
I Belong to Lucifer

@luci-slut / luci-slut.tumblr.com

#ObeyMe #Lucifer Over 18+

Easter Panic: Mc get´s turned into a Rabbit and the Dateables take care of them


  • Barbatos look at them :D aren´t they just the cutest? and yes he knows you are trying to gnaw his arm off
  • he will get you everything a Rabbit could ever want, he will even get Barbatos to make your food himself
  • but he will also take you with him wherever he goes
  • doing paperwork? playing with bun Mc, doing council work? petting them, torturing the souls of the damned? he will show them all of the cute photos of you while he watches them slowly succumb to their pain and the insanity that will ensue
  • he also got you a cute little RAD outfit :D and feeds you little fruits and pieces of salad

Easter Panic: Mc get´s turned into a Rabbit and the Brothers have to take care of them


  • would you finally stop biting him? he knows you don´t like getting picked up but he has to get you home somehow
  • he has to watch you even more, not only are you tiny but incredibly fast
  • and still as attached to Cerberus than before
  • good for everybody involved Cerberus knows it´s you and refuses to let anybody near you and with everybody I mean everybody
  • he actually had to fight Cerberus to get you back
  • and after that he never let you go, no matter how many times you bite him
  • but after getting some bunny treats he at least managed to keep you calm enough so he can do his paperwork (and pet you)

Witchy Requests: The Reality of Summoning a Demon Lord

Contents: Violence and demons being demonic


Summoning Lucifer

  • First off, this is not even remotely easy to do.
  • Lucifer does not get summoned away very often because it takes a witch at least comparable to Solomon's skill to pull it off. Of the small handful of people who can, only a couple are crazy enough to try (so he already knows them all by name).
  • Not only is this hard to do logistically, Lucifer also HATES being summoned with a burning passion. It messes up his schedule, gives him a pounding headache, and it's pretty humiliating to be ordered about like a dog on a lead.
  • Anyone summoning Lucifer has put some seriously strong spells in place to keep him in check. It'll take more than a salt circle to stay protected because he'll just blow that crap away with his wings.
  • It's well known that he will attack the second that the caster gives him the opportunity. Even so much as looking away could leave enough of an opening for him to fry them to a crisp. Extra potent magic chains and bindings are about the only things that ensure safety....
  • Deals with Lucifer are extremely costly due to how pissed he is just being there. He doesn't stop at their soul. Depending on the day, he could ask for any number of other sacrifices before he so much as lifts a finger. A person summoning Lucifer must be prepared to lose almost everything...
  • That said, he always fulfills his contracts to the letter and employs very little trickery. If the agreement was unclear, then that's on the summoner. Not him. They get exactly what they asked for.
  • There was a rumor going around for a time that if Lucifer was summoned with classical music in background, he'd be easier to deal with. Unfortunately, a naive young witch gave it a try and found out that "easier to deal with" Lucifer is still willing take off a hand or two no matter how sophisticated the room sounds.
  • Solomon has only managed to summon him twice. The first time was in a bid for a pact (which ended in a very wrecked office) and the second was an attempt to ask the questions about Michael that Simeon refused to answer (he let him go pretty quickly after receiving a death glare that would have turned his hair white if it weren't so silvery already).

lips like sugar

obey me! lucifer x reader

SFW, fluff, kissing, established relationship, soft luci hours, poor bb overworks himself, give him a kiss :)

word count: 357

summary: lucifer loves your kisses more than anything in the devildom, especially when he's frustrated with work.

a/n: tumblr user lucifersluvr writing another lucifer fic?!?! never would've expected that!!! /sarc


lucifer knew he was overworked. the signs were all there - heavy bags under his eyes, painful crick in his neck, seemingly permanent irritated attitude. but he’d had years to get used the heavy workload, taking on his brothers’ responsibilities too, no doubt in his voice as he put them before himself. his shoulders were broad enough, strong enough to carry the weight of the world, he didn’t care whether they were in the celestial realm or the devildom.

but lucifer didn’t like seeing it happen to you.

the exchange programme had been hardest on you, stuffed to the brim with new information and expected to navigate the sudden change in surroundings. you dutifully completed your studies, bridged the three realms and took care of the seven demons who you’d come to adore. lucifer blinked away the heat that threateningly pricked at his eyes at the thought. you meant more to him than he knew how to show, how to put into words either. he could only hope his sincerity around you was enough.

a call of your name surprised you after dinner, ready to turn on your heel and trod back to your room, fill out out some paperwork diavolo had asked of you and practice the spells solomon had so kindly taught.

instead, you meet lucifer’s gaze, eyelids heavy though stare gentle.

