

@chim8szua / chim8szua.tumblr.com

a gennle chick, she they, teochew nang, ace aro art tag & list

An important message from the National Lawyers Guild - Detroit & Michigan Chapter


<older man and older woman chatting amiably at a table, their conversation is just on the edge of intelligible>

Denise: Oh, hello!

Bill: We were just talking about you kids.

D: I’m Denise Heberle (HEB-er-lee)…

B: And I’m Bill Goodman.

D: Together we’ve been fighting fascism for over 50 years.

B: And so much has changed over those 50 years, such as the ingredients to a successful firebomb!

D (cheerily): And the glass that bank windows are made of!

B: But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed over 50 years, something that is so important to tell you kids who are new to this movement.

Both: Shut the fuck up.

D: You’re sitting in the police transport van after a protest?

B: Shut the fuck up. In a holding cell, with your comrades?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop knocks on your door?

B: Shut the fuck up.

D: Texting on an unsecured device?

B: Shut the fuck up. Pulled over by the cops after a protest?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop just asking about your day?

B: Shut the fuck up. Feds call your mom?

D: Tell your mother to shut the fuck up.

B: Now. Repeat after me. When the cops come calling, what do you do?

(Cut to Bill standing with eight kids)

Kids: Shut the fuck up!

(Cut to Card:

“Shut The Fuck up A Public Service Announcement from


Detroit & Michigan Chapter”)

Achievement Unlocked:

Shut The Fuck Up

Listen to the kindly old people, and never, ever snitch. Not even on yourself.


Please do not let debt collectors play in your face.

I am super busy so I honestly don’t even know if I should be taking the time to write this, but hopefully this will help those of you who may find yourself in a similar situation.

Earlier this year I received a letter of notice from a debt collector stating that they had acquired a debt supposedly belonging to me and that, per law, I have 30 days to dispute the debt. I immediately drafted a letter and sent it to both disputing the debt and request validation of the debt as well as possible settlement arrangements had they actually been able to validate said debt

I sent this letter via certified mail. Always certified mail.

About a week after the 30 day period for them to respond expired, I received a Phone call very specifically crafted in a way to invoke urgency and panic and suggest legal action. So, naturally, I called this number only to discover this was a different company that had only just recently acquired said supposed debt. I reiterated to them that I was disputing this debt and required validation in writing.

The initial conversation went smoothly, they then called me back the next day and became aggressive. They accused me of lying and did everything under the sun to try and trick me into validating this debt as mine so that they would not have to legally send me that validation. I, knowing my rights, insisted that I was disputing the debt and that they were required to send me validation despite them claiming that they were not and that they already had and many other number of lies. I refused to continue the conversation until someone had sent me validation to which they continually responded that they would be forwarding this to their legal department and blah blah blah blah blah.

Surprise surprise, I get a phone call today from yet another company, this one claiming to be in the process of forwarding my account to the county clerks office. That was an immediate red flag as the county clerk does not handle debt disputes. They would have to hire a lawyer in my state to handle this case. I asked what company this was as they had not stated initially, and when they told me I realized this was now another company who had purchased said alleged debt and we’re trying to collect on it. this one outright illegally threatening to take me to court knowing they weren’t.

Beyond that, he tried to lie to me and tell me that a debt validation was not what I thought it was and that a validation was actually just a notice that they had purchased a debt so when I received a letter stating that they had purchased this debt that would be a validation.

That is not true! Debt companies are legally required to send you notice of an allegedly acquired debt in writing and you have 30 days to dispute and request that validation. The company then has 30 days themselves to respond and validate your debt or the debt is forfeit. This man tried to lie to me and tell me that a notice was the same thing as a dead validation in order to trick me into paying a debt that he cannot validate that I am actively disputing.

This is now the fourth company that has attempted to collect on a debt they cannot validate. They know they cannot validate this debt and instead have relied on trying to trick me into paying it. These tactics would absolutely work if I did not have a sales background and or know my rights.

And this ladies and gentlemen is why you always always always dispute a debt. The last debt I disputed was immediately pulled from collections and that allowed me to get back in contact with the original creditor and work out a payment plan so that it would never hit my credit and keep my account with them current. This debt is invalid and therefore they cannot hit my credit with it nor can I collect on it or I will sue them.

If you guys have any questions about dealing with that collectors please ask me.


I'm not surprised they gave you the long ass run around on this.

