
@tkrug47 / tkrug47.tumblr.com

I have no idea what this blog has become anymore. Bi, because apparently everybody needs to know that.

the same supreme court that said yesterday that states don’t have the ability to regulate guns today gave states the power to regulate reproductive rights i am fucking sick


people on amazon who leave reviews for clothing with their height, weight, and bra size are absolute saints


the same people who swear that social media is ruining the younger generations and nothing else are the ones raising the children that are bullying and harassing people online and in person.


if it isn’t hinted at that stiles broke up with lydia and married derek in the movie and that they’re on their honeymoon and that’s why they aren’t there then i’m not fucking watching the movie.


y’all i have no fucking clue why it’s so difficult to get product distributed evenly in my hair but the back of my head always dries as if there’s no gel or cream and the rest of my hair looks fucking amazing.



People feel threatened by this.

Keep that in mind.


literally every single time without fail

Get a load of you, making fun of someone’s profile pic in 2019. You must be so proud. I bet you get all the ladies.

Fuck off.

i am and i do, ponyfucker


this is what you can find when you click on his FIMfiction link on his blog

Bidoofs Law, at it again

Oh God. They’re multiplying.

Yeah, I’m totally the degenerate here. My opinion doesn’t fucking matter because I like to fuck horses and watch a show for little kids.

Ugh… are you guys done? You’re boring me.

*gets into an accident and dies because I put bumper stickers all over my windows to own the libs and now I can’t see*

*horsefucker3000 is the only person to attend my funeral*


sims not being on the switch is very homophobic.


nonlocal area code = hang up. obvious telemarketer

local area code = hang up. this one is also a telemarketer but trying to be sneaky

never answer the phone ever

this is why everyone on this website is a virgin

I’m not gonna fuck the telemarketer man


nhl: tries to expand their fan base and assure everyone that they’re welcomed

bigoted fans: fucking gross

also bigoted fans: more people need to watch hockey


i know wanting Philip to die is a funny meme at the moment but i dont think a lot of people realise just how much of a shitbag he is.

warning for racism, ableism, misogyny and general shittiness

This is barely skimming the surface of his shittiness. Long story short, fuck Prince Philip and i hope he burns in hell

Here’s an article sourcing a bunch of these, and an analysis detailing exactly why it matters that this man said these things:

Prince Philip is a museum piece – a living, breathing, mobile, jolly good fellow, smiling, handsome, charming great-grandpa who happily walks about, uttering obscenities while his entourage try to cover up for his “indiscretions.” But these are not “indiscretions” or “gaffes.” He means what he says and he says what he means. He is the living memory of an entire history of imperial hubris now being actively repressed to offer a more liberal, tolerant, cosmopolitan character for the British and, by extension, “the European.”

it's not just that he's wildly, flagrantly bigoted and utterly unapologetic. It's not even just that he's one of the most famous people in the world, continuing to platform these kinds of egregiously damaging, even dangerous, sentiments. It's everything he stands for. It's what he represents.

He says it out loud, and in doing so, makes it that much easier for the more cunning kinds of killers to fly under the radar and get away with acts of aggression that might otherwise be recognized as such. He says it out loud, and in some ways, that's a blessing.

but no amount of "barbarous truth" can negate the fact that the bigots who push the boundaries do so on purpose, to make it easier for the subtler racists and more patient oppressors that come after them. If we're used to hearing world leaders say things like "Oh yes, there's a lot of orphanges in Romania - they must breed them," how much harder will it be to name and recognize the racism of your employer when they say they just don't think you're ready for that promotion, but be sure to ask again next year?

If a prince can say it out loud, a teacher will mutter it to the students in the classroom. One more famous director will incorporate it into one more award-winning film. A politician will think it, and sign off on another pointless war.

It matters.

Happy Prince Philip is fucking dead day

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