“come here,” lucifer’s tone is as stern as ever, but this time his demand seems more of an instruction. you nod, shadowing him to his room, a place familiar to very few. 

you flounder in his doorway for longer than you mean to, mind dazed and gaze unfocused. your name once again snaps you out of your haze, heat creeping up your cheeks. “sorry, i- um,” you stumble, not quite sure which words you’re trying to get out.

“come here,” lucifer repeats, a little softer this time now that his only audience was you. he pats the end of his bed gently and you can’t find it in yourself to decline, moving before you can think.

you’re embarrassed that the soft touch of the sheets and the warmth of the demon beside you sends you unravelling, bringing about a sudden swell of emotion. you suppose it’s a result of how fatigued you are, feelings on the brink of spilling and barriers all but worn down; lucifer knows better.

the demon’s big hand finds it way to the back of your head, ever so gently pushing you closer into his side. the steadiness of his hold is comforting, stabilising, and you feel for the first time in a while that you can truly breathe. in, and out.

“don’t think i don’t know how much work you get, and how hard you try,” lucifer whispers as the rise and fall of your chest evens out and you finally let your eyes flutter shut, if only to hide their newfound wetness. “get some rest now,” he hums, “i’ve got you.”  


Craving Affection


A/N: I’m sick again for the 5th time this year so have some fever induced cuddles from my baby gurl 🫠




GN!MC x Lucifer

The grammar in this may be sucky, I’m sick and this isn’t proofread, sorry :(


It was a nice afternoon, the cold Devildom air seeping in through your window. You sat in your bed and watched one of your favorite rom-coms from the human realm, basking in the soft clatter coming from the kitchen which was either Beel searching for snacks, or whoever’s turn it was making dinner.

The movie slowly came to a close, and as the protagonists kissed you felt undeniably lonely. Maybe..

No. You couldn’t just ask him to hang out with you.

You had always felt close to Lucifer, and you couldn’t deny that you craved his affection, sometimes even subconsciously. But he was busy. He’s always busy.

To be fair, every time you had built up the courage to ask him for some kind of affection he didn’t deny you. He put his work down immediately, if not a few minutes after you asked. And even then he’d let you sit in his lap while you waited. You wouldn’t expect his lap to be so comfortable actually. It was kind of surprising how soft he was. You couldn’t help but fantasize about him.

You hardly noticed your hand reach for your phone and open up your message app.

“💙Lucify💙” your contact read, a candid picture of him asleep at his desk that you had taken above it.

It would be okay just this once… right?

After staring at your DDD screen for a good minute, totally clueless on how to ask without sounding needy. What were you supposed to even say?? “Hey Lucifer, want to come and cuddle with me because I feel lonely right now?” You sighed and put your phone aside, succumbing to the overarching feeling of dread.

There was a sudden knock on your door before it clicked and the hinges creaked softly. You heard the tapping of someone walking on the wooden floor, stopping when they reached your bed.

You opened your eyes to see the tall demon before you, his arms were crossed and a soft glint of amusement in his deep crimson gaze. “You called?”

“Luci..” you felt your face light up at the sight of the avatar, before moving over to make room for him.

He got under the blanket with you and wrapped his arms around your waist, softly pushing the t-shirt you were wearing up slightly to lay a hand on your bare back. You let yourself melt into him, snaking your hands up to touch his hair. He rested his chin on the top of your head, the light pressure making you feel dizzy.

You buried your head into his chest, the white button-up he was wearing undone just enough for you to feel his warm skin on your face. You pressed sweet kisses to his neck and sternum, as you breathed in the whiskey-esque smell of demonus which had permanently stained his clothes.

You were almost certain that you were getting drunk off of it, although it may have just been his otherworldly aura. Either that or the overwhelming love you felt for him in this moment. He moved to leave a peck on the top of your head, his lips lingering there for a minute as you slung a leg over his hip, your way of ensuring he doesn’t leave you.

