

@muisley / muisley.tumblr.com

illustrator ✌️ links / art tag

hey it's been a few months but i wanted to say that your art is still very gummy👍very eatable indeed and that your ace attorney art is getting me through finals for a second time :,D thank you for your art and contribution to my continued sanity in these trying times


wagh thank you so much, you're too kind, that means a lot to me to hear! 😭 good luck on your second finals, you can do it! here's a silly doodle as a reminder to not be like phoenix and not wing your exams!

Anonymous asked:

hi! i love how soft your art is, you have such a cozy style :) ! i've seen you mention merch/a store a couple times, and i was wondering where i could buy any of your art? thanks!

wahh thank you so much, that means a lot! 🥰 i was planning on opening my store in february, but i've been burned out with my full time job, commissions and zines, so i've been taking it easy!

i am slowly working on new merch (mostly reanimator, dunmeshi and ace attorney stuff.. lemme know if there's any suggestions...) i will probably open shop in may!



"OFFICE HOURS" is an artbook project themed around the concept of ‘salarymen’, with a focus on original characters. Contributor applications open early March!

📇 More info: officehours.crd.co


are you a salarymen enjoyer? a silly guy enthusiast? well you should look at our original character zine! and mayhaps join and make your own salaryman? think about it consider it for a moment thank you

Anonymous asked:

Hello Muis! Sorry if you get this ask twice but Im thinking tumblr has eaten the first one. I really love your ace attorney art and the soft way you use colours. I was wondering if theres any chance you could add an art to your store? Theres one from your doodle blog of phoenix at a computer giving a thumbs up with a smiley face. Id love to have it as a sticker on my laptop to help me stay motivated as it always makes me smile. If not, of course I understand. Your "sparkle on its court day" drawing is my phone background and daily mantra haha. Thank you for sharing anyway!

omg no worries! i'm planning on opening my store for con leftovers in february! i'll add that to the list of stuff to make a sticker off, yay!

also thank you for liking my art, that means so much to me! going through a bit of a negative patch when it comes to art, so hearing people enjoy my stuff is always like wowza... i appreciate it a lot!

Anonymous asked:

muisk is the finnish version of "mwuah" and that's how i felt when i found this blog thank you muisketeer

kdsfjkld omg thank you so much! that's so cute... muisk.....! i don't even know why i picked it in particular other than oh i like mice and i'm dutch so muis(=mouse)keteer 😭

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