s a series, but you can just read and enjoy the first part (though I know you’ll want to continue!)

Check out Cowboy Jones: Rocketship Salsa by @writeradamanteve

Authors description: To get away from her overbearing mother, Betty jumped at the chance to work as a mechanic for the Whyte Wyrm. The ship’s captain, FP Jones flies across the galaxy hunting bounties for a living with his son and daughter and their lives are as exciting as they are mundane. Betty’s ready to adventure with this ragtag family of space cowboys, and when she isn’t working--daydreaming about the handsome Cowboy, Jughead Jones.
Rating: E
Word Count: 13,373
Ao3: Link
Don’t forget to leave some love in the comments!

Anon, you can send me 100 more angry anons, Bughead anons or Barchie anons, but I am not engaging with you again. Quite frankly it doesn’t entertain me and I have no desire to banter with you.


Week 9

Hello! Sorry for the slight delay, friends. I was hosting Easter and now am away on spring break! So, a day late, here we go!

This week, in honor of being away, I am planning to reread One Week by Aud_Diane.

Here is the synopsis from the author: Betty asks. Jughead says yes. After all, it's only one week of pretending to be irrevocably in love. The only problem: he's not sure how much "pretending" is going on.

Rating: M

Word Count: 23,910

Remember to leave the author some love! Be well!

Anonymous asked:

You see preview? We true fans boycott the watch and show RAS. Bughead will kiss and then slowly fall in love all season over again. This is why we do how we do.

I don’t even know what to say here.

1. You and your boycott bandits didn’t change the course of the show, but way to think you control the world by not tuning in live.

2. The characters aren’t even “real”. They don’t remember the past so can you even really call it Bughead or Barchie or Varchie for that matter? They may look the same, but they are different here. They don’t have a history as far as they are concerned.

3. I still don’t care. Please find another blog. I enjoyed last week’s episode and I even found 1950s Archie endearing! (I know! That’s probably sacrilegious to you! And on Easter weekend!)

Anonymous asked:

I think I know your anon because she was ranting in a chat that all us Bugheads have to boycott to show RAS how mad we are. She’s just mad you still watch and is a little obsessive over this.

I’d say. Good luck with that. I’ll toast her when I watch tonight. 😂😂

Anonymous asked:

You post about just watching but you still write Bughead stories (which none of us read I might add.. like none of us). And you post weekly story recs and no one is even participating in your fic reads. You aren’t part of the Bughead fandom and you never were and maybe since you don’t care what happens shipwise on the show it’s time you finally disappear from here.

I feel like you have to be the same person who always sends these nasty replies because you’ve 100% used the same wording before. Not sure what I’ve done to piss you off, but 🤷‍♀️.

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