His hand lightly rubbed your back, and he moved a leg so it was overtop of yours that wasn’t in use.

You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Even then, your heart felt like bursting. You forgot you were ever lonely in the first place as he held you, a feeling of bliss that only Lucifer could induce.

Huh. Looks like you accidentally pressed send.


Obey me

soft luci head canons ♡
Gender neutral reader ♡
I thought this would be so cute considering how he never lets his guard down unless he’s a round mc 💗
Lemme kno if u want me to do this with one of the other brothers or dataebles <33


-whenever he’s had a particularly stressful day of doing paper work mixed with the disaster his brothers cause he finds you and drags to by the hand to his bedroom just to push u down and the bed and cuddle. And you cannot tell me this man isn’t the little spoon when he’s feeling stressed out he rests his head on top of your chest and his hands grabbing your waist while he falls asleep to you massaging his head

-lucifer hates pda so when u two are alone you can finally grab his face and force him to listen to how much u love him when ur finally done singing ur praises he stutters how he loves you to bowing his head to try hide his blush and when everyone comes back into the room there wondering what you’ve done for lucifer to have pink on his cheeks

-lucifer always overworks himself with piles of paper work until late in the night due to this you check on him every night to make sure he’s getting enough hours of sleep and tell him that he doesn’t need to worry and that he can finish it tomorrow and when he wants to be stubborn and not go to bed u can easily convince him to come to bed by promising him cuddles he denies that saying that works but we both know it does

-at night time he goes around the house giving small goodnight kisses on each his brothers cheeks and sometimes strokes their hair a little bit (🥹) and then when it’s ur turn he full on lifts you out of ur bed and carries you to his

-loves laying his head on your chest it lets him know that ur ok and that ur with him he finds comfort in ur heartbeat

-before u guys started dating he would always feel so nervous around you his heart beating 12x faster then normal sweaty palms blush on his cheeks and he would sometimes stutter at least one of his words when he would talk to u

-he admires you from a distance always wondering how he got so lucky considering how prideful he is he would of never made the first move he’s lucky you came to him

-he likes going shopping with you and likes it when you ask him what he thinks of your outfit in the changing rooms he likes the fact his opinion matters the most to you


may i have this dance?

obey me! lucifer x fem!reader

SFW, established relationship, reader does not know how to waltz, lucifer guides the dance

word count: 347

a/n: based on this post i made

"Y/N, may I have this dance?" He asked as his brothers bickered over who should get to dance with you. You snapped your attention to him and smiled shyly. He held out his hand, looking at you expectantly. His silky wings fluttered slightly. Oh, those beautiful wings. You would love to run your hands over them.

You cared about all of them, sure, but you were really only interested in being close to him in that moment, pressed against him in front of everyone attending diavolo's party. His elegance, the way he carried himself, everything about him was so gorgeous.

Ever since you came to the Devildom for the exchange program, you had been drawn to him. But it was only recently that you found out he felt the same way. You would never forget the soft kiss you shared that night, and how it quickly turned more passionate and heated.

You gently took his hand, biting back your excitement. And as he led you out onto the floor you could only stare at him, admiration making your heart swell.

Your favorite song was playing, a beautiful waltz. You looked up at him nervously, and he was able to read your expression perfectly.

"It's alright, I'll lead."

He carefully placed a hand on your hip and began moving along the floor with you.

1 2 3, 1 2 3. you counted to yourself, careful to not stumble. You looked up at him and smiled. Your face was flushed and your frame shook excitedly but you didn't mind. Not when he was the one who caused it.

Your head spun. You felt so giddy, so lovestruck. Yet you were soothed by his eyes on you, his thumb rubbing gently against your hip.

He hummed and his wings formed a cocoon around you. Right now, you were the only people in the room. He was all you could focus on. It was as if his stare had cast a spell on you.

"I love you, Luci." You whispered, careful not to break the trance he had on you.



Obey Me Lucifer x Reader (fem)


Summary: Lucifer missed you.

~Lucifer, the avatar of Pride~

Lucifer stood, his muscles stiff as his eyes followed your effortless movement across the room. His longing known only to him, the avatar of pride must not let such emotions get away from him, not here, not now. He craved your touch, he needed to feel your warmth on his skin, to inhale your sweet scent like it was the oxygen he needed, to just be close to you.

