
Monster and Mutant OCS


My name is Indie♡ and this is a blog for all of my Misfit ocs, Monsters and Mutants and everything in between. I love monster characters, drawing, and writing. Keep an eye out for new stories every week.

I am currently practicing some greyscale painting and fell victim for my big old crime lord Risto exchanging a smoochie with Indie’s wonderful mutant beast lady Nula.

If you guys haven’t seen Ree’s picture of Nula and Risto! Ah! I love this so much, Like I’ve reblogged it 3 times now ❤

Reblogging for the mere fact that this picture is STILL my lock screen picture…I love it so much.

I still think about this picture sometimes ❤


Hi, my name is Indie and I miss all of you so damn much…I miss drawing, I miss rping, I miss doing cute monster things and talking about ocs with my friends…I miss you all, I miss THIS.


multiple ear piercings is the only answer

I an wayy too much of a baby for this…so I have fake ear piercings and fake gauges. I know this makes me seem uncolm but it boosts my confidence a little and actually inspires me to potentially get more piercings in the future…

Update: I do in fact have more piercings now, only in ,y ear...but I plan on getting more in my cartilage down the road. Tatts are next tho. 


multiple ear piercings is the only answer

I an wayy too much of a baby for this...so I have fake ear piercings and fake gauges. I know this makes me seem uncolm but it boosts my confidence a little and actually inspires me to potentially get more piercings in the future...


Corporal-leviii’s writing tips wooo

For the sweet anon who asked me for some tips about writing! I’ve gotten several asks like this so I’m just gonna pop in and post this before putting my nose back to the grindstone for finals. See you all later, and I hope this helps!!


you know, I actually like the “twist villain” trope. Even if it got overused by Disney by this point. I just love the characters who aren’t what they seem to be.

Hell, one of my favourite characters is this guy:

Like, at the beginning he’s all scary and menacing and evil, but at the end he turned out to be the sweetest misunderstood awkward dork in the world:

*whispers* ~~go see Strange Magic~~~

Have seriously fallen in love with this movie


Day Two— Job: What does your OC do for a living? If they don’t have a job, then what do they usually do?

Her skills include; knowledge of the human body and where to cause the most pain, how to make a guy talk…even if he refuses, hunting, great strength, and works well as a body guard.

…though she might need a muzzle.

Not for her bite, but because she never shuts up. 

Still a favorite of mine


For everyone’s information:

The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.

To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.

On the 17th, dead silence.

People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.

But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.

What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’

A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.

If you want to join in, here’s what to do:

  • Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
  • Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
  • Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
  • Come back on the 18th and check in
  • Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
  • Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
  • Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
  • Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
  • Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.

Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.

Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.



What a way to be brought back on to tumblr...here I am about to quit my job and have time to draw, when all of a sudden tumblr decides to be family friendly or whatever the hell they're trying to achieve here. Biggest thing I'm upset about is the LGBTQ tags being dumped.

Tumblr WAS cool because you could take your NSFW content and have a place to share and find like minded people. I have found so many amazing blogs, and so many amazing new friends that I would be sad to see their art go.

I don't know if anyone is interested, but ALL of my pictures are saved onto my computer so if they get deleted and you want a copy. I can send in a message.

I plan on staying on tumblr. Even get back into drawing...by the end of the week I should have a full list of places you can find me and my art however if you jump ship too.

This sucks guys...but we can survive a censorship if we have too.


(From top to bottom, Left to right) ((ALL DONE))

Phineas: Phin is a young wizard with the ability to summon creatures at will. He’s not very good and can’t always control his gifts. Which at times summons creatures that he doesn’t expect or want. Phin was an orphan that was adopted by one of the demons in Boe’s gang. He was thus raised by the Red horn gang. However in a gang of demons, monsters and creatures from beyond…he’s the misfit of the group.

Atlas: The first mutant-demon created by Dr. Marcus Jones. His mother was a violet wide mouthed demon from another realm and offered her help to Dr. Jones. Thus creating, Atlas. Dr. Jones once called him a failed experiment, and caused a rift between the two. Atlas no longer saw him as his father, but as his ‘failed creator’ He ran away to an abandoned botany center and decided to care for the exotic plants to cope with his past and lonely present.