For anyone that has a debt sold to a Collections Agency do exactly what OP did and request debt validation (Google-able). Most of the time, the Original company you owed debt to did not give them your Social Security Number or your date of birth; just a good phone number and address. In order to be held legally responsible for it and to be on your credit score, they need your SSN or DOB to prove it's yours.

Usually, they're initial call will say "Hey so before we can discuss your debt of $Xxxx, we need you to verify your SSN and DOB." They're lying. That means they want you to confirm it so they can legally pin that debt to you. If you send a Debt Validation letter VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, that Collections Agency has 30 days to prove you owe the debt and that it does in fact tie to you. Since in most cases they can't, they'll send a letter saying "We don't have the necessary information to collect on this debt. It is now null and void." Send copies of that to the credit bureaus, and they wipe it from your credit report.

With OP, they did the shadiest thing possible by constantly re-selling the debt, thus starting over that 30 day response period.

Never pay a debt unless you're certain that you owe it. Especially if it's for a deceased relative. Debt collection companies are especially predatory during the grieving period asking you to "Pay down the debt" or "Clear their good name". Unless you (co)signed, don't give them anything. The debt will get written off on their taxes. If you do pay, you're locked in on that debt. You basically showed "willingness and ability to pay" which is all they need.


I gotta say... even if you *are * "certain you owe it", get it validated. If someone forgot to make sure to dot all the i's and cross all the t's and didn't connect the DOB and SSN and everything... That isn't your fault. This whole capitalistic hellscape is fucking broken. don't pay *anything* that you legally can't be compelled to.


Jeff Bezos's Amazon and Elon Musk's SpaceX are both fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional. Starbuck's and Trader Joe's joined them in separate lawsuits. All of these companies have a disgraceful history of worker abuse and union busting. All of them have been charged by the NLRB with hundreds of violations of workers’ organizing rights The NLRB is standing up to their union busting. That’s why they’re trying to destroy the NLRB. I'm going to do my best to keep you all informed about this case as it snakes its way through the courts. The future of unions may depend on the final verdict. http://dlvr.it/T49LM1


If you don’t have the spoons to read the article (bold is the important takeaways):

1. The article says the biomarkers found ALL the people with CFS and none of the healthy people. It’s a small sample size, but that’s 100% accuracy/sensitivity.

2. They did this by testing how the cells respond to stress. People who had cells that weren’t able to handle the salt (literally-they were given salt) had CFS.

3. They’re also testing how the cells react when given different drugs!!! Basically, they add the drug, and then if the cell handles stress better that means the drug might be of therapeutic use.

I haven’t had enough coffee yet so my brain is still pretty foggy and I’m not sure how much sense my summary made, but y'all this is pretty cool.


The study is being run by someone whose son has CFS and they have identified one drug that’s helping already. (Unnamed in article.)


[A screenshot of a post reading "Yo, I have seen ENTIRELY too many people saying people have a right to their boundaries without knowing what a boundary is:

--a boundary is a line you draw around YOURSELF, where, if crossed, you have pre-emptively determined what your responses will be.

--a boundary is NOT a set of rules to impost upon another person's clothing, colleagues, friends, or social media posts.

--a boundary is NOT an attempt to change another person's behavior.

Here is a boundary: "I have found that your social media presence makes me feel a bit insecure so I am going to unfollow your accounts."

Here is NOT TF a boundary: "I have found that your social media presences makes me feel insecure so you must change how YOU post to social media."

One is managing one's own capacity. The other is controlling bullshit.

Y'all out here calling WILDLY controlling and manipulative behavior boundary-setting and it's upsetting to me and my home girl."]


Culture is so obsessed with the idea of lone geniuses that it doesn't really appreciate that most of the progress of science (and likely every other discipline) occurs collaboratively, in babysteps, and usually through a lot very tedious, utterly unsexy, work.


This is what’s so faulty with our short sighted coverage of scientific discoveries. You hear politicians question why we spend money on science studying insect wings and then decades later that research gets used by NASA for the most efficient way to fold/unfold solar panels on spacecraft. All of science is connected and useful because it enhances our understanding of the universe

When lasers were discovered they were called “a solution without a problem”, noone had any idea what to use them for. Since then they’re revolutionised communications and SO many parts of technology. CDs, DVDs, printing, fast internet, laser etching for making computer chips, laser eye surgery, spectroscopy, LIDAR measurements of weather patterns, barcode scanners, cooling atomic clocks, nuclear fusion, microscopy, LED technology and materials research. I’m probably not even scratching the surface here. Fund theory and fundamental science research.