But for now, there was a party to attend, a facade to maintain. He would wait, he had to wait.

As the evening pursued, he would catch your eye and swiftly turn away. Almost like he was trying to ignore you. To ignore the feelings he felt for you. He wanted to wrap his hands around your neck, and breasts, and nip at the fragile skin god had given you. So he will wait.

He waited for the welcome back party to end, and waited till his brothers went to their rooms before calling you down to his office. You were in your bed, eyes half closed before you got a message from the avatar of Pride himself. So you walked to the office door with sleep still in your eyes and wine burned into your throat. You knocked once on the door and it instantly opened. Making your way inside Lucifer stood there next to his record player that was playing one of the cursed records he so lovingly adored. His tie loosened around his neck, and a glass of Demonous was sitting in his hand. Setting the glass down gently he slowly makes his way to you. One moment he was looking at you and the next he was pulling you in for a deep kiss, his hands wanting to explore your body as the cursed record played on. In his self-control, his gloved hands sat on your hips instead and his lips molded with yours.

You both were lost in the moment, until he finally pulled away, his eyes sparkling with unspoken emotion. His forehead then rested against yours as a whispered “I’m sorry” left his beautifully aged lips. He was getting ahead of himself. But he missed this silly human. He missed ‘HIS’ human. He clearly was having difficulty trying to say what he wanted to say, but you were just in shock. You stepped back, still trying to process the sudden change in the atmosphere. You couldn’t understand why Lucifer was acting so needy, and you felt both a sense of confusion and excitement. He was always so professional and well-kept, never straight to the point and messy. Sure you’ve made love and kissed before, but this was different, almost like a pang of hunger. But deep down inside your love and burning passion for this man were having a party.

You loved it. You craved it. You craved his lips, his touch, his pride. You craved Lucifer Morningstar, the avatar of Pride himself. Your eyes met his, and they were blazing with a fire that you had never seen before, and the energy between the two of you was palpable. You felt as if your heart was going to burst out of your chest. You wanted nothing more than to be consumed by him. You wanted him to take you away and never let you go.

You wanted to embrace him, to feel his strong arms around you. You wanted to bask in his presence and experience the passion that he had so freely offered. So you took one step closer, and he watched closely, like a lion watching its prey. You reached out and caressed his face, feeling the warmth of his skin against your cold fingers. His eyes softened and he pulled you in close, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight. You melted into his embrace, feeling a sense of peace and security. You felt safe and content in his arms, knowing that no matter what happened, you would always be protected. Protected by your demon. You looked up into his eyes and smiled, and he returned the gesture, slowly leaning in to kiss you. You closed your eyes, and for the first time in a long time, you felt truly alive. You were home. And you were with him. You were at home with your Lucifer.

And from the way he kissed you, you knew that he had missed you terribly. From the gentle nips to the exploring of your mouth, you can tell he’s been craving you. His hands traveled from your face all the way down to the bottom of your shirt, lifting it slowly. Lips still connected he then continues lifting up the shit and removing it from your body. Tossing the shirt onto the floor, he then pulled you closer, and you felt his warm breath on your neck. He then proceeded to strip you of all your clothing. You felt a shiver run down your spine as he kissed your neck and whispered in your ear, “I’m so glad you’re home.” You looked into his eyes, and you knew he was telling the truth. He then trailed his index finger to the curve of your chin and directed your lips toward his. His kiss was passionate but gentle. It felt like a promise of something bigger, something to come. You felt your heart swell with love, and you knew this was where you belonged. Right here in the Devildom, here with Lucifer. His long slender fingers tangled in your hair, massaging your scalp with every gentle pull given. The demon’s tongue explored every inch of your mouth while your tongue grazed against his perfectly pointed teeth.

The kiss became needier and the next thing you know he was lifting your body up from the ground as your lips stayed connected. He was carrying you to his desk, but before he sat you down he took one of his hands and started pushing everything off the flat surface. Items hit the floor with big clanks and all those papers he worked so hard on were mixing together, no longer organized. He then propped you up onto the desk, supporting you with his hands on your upper back, and himself standing in between your legs. His hands roamed around your back and finally made their way to your chest and cupped your breasts, while your legs made their way around his torso. His other hand grabbed your neck and he leaned in, pushing his lips harder against yours. Lucifer started to kiss your neck and collarbone, sending shivers down your spine. His hands moved to your stomach, exploring it softly. His lips found yours again and the kiss deepened. Your breathing became ragged as his lips moved from your mouth to grazing your jaw and neck. His sharp teeth nipped your delicate skin, hands caressing you as you felt yourself melt into him.

