
i choose to exel not compete


languages | study inspo fluent in russian & english


die psychische Gesundheit - mental health die Essstörung - eating disorder Bulimie - bulimia Magersucht - anorexia Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) die Diagnose - diagnosis die Therapie - therapy die Depression/en - depression der Berater - counsellor der Suizid/ Selbstmord - suicide das Burnout - burnout der Autismus - autism das Trauma - trauma Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS) - posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) das Wohlsein - well-being die Angststörung - anxiety das Benehmen/ Verhalten - behaviour die Sozialphobie - social anxiety die Schizophrenie - schizophrenia die Selbstverletzung - self harm  die Hilfe - help helfen - (to) help unter/an etw. leiden - (to) suffer from sth. suizidgefährdet - suicidal


The 100 Vokabeln: Vocabulary from The 100

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE 100 ! It’s been my new obsession for a while. I normally watch it mit Deutschen Untertitel (German Subs) and I thought I would share with you some of the vocab I grabbed from the show! Do you like The 100? I need more people to fangirl with! 

Verbs: überleben - to survive ruinieren - to ruin / wreck befehlen - to command beschleunigen - to accelerate versorgen - to provide / supply unterbrechen - to interrupt (a conversation) rationieren - to ration (food) ernähren - to nourish drängen - to urge drücken - to push (a button) schweben - to hover schaffen - to accomplish / complete

Adjectives: Freiwillig- voluntarily Undankbar - ungrateful Erforderlich - necessary Krass - stark Verbunden - related

Nouns: Der Weltuntergang - the end of the World Der Turm - the tower Der Ratschlang - the advice Der Sauerstoff - the Oxygen Die Kompatibilität - the compatibility Die Hoffnung  - the hope Die Beerdigung - the funeral Die Schwierigkeit - the difficulty Die Strahlung - the radiation Die Lösung - the solution Die Vorahnung - the premonition Die Menschlichen Rassen - the human race Das Funkgerät - the radio Das Oxymoron - the Oxymoron

Phrases / Other: Bisher bei The 100 - previously on the 100 Mögen wir uns Wiedersehen - May we meet again Komm schon - Come on Laut unserer…- according to our… Die Uhr tickt - The time is ticking. (tick tack) -  tick tock Rennt die Zeit davon - Running out of time Das ist kein Geheimnis. - That is no secret.


a brief list of favourite words (in german)

schatten (shadow) das meer (the sea) herzen (hearts) liebling (darling) ruhig (quiet) erdbeeren (strawberries) frühling (spring) stern (star) träumen (to dream)

Funny and bizarre German animal names
The German language is famous for some really long nouns (Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän comes to mind). This is because German nouns, verbs, prepositions and adjectives are like lego bricks; you can stick them together in almost any way to create new words that encapsulate new concepts. This gives the language a special ability to name just about anything. You could call it the German language’s lego brick-like quality, or Legosteineigenschaft (see what I just did there?).
But why does German rely on such an elaborate process to name things as simple as squirrels? When broken down into their separate components, the names of familiar animals mutate into bizarre new creatures.
The Uncanny X-Tiere
Comics are full of heroes with names like super, wonder, iron, ultra, bat or cat followed by -man, -woman, -girl or -boy. A lot of German animal names work the same way, where Tier – the word for animal – is preceded by a word describing that animal’s “super power”.
  • Stinktier – stink animal (skunk)
  • Faultier – lazy animal (sloth)
  • Gürteltier – belt animal (armadillo)
  • Murmeltier – mumbling animal (groundhog)
  • Schnabeltier – beak animal (platypus)
  • Maultier – mouth animal (mule)
  • Trampeltier – trampling animal (bactrian camel). The verb trampeln means to trample or tread upon, whereas the noun Trampel is a clumsy oaf.
Sometimes suffixes get more specific than -tier, but still tend to describe the wrong animal:
  • Schildkröte – shield toad (tortoise)
  • Waschbär – wash bear (raccoon)
  • Nacktschnecke – naked snail (slug)
  • Fledermaus – flutter mouse (bat)
  • Seehund – sea dog (seal)
  • Tintenfisch – ink fish (squid)
  • Truthahn – threatening chicken (turkey). Trut is onomatopoeic for the trut-trut-trut cluck of a turkey, but it’s also been hypothesized that the name comes from the Middle German droten which means “to threaten”.
No, I’m Pretty Sure That’s A Pig
Swine seem to be a popular yardstick in German animal taxonomy.
  • Schweinswal – pig whale (porpoise)
  • Seeschwein – sea pig (dugong). Not to be confused with the Seekuh, or sea cow, known in English as a manatee.
  • Stachelschwein – spike pig (porcupine). The English word is actually just as literal; porcupine sounds a lot like “pork spine”.
  • Wasserschwein – water pig (capybara)
  • Meerschweinchen – ocean piglet (guinea pig). The ending -chen denotes something small. Add it to the end of Schwein and you get a little pig, or piglet. Since the stems Meer and Wasser are often interchangeable, it’s most likely that Meerschweinchen actually means little capybara.
Just Plain Weird
I’d like to end this list by giving one animal a category all to itself: the humble squirrel.
  • little oak horn: Eiche (oak tree) + Horn (horn) + -chen (little)
  • oak croissant: Eiche (oak tree) + Hörnchen (croissant)
alternate names:
  • Eichkätzchen (regional name) and Eichkatzerl (Austria) – oak kitten
Calling a squirrel a “tree kitten” is reasonably literal, but where does “little oak horn” come from? It seems that the answer comes down to a misplaced h: Eichhörnchen comes from the Old and Middle German eichorn, which has nothing to do with oak trees or horns. In this case, the eich comes from the ancient Indo-Germanic word aig, which means agitated movement, combined with the now obsolete suffix -orn. Somewhere in history a superfluous h was added (along with the diminutive -chen ending) but the original meaning remained. Today, Hörnchen is a category of rodents that includes all squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, prairie dogs and flying squirrels.
Keep an eye on this spot for an upcoming post where we’ll delve deeper into the animal kingdom: branching out to birds, insects, reptiles, fishes and any other mammals we find crawling around.
Source: babbel.com

