
intend your puns, cowards


// main for shit posts, being Gay ™️ and whatever else pops into my head //

okay im gonna try and put this in the most objective non-guilt-trippy terms as possible but i think the “reblogging content to support content creators” discussion gets a little heated sometimes and it makes it seem more complicated than it actually is

i know some people say “if you dont reblog content you’ll get less content” and thats true but sometimes the post come across as like, artists or writers holding content hostage but 99% of the time thats not whats happening

notes are just motivating. its not really any deeper than that.

likes feel kinda nice. reblogs feel really nice. reblogs with tags or comments feel EXCELLENT

you make a thing, and you post it, and you see that number go up and you think “wow people liked my thing. i did a good job. this makes me happy and when im happy i wanna make more art”

like. thats it.

like arent totally useless, they do make the number go up, but they only make the number go up once. reblogs can make it go up many more times, because more people see it and then they can like or reblog it to

like. its not really some grand moral dillemma. no ones trying to manipulate you into putting content on your blog you dont want to (though in the case of “its not my blogs content” i highly recommend organizing your interests into sideblogs, its actually great)

but. content creators are people, and people like to be validated and told they did a good job. when they feel like they did a good job, theyre happy and it motivates them to make more content.

conversely when things get only a few notes, most of which are likes, that is demotivating, because the content creator feels like people dont like it very much, and thus generally make less content

thats all there is to it. its really not super deep its just… we all have little children inside us, who drew a picture and brought it to our family. do you want them to say “its nice” and put it in a drawer, or do you want them to put it on the fridge for other people to see?


I think another problem with the mindset of kudos/comments on AO3 is part of the “stalking” culture on instagram. If you like a picture that is months old on instagram, its “insta-stalking” because you had to scroll through that person’s profile in order to find those months-old pictures. That is NOT how AO3 works. It’s not cringe or embarrassing to find a fic that was posted in 2012 and like it. It is there to read. 

Sure, maybe some of us have some old works that aren’t up to our current standards of writing. But I, personally, am never going to look at a kudos email and think “ew omg I can’t believe someone found this fic from 2016 why are they liking it”. In fact, I am entirely going to go “nice! people are still reading some of my older works too, I’m glad they enjoyed it”. It’s an archive, it is meant to be a collection of transformative works, old and new, and you are meant to find them

In fact, if you find a work that is from five years ago and you really liked it? I bet the author would love a comment even then.

Stories are written to be read

Show some appreciation.


I love waking up in the morning and seeing that comments have been left on fics I wrote 5, 10, 20(!!!) years ago. 

2002 me wrote a fic that made someone in 2020 happy? Fucking brilliant.



Go here to get it!!

The final book in my trilogy The Novan Chronicles is now up for sale on Amazon ($0.99 for the ebook)!!  

As the enemy closes in, Cass must do whatever it takes to defend her world.

Evana has assumed the throne of the Kingdom of Nixa, leaving Cassatia and her supporters fearing for their lives. In order to take her rightful place as queen, Cass finds herself forming an unprecedented alliance of fire and ice, joining forces with her people’s greatest foes to combat an even greater enemy.

Cass and her friends must travel the world to build her army before making a final stand against Evana, inciting a battle that will determine the future of the Novan orders once and for all. Cass will need all the luck, wits and bravery she can get on her side if she hopes to defeat the High Priestess…and one Novan must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This is the final installment of The Novan Chronicles, a YA fantasy trilogy about various orders of supernatural people (called Novans) eternally at war with each other, and a bunch of teenagers looking to put an end to it all. You can check out the Comic Sans version of it here. 

As always, the greatest of thanks to my beta reader @rose-red-ink, who has beta’d this entire trilogy for me, and to @tiablackraven for the amazing cover art!! I also want to thank anyone who has read or supported my books in the past–you guys are the reason I love to write!

Currently (probably for a limited time), the first two books are free to buy wherever books are sold (at least in ebook form)–you can check them out here!! I always enjoy introducing new readers to Keira and Cass and the gang ;) 

Tagging a bunch of Tumblr peeps under the cut (reblogs and boosts are so, so appreciated!): 


I see people praising gege/mappa for not sexualising the jjk teenage girls like other shounen animanga and i'm so bewildered because yeah? this should be normal? have you ever considered that no one should sexualise teenage girls and jjk is doing the barest minimum


YOI and Sk8 parallels I can't get over

  • Sharing a passion for skating

  • Inspiring each other

  • Wishing to keep on skating together

  • Whatever homosexual shit this is

In conclusion: It really shouldn't be "Skating", obviously it should be spelled "Sgayting" or something. I don't make the rules. 🙄🤚🏼😎


There’s something very nice about remembering fics you read years ago. Maybe you remember the plot perfectly, maybe the rest of the fic is only a blur aside from a handful of vivid scenes, but you remember the way it made you feel. And sometimes you dredge up the memory - the premise or a favourite scene or a few lines that stayed with you -  and your heart aches a little bit, the way it does when you think about books you enjoyed as a child.

To all the fanfiction writers out there: your work is beautiful and meaningful and it leaves an impact. I promise.

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