He captured your lips with his tongue wanting entrance again, and you felt yourself surrender to him completely. His hands gently squeezed your breasts as you let out a little moan, and you could swear you saw the demon smirk. He lowered himself so his mouth connected with your nipple. He sucks on it for a moment and then plays with it. He moves his tongue around it and gently nips it every now and then. You gasp and Lucifer pulls the nipple in between his teeth with more aggression and then lets it go free. Lucifer pulled back slightly, his eyes still burning with a passionate fire. He was now smirking and removing his tie fully. Lucifer gently grabs your hands and ties your wrists together, finishing it off with a knot. His hands then made their way back to your body, you felt yourself trembling with anticipation. He moved his hands lower down your torso and you gasped, not believing what was happening. His fingers found their way inside you and you felt a wave of pleasure shoot through your body.

The slender fingers inside you curl. You feel the warmth radiating from them. They caress your insides, sending shivers of pleasure through your body. You quiver in anticipation as they explore further. You can feel the pressure building as they continue to move. Their touch becomes more intense, more urgent. Before you know it, you are over the edge, and you let out a moan of pleasure unable to contain the intensity of the sensation. His lips met yours in a passionate kiss as you both embraced the moment. He gently yet firmly moved his fingers back and forth inside of you, making you moan again. Your tied hands moved, trapping the demon in the circle created by your arms. “I-I want you in me…I want you to fill me to the brim.” He smirked at your words and he quickly removed his fingers from your vagina as the both of you then struggled to quickly remove his clothing.

His buttons were pulled apart from his shirt to the buckle of his pants falling to the floor. He stepped out of his fallen clothes and pushed them to the side. Once he was stripped fully, he crashed his lips onto yours and his throbbing dick sat by your entrance wanting to enter. He teased you a bit, having the tip of his dick graze the inside of your thighs slowly. This drove you mad. You wanted him inside of you, you wanted him to be a part of you. So after moments of waiting, he pushed into you, leaving you with a pleasurable moan. “O-Oh! L-lucifer….” He felt so good in you, it satisfied you like those two puzzle pieces that finally connect perfectly to complete that puzzle you’ve been working on for too long.

Lucifer moved inside you, pushing deeper, and you could feel the heat and the pleasure of his movements. He then slowly increased the pace, and soon your bodies were in a feverish rhythm of pleasure. You were both lost in the moment, as Lucifer moved in and out of you. Finally feeling like you were one with Lucifer, the sensations were overwhelming. You could feel every inch of him, and every movement he made inside of you. It made your head move backward to the point your eyes were looking at the ceiling to rolling into the back of your skull. It felt so good, so right.

His cursed record fit the mood perfectly as his kisses lingered all over your neck down to your breasts. He managed to nip at one of your nipples again as his hand squeezed and rubbed the other breast. Your moans sounded so pretty to him, it made his pride go through the roof to know that he was pleasing you so well. You were so enchanted by this whole moment. His hands moved down your body and he started to explore your innermost desires. His touch was gentle and passionate, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body. He looked deep into your eyes and you saw that he was enjoying the moment just as much as you were. His dick pulsing and moving inside you, your breathing became heavy and he then started to move faster.

The sensations coursing through your body were like nothing you ever felt before. You felt closer to him at that moment, and you never wanted it to end. You were sure that this was love. This brought you back to the time when Lucifer allowed you to make a pact with him. But back then was nothing compared to whatever the hell this is. His dick kept moving in and out at a quickened pace while your nipples hardened. The sweat built up on your skin helped loosen the tie around your wrists, and your hands slipped out freely and traveled downwards. As your hands traveled down to his ass you winced as his teeth nipped your collarbone. Some blood managed to escape the small cut he had made, so he used his tongue to clean it up. You tasted like heaven to him. As your hands landed on his ass, his ass was perfectly sculpted, perfectly sized for your hands. You felt his muscles tense.