ankündigen - to announce antworten - to answer ärgern - to annoy argumentieren - to argue artikulieren - to articulate atmen - to breathe ausdrücken - to express äußern - to express/to voice aussprechen - to pronounce/to state behaupten - to maintain/to claim beichten - to confess beleidigen - to insult/to offend bellen - to bark bemerken - to notice/to realise berichten - to report betonen - to emphasise/to stress bieten - to offer bitten - to ask/to plead blubbern - to mutter/to mumble brüllen - to bellow/to roar brummeln - to mutter/to mumble buchstabieren - to spell out debattieren - to debate/to discuss diskutieren - to discuss einladen - to invite entgegnen - to retort/to reply erklären - to explain erwähnen - to mention erwidern - to reply erzählen - to tell (story) fluchen - to curse/to swear flüstern - to whisper formulieren - to formulate/to put into words fragen - to ask/to question grinsen - to grin gurgeln - to gurgle heulen - to howl husten - to cough imitieren - to imitate informieren - to inform jammern - to wail/to grumble jaulen - to yelp/to howl jodeln - to yodel kichern - to giggle korrigieren - to correct kreischen - to squeal/to shriek labern - to ramble/to babble lächeln - to smile lachen - to laugh lallen - to babble/to mumble lispeln - to talk with a lisp lügen - to lie maulen - to moan/to grumble meinen - to think/to have the opinion that murmeln - to murmur/to mumble/to mutter nachmachen - to copy/to imitate niesen - to sneeze piepsen - to peep/to squeak plappern - to chatter/to blab plärren - to bawl/to yell plaudern - to chat prahlen - to boast/to brag protestieren - to protest quasseln - to chatter/to blabber quatschen - to chat/to gossip reagieren - to react reden - to talk reizen - to tease rufen - to call schimpfen - to rant/to insult schluchzen - to sob schnacken - to chat schreien - to scream/to yell/to screech schwatzen - to chat/to babble schwätzen - to gossip/to babble schwören - to swear/to take oath seufzen - to sigh sich äußern - to give one’s opinion sich beklagen - to complain sich unterhalten - to talk/to converse singen - to sing sprechen - to speak stammeln - to stammer stöhnen - to moan/to groan stottern - to stammer/to splutter streiten - to argue/to fight/to quarrel verbalisieren - to verbalise verraten - to tell (secret)/to give away vorstellen - to introduce weinen - to cry/to whine wettern - to rant/to curse wispern - to whisper zugeben - to admit/to confess zwitschern - to chirp/to tweet