Orion: The fourth mutant created by Dr. Jones. Orion grew to be a loyal partner and successful scientist to his father. He studied under him for years, and even traveled to Africa to study the creatures and monsters of the native lands. With his love for the monsters and people there, and his loyalty to his father, he is one of the only mutants of Dr. Jones that trusts them. Orion is the one that encouraged Marcus to make Nula, and after his death, continued on his life work.

Boeregard: Boe is a red bull demon from a darker part of the world. His father was a Minotaur demon, and his mother was a red succubus. He joined the Red horn Gang when he was young and apprenticed under the leader at the time. In an attempt to save his own life, he killed their leader and his mentor, thus becoming the leader himself. He takes in misfit demons, monsters and creatures from out of this world and guides them into trouble. His reputation around the current town he lives in is one to fear. He once used his gang to protect those non-humans that needed help, but the business got to his head and he began to snap over time.

Milo: A red clay golem created by a Jewish potter. Milo was at first created to protect the small town he came from. But once his sculptor realized he was dying; He gave Milo the greatest gift of all…Freewill. Giving him the gift of life and the drive to do whatever he wanted. His creator taught him how to read, speak, and think for himself. Once he passed away Milo was free to do whatever he wanted. So, he opened up a diner. He loved to cook and he wanted to meet other monsters and misfits like him, so a diner for the unusual was the best thing he could come up with; and he was happy with it. Though with his new found friends he still felt lonely and with out a purpose. One night his purpose was clear and he made a beautiful companion for himself; Gwen.

Matcha: The smallest Cyclops of his village. Matcha with his green skin and one brown eye found himself as the smallest of not only 5 brothers, but of his whole village. An average Cyclops could be as tall as 8 feet, while Matcha was only 4 feet tall. Being the misfit of his family and village; he left. Off to a new town to do what he loved. Which was to become a hair stylist. And with a stool at his side, Matcha had quite the busy little salon.

Eos: The third Mutant child of Dr. Jones. Eos’ birthing tube was knocked over by his elder brother and sister fighting with each other. Thus causing major deformities in his development. Being considered the second failure of his father’s, A self declaration of his, he left his home and joined the Red horn gang. He felt more accepted with this gang of monsters, than he did with his own family. Once Nula was created and he discovered the pain she went through with Boe, he began to reconsider his position there.

Balor: A young, 100 year old, Vampire-hybrid Exiled from his coven because of his unknown parentage. He became a nomad and fed off the blood of humans that passed out in alley ways. When he heard of the Red horn gang he was curious enough to discover more about them. Even helping them on a few odd jobs. He’d help Boe with a few things and in return they stole fresh blood for him. He was an unofficial member of the gang, and he liked it that way.

Astradeus: A cosmic god forcibly transformed into a Djinn. Astradeus was once the deity that watched over the lands the Tannim clan came from. He was cruel and firm in his ruling and the people of the Tannim clan transformed him and trapped him in a piece of jewelry to try and keep their people safe. Once this rite was done, the clan’s home was so badly damaged that they had to travel far away. Lyuba, the Chief’s wife, released Astradeus for a brief period of time to help them, only to loose her mate, child, and half her people to a deadly sickness. Trapping him once more, she mourned, and moved on with her mother to try and save the rest of her people. During this brief time though, she vowed that a woman from her family would marry Astradeus and keep him in this realm permanently. Going back on this vow, it was then left to her only living heir; Nula.

Hale: A satyr from the forests on the edge of the town. Loving the lights and business of the city, he left his small family behind to live in the city. He became a roasted nut vendor to make a few dollars here and there and live off of that. Out of all the misfits in the city, he was the happiest, because he greatest wish had been fulfilled. He was surrounded by unique forms of all life. He truly believes that he belongs in the city, so there he resides. Hale made a deal with Matcha, to set up shop outside of his salon. The two became friends and eventually, lovers. Being one of the few gay Cyclops and Satyr’s in the city they grew to love one another.

If I were to write more stories...who would you want to read more of?


Hi, my name is Indie and I miss all of you so damn much...I miss drawing, I miss rping, I miss doing cute monster things and talking about ocs with my friends...I miss you all, I miss THIS.


Reblog if it's OK for other artists to draw your OCs

Sometimes I get too timid to send asks to ask. I want to see how many people are ok with artists drawing their OCs!

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