
(his gayness made him gay.)

@reinventweather / reinventweather.tumblr.com

rachel, 30s || aka @yamblr
this is my fandom blog
grad student of stories of knights and lords.
currently obsessed with:
martial gods and devoted demon lords in love
fucking goddamn stargate
the age of dragons is nearly over! the age of dread is at hand!

-Marina Tsvetaeva

[image ids: three images with screenshots from star trek featuring spock and kirk, with a quote overlayed. (1) Kirk, looking fondly at Spock with the text ‘No one has ever stared more tenderly’ and Kirk, looking at Spock with wonder after his resurrection with the text ‘or more fixedly after you…’ (2) Spock, looking at Kirk with a smile and Spock and Kirk holding hands from the motion picture, with the text ‘I kiss you’ (3) Kirk, holding Spock’s body closely, with the text ‘across hundreds of’ Kirk from the reboot movies, with Spock Prime’s hand on his face to preform a mindmeld and the text ‘separating years.’ :End id]
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