Reasons to learn German

  • you can take questioning your life choices even further with the 6 different words for why
  • forget a word? just make a new one!!!
  • so that you can then learn german dialects which will constantly make you cry / lose the will to live / ruin your life
  • for the quality tunes such as atemlos durch die nacht👌👌👌👌👌
  • to spend your nights trying to pronounce ch and r and losing all of your dignity in the process
  • prepositions that make no sense
  • you can make your own bullshit ‘in german there is a word for this very specific thing’ post
  • don’t feel like people tell you that german is a violent language often enough? start learning it!!!
  • word order that will either be really easy for you to understand or the cause of all your nightmares from now on
  • to be able to read the absolute joy that is kafka
  • words that do what they say on the tin
  • anything can be an adjective if you try hard enough
  • sentences that are half a page long
  • bc it’s german!!!!! 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪

Would you like to learn more Japanese while having lots of fun? Read visual novels!

I’m really new to this type of learning, since I’ve only just installed this setup, but if you like immersion this is a great way to learn. It comes recommended by a lot of people who have studied Japanese and then found textbooks a bit too boring, so they supplemented with a lot of visual novels. First of all, if you you’re unfamiliar Rikaichan/Rikaikun addon for Firefox/Chrome, I really recommend installing it anyway. It’s a browser addon that lets you highlight words or kanji and gives you a hiragana reading and an English translation, plus the tense of the verb etc. Well, if you have a handle on basic Japanese grammar and want to try something new, you can use this addon to play visual novels (or anything really) in their original language! 

This reddit page has easy instructions for installing the whole thing. Basically you need Firefox, a text hooking programme (ITHVNR) and two addons for the browser; Rikaisama and Clipboard inserter. The text hooking programme “hooks up” the text from the visual novel. Then the Clipboard inserter picks it up to an empty browser page in real time. That way you can have it next to the game window and look up any unfamiliar words, expressions or kanji. You don’t need to keep opening up a dictionary like you would if you were to read a manga or a novel. 


her hair and lips change to the color of your blog

oh my god this looks so sick on my blog


Sorry, I had to see this.

YO! It looks amazing on mobile!!!………😔

I just wanna see it i dont even like this movie


owe watt



-_- nope



Huh cool


If you’re learning English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Dutch, Catalan, Portuguese, Turkish, or Japanese...

Discover songs in that language from this website:

http://lyricstraining.com/ lots of songs with different genres in your target language to discover and LEARN!

As requested by @callmejake13​, here’s some vocab related to movies and filmmaking! I’ll make one related to drama/theatre at some point as well.

DER FILM die Besetzung - cast der Schauspieler/die Schauspielerin - actor/actress die Rolle - role/part der Regisseur/die Regisseurin - director (m/f) die Produktion - production der Produzent/die Produzentin - producer (m/f) das Drehbuch/das Skript - script der Drehbuchautor - writer die Szene - scene das Szenenbild - production design das Set - set die Maske - hair and make up - (die Maske usually means ‘mask’ but in movie/drama it means the hair and make up department) der Maskenbildner/die Maskenbildnerin - make up artist (m/f) der Kostümbildner/die Kostümbildnerin - costume designer (m/f) der Schnitt - cut die Kamera - camera das Mikrofon - microphone die Musik - music der Soundtrack - soundtrack die Premiere - premiere der Trailer - trailer

DAS GENRE  der Krimi (short for: Kriminalfilm) - crime der Actionfilm - action movie der Thriller - thriller der Horrorfilm - horror movie die Komödie - comedy der Liebesfilm - romantic movie die romantische Komödie - romcom der Fantasy-Film - fantasy movie die Serie - series der Blockbuster - blockbuster - (we have German words for it like Kassenschlager but nobody says that, we just use the English word) der Stummfilm - silent film

VERBEN filmen - to film, as in the action of rolling a camera on something verfilmen - to film, as in turning a concept into a movie (mostly used when books are adapted into movies) (einen Film/eine Szene) drehen - to shoot (a movie/scene) einen Film (an)schauen/(an)sehen - to watch a movie schauspiele®n - to act 

WIE WAR DER FILM? - ADJEKTIVE spannend/aufregend - exciting, thrilling schaurig - creepy düster - dark, gloomy furchteinflößend - scary lustig - funny heiter - upbeat außergewöhnlich - extraordinary romantisch - romantic kitschig - sappy herzerweichend - heart-melting traurig - sad (be)rührend/bewegend - touching/moving beeindruckend - impressive unbeeindruckend - unimposing langweilig - boring


10.01.2017 // Trying to finish up my last translation assignment on a snowy day 🌨

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