
kichou's bearsace (eye)bags

@uo-mabushi / uo-mabushi.tumblr.com

A blog where I enjoy Sengoku men. Contains BL, spoilers, and NSFW..Follows and replies come from @arsnovacadenza.

Important stuff about this blog

Yo. This is Riri and I’m new to Ikesen. I’ll be posting Ikemen Sengoku stuff here along with my Ikesen-related graphics. All fanfics, however, will be posted on my writing blog ( @write-a-bad-romance) and reblogged from here. 

Please note that I often make SuitorxSuitor content.  If you don’t like certain pairings or simply don’t want any Otome MxM content, here are some tags you can look out for:

  • ikesen bl (the umbrella tag I use for MY Ikesen MxM posts)
  • nobukichou (Nobunaga x Kichou)
  • mitsuyoshi (Mitsuhide x Hideyoshi)
  • mitsudate (Mitsuhide x Masamune)
  • noburan (Nobunaga x Ranmaru)
  • sasuken/ sitcom boyfriends (sasuke x kenshin)
  • naoken (naoe x kenshin)

This blog is also not spoiler-free nor NSFW-free, which means you might see some *cough*ikemen on ikemen action here*cough*.

That said, have fun browsing my blog! As this is a side blog, all questions will be answered from my main blog ( @arsnovacadenza).


[Nobukicho] Now That You See Me

Rating: M

Warnings: BL, accidental voyeurism, intentional exhibitionism (?) on Kicho's part, Canon Divergence

"Well, now. Is that everyone? Good. Let's start the meeting," Hideyoshi nodded as Masamune and Mitsuhide finally entered the room. "Ieyasu, you go first."

But..... "Wait. Are we starting without Nobunaga?" Mai raised her hand. Indeed, their boss was nowhere to be seen. The dais had been empty when she first walked in and stayed that way until the last of the vassals poured in. "Am I missing a memo or something?"

"Perceptive as always," Mitsuhide said with a smirk. "I believe our little friend Ranmaru here has the answers."

Mai turned to her young friend. His expression remained placid, although she could tell something was gnawing at the rose-haired youth from how he toyed with the ends of his sleeve.


Ikemen Sengoku Past Edition 「一会伝」 PV

I really like the theme song. Would it be too much to ask for another anime from Cybird?😆 It honestly felt like this was an anime intro, lol. But, I’m excited! I want to know more about the warlords personally before MC made her debut.

English pv is now out! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Never posted anything here so let's give it a go. I just got a perfume that matches Kicho's color scheme so well I just had to snap a photo with my favorite someone else's husbando.

This is what I wrote on my FB:

Named 'Tatami', it's supposed to "recreate the scent of zen. A sip of green tea, situated on dried rice straw with springtime florals blooming outside." It has notes of earl grey, tea leaf, peony rose and lily of the valley among others.
The best way I can describe it is "pacing down the MRT corridors at 7 a.m to catch a train to the airport"

I wonder if anyone has ever made personal scents for our warlords. II, for one, can't recognize base and top notes for the life of me.

Tagging kicho simps @weird-konpeito and @ashavazesa


Nobunaga's birthday ficlet (Nobukicho)

Tagging @ashavazesa for giving me the motivation to get up on my ass and write something for Nobu's birthday. Also @weird-konpeito

"Well, will you look at that," Kicho gestured at the gated building across the sidewalk they were walking on. "Kennyo's disciples, playing jazz. Who could've known."

Nobunaga looked in the direction Kicho was pointing. The Tsukiji-Honganji was lively tonight, its central dome glowing like the moon against a starless night. People of all ages hurried up the stairs to enter the main hall where the concert was held.

"And you know this because?" Nobunaga asked out of pure curiosity. It's not that he still harbored deep animosity for the temple that still had connections to his old nemesis ⁠—his mind was simply preoccupied with everything else that meant more to him in this second life.

Which included repairing burnt bridges and building new ones with his old enemies. Speaking of.....

"You know I like looking at concerts during my spare time," Kicho's green eyes reflected the sparse lamplight. "Too bad you never want to go with me."

Ridiculous. If it's Kicho, Nobunaga would gladly go anywhere with him, bedecked in one of his most expensive attires and an embarrassed Kicho absolutely refusing to hang onto his awaiting arm.

"A whole day walking around Tokyo isn't bad either," Nobunaga shrugged. "I could use some break from the usual dinner dates."

Kicho faced the street before them, glaring at no one in particular. "You're lucky your son is still talking to you. It took me lengths to match your schedules together."

Nobunaga gave him one of his softest smiles, warm enough to melt his favorite candies into a rainbow-colored mush. Or at least that was what Kicho felt.

"What I mean is," Nobunaga grinned suggestively. "You can make it up to me next time."

And the next. And forever, now that nothing stands between us and peace.

"Hey!" Nobunaga's train of thoughts was interrupted by Nobutada, waving at them several paces away. Had he been a toddler, Kicho would've panicked and scolded himself for letting the boy run off on his own. But Nobutada was almost ten and he was at his most energetic.

"Geez!" He complained when Nobunaga and Kicho finally caught up. "You never stop flirting when I'm around. Gross." he stuck out his tongue in mock disgust.

Nobunaga chuckled. "How can I not when my lover is this pretty?"

The flustered Kicho refused to say anything, firmly putting his hands in his pocket when Nobunaga attempted to reach out and grab him. But that's okay. The night is still young and Nobunaga has plenty of time to hold his hand and maybe more if he scored lucky later that night.

But more importantly, they had now.

Mitsuhide: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *holds up a note that says: 'I'm proud of you. Love, Hideyoshi'*
Mitsunari: Oh yeah, I didn't think this was for me. *holds up a note that says: 'Be good. For the love of God, be good.'

Japanese kamon house crests with flowering quince as motif (木瓜紋) 


Oh wow, that hexagon one is something I’ve never seen before. I’m glad my whacky crest design from 10 years ago wasn’t too out there then. 

I wasn’t all that familiar with crests back then, so I just mixed together different designs without thinking.


Happy Birthday, Keiji! ♫

"Oh, you wanna celebrate my birthday! In that case, I need to make sure that I properly accept your feelings."


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