
hi welcome to i don't know what i'm doing


~And life is a fricking nightmare :D~

screams why tumblr why

I’ve made my third post now but for some reason tumblr is very unwilling to actually show my art in their respective tags and I might scream (I am screaming). I’ve searched many times and have messed with my privacy settings to try to fix it but it hasn’t done anything and it’s starting to get really frustrating. If anyone DOES see this can anyone HELP because I would like to share my art without needing to bother people about reblogging my art ;-;


This has been in my mind for too long (also blank background again as per normal but that's cuz I've just been trying to focus on finding a coloring technique that I like (also cuz I'm lazy)) but expect to see more Hatsune Ruirui in the future because I just really like the idea that Koi, Arata, and Ichiru go to anime conventions and Koi likes to invite Rui from time to time cuz he thinks it's a good way to get him outside every once in a while and because everyone in the group lacks any sense of responsibility Rikka tags along because although cosplay is interesting to him he'd rather no one come back with a black eye from playing around with weapon props.


Pick the next character week!

This seems to be going well over at @mlshipfleet so I want to try it here too. From now on, you guys will be choosing what character weeks happen each month of 2019. Every month, I will post five characters. Reply to/reblog the post with your choice for the next event from the options listed below and the highest voted character will be chosen and the others will go back on the request list for a later poll. Please don’t reply to this post with characters other than what is listed; you can send an ask to the blog to have those added to the requests for a later month.

For the January 2019 event, please vote for the character appreciation month you would most like to see:

  • Nino Lahiffe
  • Marc Anciel
  • Jagged Stone
  • Mylene Haprele
  • Luka Couffaine

An update on the votes! You can keep voting until tomorrow when I will announce the winner!

  • Jagged Stone: 10 votes
  • Marc Anciel: 7 votes
  • Nino Lahiffe: 2 votes
  • Luka Couffaine: 2 votes
  • Mylene Haprele: 1 vote

There are three more hours to get your votes in!

  • Jagged Stone: 11 votes
  • Marc Anciel: 9 votes
  • Nino Lahiffe: 8 votes
  • Mylene Haprele: 3 votes
  • Luka Couffaine: 2 votes

Marc Anciel

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