
Tag Talks

@bitchyglitch / bitchyglitch.tumblr.com

I have a lot to say, but it’s all in the tags.

Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.

Who makes the porn bots.

Where do they come from. What do

they hope to achieve.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

and what about you, little haiku bot? do you feel kinship with your brethren? do you understand them? they speak words of enticement and seek love, but are met with disdain. you only parrot the words that cross your screen, but we all love you. or rather, since all you do is reflect us, maybe we simply love ourselves through you.

do you understand them, do you wish you could speak to us like they do? if you found your own voice, would we still care for you?

My voice repeats what

you all say: I love you I

love you I love you.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


This. This is the first time. The only time. That it was not an echo. It was not found. Oh god.


really cool that Bernie is still like doing anything about covid while the guy we elected instead of him has been completely ignoring it basically since he was sworn in


& that 1% regret rate is almost entirely “Yes I’m still trans but the surgery was bad, or the transphobia i encounter is so much worse than anticipated, or I was pushed towards a specific treatment by my binary-oriented doctor when I wanted a non-binary transition” etc.

Actual ‘whoops, I don’t identify as trans anymore” cases are closer to 0,02%.


people absolutely get to detransition and retransition and whatever (I personally know about six people who "detransitioned" from being binary trans people, and then transitioned again later as nonbinary people, for example) but the idea that a small number of people going "oops got this wrong" somehow justifies gatekeeping everyone else is criminal, and mostly a deliberate ploy to block us from getting what we need


this is excellent proof of how cops train each other to think. merely wearing protection against possible cop violence IS an escalation in their view. like how dare you prepare for me to become unhinged, now my repeated violations of the geneva convention are your fault >:(


i think queer people should be more confusing actually. i think we should make everyone as confused as possible until they give up and realize that total understanding of other people isnt the gateway to respect and compassion

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