
Concerto Zines

@concerto-zines / concerto-zines.tumblr.com

Thank you for stopping by! Check out our zines, and feel free to drop into the Asks!! Carrd! Current Zine: Monster High Playlist Zine
Anonymous asked:

Hello! So sorry if this has been asked, but are there any zine plans for this year?

Hello! I'm sorry to say, not at this point. I have some ideas that I would love to execute, but have no concrete plans.

Thank you for the ask! It means a lot.

Anonymous asked:

Any new zines soon?

Probably not, but I'd like to! I would need to find some other mods to help out properly, first, but thank you so much for the ask!

It's nice to hear that people are interested!!



Thank you all so much for your support! We raised a total of $158USD, and we will update you once we have made the donation to the Trevor Project. The closing of this zine is bittersweet, but all of us are super thankful for support you’ve given to this project and our contributors!

Thank you again ~ The Mods

Anonymous asked:

Hi! i wanted to buy just the zine only, but I'm not seeing it in the drop down for the individual items.

Hello! It should be available in the drop down for individual items now.

Thank you!


Thank you all so much for your support so far!

Our store has only been open for 3 days, and we’ve already raised over $100!! 

Please keep spreading the word, we want to raise as much as we can for the TrevorProject! 


Preorders Open March 3rd

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?  Sorry about that. We’ve been working hard to bring you this zine, and we’re excited to say that preorders open March 3rd, so get ready! 

Anonymous asked:

Will you be sending out confirmation emails soon?

Hello! We’ve had a short delay, but the emails will be out very shortly, yes! Thank you for your patience.


The interest check for the 2021 Haikyuu Zine is now open! 

This is a for-profit SFW Haikyuu Fan Zine. We will be accepting around 40 contributors; 20 zine artists, 5 merch artists, 10 writers, and two artists for the front and back covers. While this Zine will not focus on a specific ship, contibutors may include ship art in their final pieces.

Please check out our Carrd, and follow us on Twitter!

Anonymous asked:

I'm sorry if this is rude but I thought you had to reblog the post to win. They didn't

Hello! You’re right, our mistake!

We’ll redo the draw, and announce the winner again in the next few hours.  


We are thrilled to announce an exclusive commission giveaway!

We are working with @martaare-llopart​ to bring you this awesome giveaway! The winner will be awarded a free commission of any Monster High character of their choosing. 

🦇💖 To Enter 💖🦇

💖Follow us 💖Reblog this post and you’re done! 

The giveaway winner will be announced here on our Tumblr on December 7 2020, the the day after our Contributor Applications close!

You can find more information about this zine on our Carrd!

Just 4 more days until the giveaway finishes!

One More Day!

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