
Rhilyn / Ryska

@rhilyn / rhilyn.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Hey hey 👋

I wanted to ask your opinion on a vague idea that semi goes against cannon. I'm writing an OC that's a Male Rava viera wood warder who encounters another wood warder, but after some time they end up forming a brotherly familiar bond that they keep secret up until the Garleans burning the golmore jungle where one of them die. I'm told very often that'd it never happen since they're so feral it'd be impossible to form any kind of bond in that way, but I just wanted to throw it out there as one of those "one in a million" chance exceptions :)

People are so weird about Viera... I really want to quickly answer this one and maybe put a few concerns to rest.

First off, Viera men aren't violent, feral loners killing everyone who steps foot into Golmore. A lot of this stems from early lore we got from the Wandering Dramaturge, who ultimately, turned out to be an incredibly unreliable narrator because once we actually met Viera, they were nothing like he told us. He's a Garlean, we probably shouldn't take him at his word over actual Viera.

So, let's get into dismantling some things:

Viera Naming Conventions - Male-specific Rava Surnames: “Male Rava inhabit the forest surrounding the village in which female members of their clan reside, forming a sort of perimeter in defense of both the wood and its people. They believe that their purpose is to maintain the natural balance of the six elements in their dual polarities─to ensure harmony between the twelve aspects that comprise our star and the heavens above. In accordance with this philosophy, each Rava surname begins with a syllable to represent either the celestial realm (Djt) or the worldly realm (Rehw), followed by a word that represents one elemental aspect within it. It is believed that those sharing a realm or an element possess a bond that grants them insight into one another’s minds, and as such are wont to join forces when the need for collaboration arises. Further rumors suggest that the Rava consider it necessary that all twelve different surnames be present among the Wood-warders’ ranks at any given time to ensure the forest’s safety and, should any be unaccounted for, will rename a member with a close affinity to said surname to fill the open spot.”
Loifa: "…I was born with a disease of the lungs. As I grew, so too did it worsen, until I had but a few moons left to live. It was then that Guildivain appeared before us. Before me and my master. With the wisdom of Sharlayan he could cure me, he said. Having believed for so long that I never had a chance, I wasn't sure how to feel, but my master was…overjoyed. And seeing that joy… For the first time I wanted to live. For him. For me." Loifa: "You know, I used to dream about the future I knew I’d never see. About overcoming my illness and protecting the forest as a Wood-warder, as is the duty of Viera men. I wanted to repay my people for not giving up on me. My tribe and my master."

Naming conventions says directly that Viera men will form bonds and collaborate with others sharing their name. And Loifa from the Sage quests directly challenges a few popular notions about Viera: 1) that they lack community, 2) that outsiders are killed on sight by Wood-warders when we ourselves have been to the very heart of Golmore, and 3) that Viera are exiled and cannot return if they step a toe beyond the borders of their wood. Which is something also challenged by Fran multiple times during the Ivalice questline itself.

So you should absolutely play a Viera who has bonds and attachments to others, brotherly, platonically, romantically, or otherwise. Because it's not just lore compliant - it's more importantly just better storytelling and less dehumanizing than playing into harmful tropes that treat tribal peoples like they're "feral" animals. (Hell! Even animals form bonds with others.)

If you'd like to learn more about what Viera lore we do have, I have a post here about them! Bear in mind, this post has lore from the Wandering Dramaturge and Jenomis, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt when confronted by actual Viera who offer us their own firsthand accounts. At the end of the day, no culture - even a fictional one - is a monolith.

Hope this helps!


~ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 ~


I love how different forms of art are all obsessed with each other. A book tries to capture the feeling of music, a painting tries to depict a scene in a book, a song tries to paint a picture. And it's always insufficient. No single form of art can encapsulate another form of art and capture the essence of it – but it tries, and its attempts are impossibly compelling. All the forms of art are in love with each other and spend so much time trying to express what makes the other kinds of art so lovely.


growing up being autistic but not knowing is just *hiding in room while people are over* *getting tired and needing to recharge after the smallest chores* *getting called a gifted kid* *knowing that you’re “weird” because people are making fun of you but not knowing how to stop being weird* *having adults tell you how “mature” you are* *getting in trouble for not doing work* *convincing yourself that you’re just lazy and stupid because you can’t make yourself do work* *getting really invested in “weird” media*


To people who are desperately asking for fundz/donations on tumblr.


Hate Reddit if you want, but using these subs are your best chance. People gather in these subs because they have charity to spare:

I never see anyone actually getting any significant donations on tumblr and to be honest, tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. Use it as your last resort, it frustrates me to no end seeing people begging for help, reblogging the same post over and over, the same types of posts over and over, to no avail, when people are waiting to help you on a different part of the web  GO TO WHERE THE HELP IS. IF YOU WANT DIRECT ACTION TO WORK STOP WITH TUMBLR AND USE REDDIT.


Hope this can help some people over here too

I know some of our community have been stuck in hard spots and this has a LOT of resources

I never knew.



This potato works. Every. Fucking. Time.

I would enjoy some good luck from the potato.


I need some luck right now, so all hail the Lucky Potato. Do your magic, Potato. I respect you so much I am capitalizing the "P" in Potato.


A reblog from Neil Gaiman and having Lynda Carter reblog with a comment,

Potato absolutely works


Desperately need some luck

Please grand Potato PLEAAAAASE


pine ridge is also currently experiencing extreme winter conditions that has resulted in the stranding and inaccessibility of many ndns. please consider for any reason you may have, but especially in the wake of james cameron's disgusting and deplorable remarks about our people, assisting pine ridge and rosebud as we work to keep our people warm and fed. you can find several websites below which provide different assistance for both reservations!


What is or isn’t a slur can be highly contextual, y'all.

“Jonny Sims bummed a fag off my ma” doesn’t contain a slur, but “What are you, some kind of fag?” does.

“Queer studies”, “the queer community” and “I’m queer”? Not a slur. Some bigot calling you a “dirty queer”? Slur.

“Be gay, do crimes” and “He’s gay” ≠ slur, but “Ew, that’s so gay” = slur.

In conclusion, stop buying into this fucking “q slur” bullshit. Queer people talking about the queer community aren’t using it as a slur any more than a gay man calling himself gay is using that term as a slur.

Looks like its time for derogatory pepperoni again

That is actually hilarious, thank you for this addition

Always reblog derogatory pepperoni

Pepperoni (derogatory)


Just for anyone still thinking the civil rights movement was “SO long ago!”

Fred Hampton would be 51 this year if police hadn’t executed him at age 21.

Ruby Bridges is 65.

MLK would be 91 (he was assassinated at 39).

Malcom X would be 95 (he was assassinated at 39).

Claudette Colvin (the first Black woman known to refuse to give up her seat AT 15) is only 80.

Mary Louise Smith is 83.

Fred Gray is 89.

EMMETT TILL WOULD BE 79 (he was murdered at age 14 because of a white woman’s lie).

Ask yourself how old your grandparents are. Hell, how old your PARENTS are. How old are the people in most government seats right now?

Miss me with that bullshit of “It’S sO lOnG aGo. Things are better now.” These people and so many more who aren’t able to be here would be distraught at what is STILL fucking happening today. To say things like that is just willfully turning your head away from the injustices that we see today! That’s the that on that.


“How old are people in most government seats right now?” <-!!!! THIS!! People don’t fully digest THIS! MANY many people in the most powerful positions in government WERE alive to hate MLK. They were building early political careers in opposition to the Civil Rights movement, actively oppressing Black people in lower positions of government, fighting to keep segregation alive, etc. And they’re STILL doing it!

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