His rhythm increased as he moaned in pleasure. You felt your own orgasm coming, “L-lucifer…I’m..” He hushed you. “Just let it h-happen my love.” You let out a loud cry as you reached the peak of pleasure. Your body was shaking from the intensity of it. Lucifer held you close to him, hands on your ass, his own breath fanning your neck.

His grip tightened on your ass and you felt a warmth inside your womb. Lucifer cummed inside you. Both of you moan in delight, his seed filling you to the brim with pleasure. The two of you sit there leaning into each other. Your bare ass on the desk wood, and his cock still lying limp in you. He then pulls out leaving you leaking all over his polished desk. Lucifer’s fingers run through his hair before you are then picked up and laid out on his rug by the fireplace. He gets on top of you and looks down to gently kiss you. He trails his kisses down from your neck to your collarbone.

He then starts to move even lower, his mouth exploring every inch of your body. It felt exquisite and magical. His hands would caress your curves and you then feel yourself getting lost in the moment. Soon enough, you feel something wet touch you. His tongue is teasing your folds and playing with your clit, and soon he enters you. “LUCIFER!” You moan out in shock. His tongue explores the inside and outside of your leaking and pulsing vagina. The demon’s tongue moves in quick circles and swirls inside of you, teasing and pleasing you. It swiveled around, and the deeper he went the closer his teeth would come. You soon felt gentle nips as well. You arch your back in pleasure as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.

He really was going to make you ejaculate twice in one night. You scream out his name as you reach your climax, and he slows down his tongue until he finally stops. He withdraws his tongue and you collapse in a sweaty heap, panting and satisfied.

Your entire body shook with pleasure and you felt complete bliss. You sank into the carpeted floor, your body still trembling with pleasure. The fire in the fireplace heated up the room including the two of you. Lucifer then licked you clean, then pulled back and licked his own lips clean. He looked into your eyes and smiled, a satisfied smirk on his face. He leaned down and kissed your forehead, his lips still tingling with the taste of your pleasure. Lucifer held you close, not wanting to let you go again. He then whispers before kissing you again, “How I missed you, my love.”


April Fools Pranks


  • did you cover his entire room in glitter?
  • and did you even… put it into his underwear!? what is wrong with you
  • using April first as an excuse won´t safe you
  • you better hope he won´t find you because he did not appreciate glitter everywhere
  • and you put glitter into his coffee or rather you replaced all of his instant coffee pulver with glitter
  • he drank an entire cup before realizing and this was only because Asmo looked at what was in the coffee tin
  • Satan and Belphie also saw what happened before he drank anything but they just quietly snickered to themself while taking pictures and recording the entire ordeal
  • Lucifer noticed what they were doing but he was to tired to connect the dots

falling asleep in his office

obey me! lucifer x reader

SFW, fluff, lucifer cares for you more than you could ever imagine, ugh i absolutely adore him

word count: 339

a/n: inspired by the youtube video i linked! i listen to this all the time while writing, drawing, and napping :) i'm very happy with how this turned out.

It wasn't too uncommon for you to spend time in Lucifer's office as he worked, and today was no exception.

Normally you would spend your time drawing, reading, or finishing up classwork and gently reminding him to take breaks. But it was getting late tonight, and as you were sitting in one of the plush chairs, enjoying the classical music and sounds of Lucifer's pen writing, your eyes began to feel heavy. Sooner or later you were fast asleep. Your cheek smushed against your hand for support.

Lucifer hadn't noticed at first, but as soon as he heard your slowed breathing and the occasional soft murmur leaving your lips, his attention shifted to you.

His eyes immediately softened. You looked so peaceful. So pretty, even as you softly snored. Standing up from his desk, he turned off his record player and quietly walked over to your sleeping form.

A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he let out an adoring sigh. "I'm sorry for making you wait, my love." He whispered, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. His action causes you to stir a bit and mumble in your sleep.

Oh, how cute you were, your nose scrunched up ever so slightly, your eyes squeezed shut, everything about you was so perfect.

Lucifer knew that sleeping in the chair was surely uncomfortable, and even if you didn't feel it now, you would likely feel it tomorrow morning.

So, he scooped you up bridal style, taking care to not wake you. His paperwork could wait for him, he had more important matters at the moment.

