
not to sound cosmic, but

@serafims / serafims.tumblr.com


Hey everyone, I never thought I would have to do this, but here I am doing exactly what I never really wanted to do, but I’m at a breaking point in life where I really have no other option and seeing my family especially my mother who I love with all my heart struggling and crying every night in her sleep has taken a toll on my heart.

My baby brother who is only three years old is in the hospital fighting for his life. He is severely brain damaged and we are currently drowning in medical fees. Payment is difficult because my mom has been put on emergency leave and will only be getting 65% of her work pay for the year that she has to take off. All of these fees including a mortgage & tranportation to the hospital which is an hour away from us have been a lot to handle.

I’m not asking for much but if you’re able to donate anything will help, and we will be forever grateful for help we would be receiving.



hi friends, i’m permanently moving all my non-art content over to this blog. all art and art related posts will be at @serabell

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