It's actually kind of heartening, lasers; because before they were invented, their only real antecedents in science fiction were things like rayguns and heatrays and what not. But it actually turns out that their usefulness as a weapon is extremely limited, whereas their usefulness for just about everything else is incredible. It's one of the occasions where we flipped the "Dual Use" coin and it landed very solidly on the good side.


an educational graphic about critical thinking for tumnblr


The all important journalist questions, and then some.

A missing line from Why:

“If you really want to be a critical reader, it turns out you have to step back one step further, and ask not just whether the author is telling the truth, but why he’s writing about this subject at all.

That is an excellent addition.

One other one for How: “how could this be exploited by someone acting in bad  faith?” Closely coupled with a What: “what are the limits on the ill-effects this could produce?”

And a quick check for double standards: “who, or what, is the speaker not applying this principle to?”


(This is also a great guide for interrogating historical documents such as, say, a constitution, a press release, a speech, a letter, a diary, a bill of rights, political policies, &c)

I need to grab this and adapt this for my little filmmaking courses. 

Because these questions are equally indispensible when YOU are the author of the script, the book, the story, the speech.


american leftists seem extremely focused on anti imperialism (good) but rarely- if at all- discuss decolonization in their own fucking country, despite acknowledging that it is a settler colonial state.

im serious about this though. as an urban indian, i definitely cant speak on this as much as a rez indian could. but i know from talking to rez friends i have and from what the american indian movement has screamed for over the years that we need land we can grow on, we need clean water, we need to allow the wildlife that once lived in this land to live here again (meaning you need to listen to us before building those high speed rails you all get so hard over).

you cant drool over the zapatistas while ignoring people in your own country who have a similar goal

silly me I never provided things to read on the topic of decolonization! I'd personally suggest the following as "beginner level" essential reading to understand decolonization:

Discourse on Colonialism (Aimé Césaire) - this is more a focus on colonization, but I feel it's a necessary read in my opinion as in order to understand decolonization I believe it's important to first understand colonization.

Wretched of the Earth (Franz Fanon)

Decolonization is Not a Metaphor (Tuck, Yang)

also an "easy to process" read, to understand landback specifically here in Turtle Island, I'd suggest reading The Red Deal (there is a pdf, I don't mean the article with the same title)

Discourse on Colonialism (PDF, ebook, mobi)

The Wretched of the Earth (PDF, ebook)

Decolonization is Not a Metaphor (PDF)

The Red Deal (PDFs of Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)


Good news, fellow artists! Nightshade has finally been released by the UChicago team! If you aren't aware of what Nightshade is, it's a tool that helps poison AI datasets so that the model "sees" something different from what an image actually depicts. It's the same team that released Glaze, which helps protect art against style mimicry (aka those finetuned models that try to rip off a specific artist). As they show in their paper, even a hundred poisoned concepts make a huge difference.

(Reminder that glazing your art is more important than nighshading it, as they mention in their tweets above, so when you're uploading your art, try to glaze it at the very least.)


Everyone reblog! Spread the word so more and more artists learn that in addition to Glaze that coats art against ai scraping mimicry there's also an offensive tool now, able to skew and poison data pools.

Now poisoning will need many artists to nightshade their art and it's most important to get this ou to those the most at risk of being scraped. Reblog!


Bisan was reporting live in Khan Younis just a few hours ago. The IOF is carpet bombing EVERYWHERE. Nasser Hospital is the LAST functioning hospital in Gaza. These are WAR CRIMES. Don't stop talking about Gaza!! The IOF are monsters. I don't even wonder about how depraved they can continue to get. This is despicable.



Dec. 12, 2023: Biden describes Israel's military conduct as "indiscriminate bombing" (Source: Associated Press) Dec. 21, 2023: NYT Investigation confirms Israel "routinely" bombs "areas it designated safe for civilians" (Source: NYT)

Dec. 29, 2023: Despite the well-documented war crimes against Palestinians and the humanitarian catastrophe inflicted by Israel ... *the US sends more weapons*

(Source: Associated Press)

This is not defense, this is not justice, this is an affront to international law. Palestinians are being decimated at this very moment. ISRAEL MUST STOP THE CARNAGE. THE U.S. MUST STOP THE COMPLICITY. I haven't seen Palestinians or Gaza trending on Tumblr for the past several days — we can't lose momentum. DON'T LOOK AWAY. KEEP UP PUBLIC PRESSURE. PUSH FOR PEACE.

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