Once he arrived at his room, he gently laid you down on the soft comforter and carefully pulled the covers over you. He climbed into his side of the bed and let out a content sigh as he pulled you close to his chest. "Sleep well, my dear." He hummed, pressing his lips to your forehead.

It seemed that you both would get a good night's sleep tonight.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I'd like to request a spicy one: cockwarming hcs for Lucifer and Solomon (separately pls) Thx<3

Cockwarming with Lucifer and Solomon

here <3

  • femreader, teasing, begging, overstimulation, rough sex, slight dumbification, I think;;




Mini Skirt and Knee Highs

Demon!Lucifer x Human!f.reader

Summary: After realizing that you didn’t have any clean pants for school, Asmo comes to your rescue by giving you a skirt. You’ve seen Thirteen wearing skirts all of the time so you figured that it wasn’t a big deal…..but Thirteen isn’t living with Seven brothers who couldn’t help but stare at you when you’re walking around. After school, you needed to study for exams, but the brothers wouldn’t leave you alone so you called the one brother who was always calmed and collected, Lucifer. He invited you to his office for peace and quiet. You thought you would be safe, but even the Avatar of Pride couldn’t help but stare at you despite being behind the desk doing paperwork. What could possibly go wrong if you give in to temptation just this once?

Warning: Smut. Sex with a demon. Sex on a desk, groping, nipple play, kissing, Dom! Lucifer x Sub!f.reader, quiet sex, unprotected sex, fingering, teasing



A/N: I was in desperate need of a distraction from the current WIPS i have and I stumbled upon this while looking through my files. I must have been very deep in my Lucifer stage to write this lol. I have no memory of writing any of this almost two years ago. THE audacity of me. UNEDITED and SLIGHTLY proof read but im also two beers in and i cant be bothered.t

Reader has a kitty but no pronouns

Word count: 1511

TW: Degrading, fingering (f. receiving), slight blood play, squirting, intimidation, demon lucifer, slight sex shaming, biting, masochist reader, masochism. Sadist Lucifer if i missed anything please let me know~


Lucifer: I’m waiting. I thought I had told you to come to my room within the next five minutes? Which was almost ten minutes ago. (Read 5:25)


Lucifer: It’s now been ten minutes ..

(Read 5:26)


Lucifer: I can see you’ve read the messages. Do you really wish to make me wait any longer? (Read 5:26)


can't get enough of you

obey me! lucifer x fem!reader

MDNI, oral (f. receiving), vaginal fingering, overstimulation, established relationship, lucifer is really good with his mouth you can't change my mind

word count: 245

summary: lucifer loves eating pussy.... that's it... LMAO

a/n: i had the idea for this at like 3 in the morning and had to write it... also two fics today oopsie can you tell i had no clue how to name this lol


kept him waiting.

obey me! lucifer x fem!reader.

MDNI, vaginal fingering, p in v, slight marking, slight orgasm denial, established relationship, reader gets flustered kind of easily???, small mentions of reader being shorter than lucifer

word count: 1,022

a/n: first fic i've written! not too sure how much i love it but i've been dying to write something based on one of lucifer's dialogue pieces from the home screen, "You've got some nerve keeping me waiting. Well now, what are you going to do about it?" bc it has me blushing every time tbh,,,,,,

"Meet me in the music room" was all his text said. You had intended to get there right away, however, it seems like every moment you got closer to the room, one of the brothers had to stop you for something and sooner or later, the five minutes you wanted to take getting there turned to twenty. Every time you told someone you had to meet with Lucifer you were met with sympathetic eyes or laughs accompanied with "don't get yourself killed!"

But no, you weren't afraid of what would happen. In fact, the idea thrilled you. However, the longer you spent making your way to him, the more worried you got. It wasn't your intention to keep him waiting and truthfully, you weren't sure why you would ever want to do something such as that.

As you approached the extravagant wooden door, you gently opened it, sending the slightest creak through the air, and carefully closed it behind you, being sure to not let it slam.

"You've got some nerve keeping me waiting," he paused for a moment, looking up from the book he was reading to stare directly at you. "Well now, what are you going to do about it?" the words sent chills down your spine in the best way imaginable. You stood there, stammering as your face heated up. "I'm sorry Lucifer, I had intended on being here sooner, but I kept getting held up..." you said. Lucifer stood up from his spot and strode over to where you stood.

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