Anonymous asked:

You’re an idiot. That is probably just a fan claiming they know things. If they really knew anything they won’t be “anonymous”.

You're an idiot bc you clearly can't read the part where I said I don't trust the authenticity i never said I believed it lmfao

Anonymous asked:

Wtf are you doing posting anon tweets from an spoiler account. The fact that you believe more in that than the words of the own victim said a lot about yourself. Get fucked.

You're a fucking dumb cunt lol

Show me where I said I believe the spoiler account bc i stated on the post that I dont trust the authenticity

Go fuck yourself and come off anon big boy


Beliza stans calling people cunts unprovoked will surely clear Bob and Elizas name!!!

'Unprovoked' when they told me to get fucked LMFAO

Edited to add that im not even a 'beliza stan'


In case y'all haven't seen these yet

Idk about the authenticity but I guess we will know if and when things do get worked out

(This is not a direct response to this user, it’s not directly aimed at a person, but at the general feud and hate being spread around the fandom)

When the truth comes out, it should be dealt by the parts involved and if it comes to it, it should be dealt in court, where real justice happens. We are not judges, we are not in a position to judge, we are only the public. Once everything is dealt with everyone can have an opinion, but that’s all: an opinion. We can’t keep cancelling, trying to destroy people’s lives. And I mean it, no matter who abused who, or if they both abused each other, if there are lies, if everything was dysfunctional. Just because they are more seen by the public doesn’t mean the public knows them and it doesn’t put the public in a position to accuse or defend anyone. That is up to the ones who really lived through it, witnessed it and to real PR people, real judges, real lawyers. 

Let’s just stay out of this, guys. It is so shitty to be in an abusive relationship and to have stans literally spreading more disinformation, hate and exploring the drama for entertainment is just so absurd. Do you guys even remember where the word stan came from? It’s from a song, by Eminem with Dido, that tells a story about an obsessive fan that kills himself and his pregnant wife over the fact that Eminem is not involved in the relationship Stan created in his head with the singer.

You guys don’t know them. They are not your friends. You have zero relationship with them. You’ve never been really close to them to the point that you actually know and have proof of what happen. Fans have a one sided relationship and that’s all. The ones who are actually present in their lives are the one who might know more, and it varies from person to person, as not every friend is close enough to know everything. 

When this is figured out, you can have an opinion. But you still won’t be able to judge if someone is an actual abuser without proof. That is called slander. Sending hate is cyber-bullying. Just wait until there is proof. Facts. Remembering that he-said, she-said is hardly considered evidence anymore. When there is evidence and when there is proof and things are dealt where they must be dealt with (and it is not by the public or in the public view), then maybe the truth comes out and we can affirm.

After the whole Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp, the James Charles being accused of being a predator, I just don’t believe in nothing when it comes to cancel culture. The only thing needing cancelling is the fact that we try to delete a person from public life and society like they are objects. Their drama and their lives are not up to our consumerism. Only the entertainment service they provide and are paid for should be consumed, if we want to. Because when it comes to the end of it, we only know them by the entertainment business and we are not part of their personal lives.

Stop romanticizing the word stan. It literally comes from a song about obsessive fans that are capable of anything for their idols, including crimes, like stalking, sending hate, public shaming, cyber-bullying, hacking, slander, humiliation. It’s not cute to be obsessed like that. 

It’s time we learn from cancel culture and grow out of it and out of stanning. It is sick. And I mean it in a societal level and as an psychological illness too. 

Anonymous asked:

Posting those screens is plain dumb, and you know it. It just gives more stupid ideas to the shippers and stans that are trying to preserve the image of their golden boy and his queen. That’s the same username as a Bellarke shipper, it’s basically just another delusional fan that is trying to save the face of BoBo

Welll its my blog and I can post whatever I want

Also I didnt know it was a Bellarke shipper when I posted it

And i was gonna delete it but since people are getting pressed over fake screenshots im gonna keep it up lmfao

Anonymous asked:

I’m sorry, but to that anon, “believe women” never meant to take someone’s word as gospel off the bat. It meant to stop dismissing survivors and to stop hearing them and going “yeah right, sweetheart”. America has ALWAYS required “evidence”. It’s innocent until proven guilty.


Anonymous asked:

re: Arryn liking and commenting positively on Eliza's instagram - if she was being gaslit by Bob (and possibly Eliza) she might have been feeling guilty and paranoid for suspecting anything, which might have caused her to try to "overcorrect" by being appreciative of Eliza even after the breakup. I've been in that situation and it makes you feel like you can never trust your own feelings and instincts..

So sorry you've been in that situation and I hope you're doing okay.

I am going to look into gaslighting more, bc my friend was gaslit and she cut all ties with the person as soon as she could, so i guess I am going by that.

Also if you ever need to chat my inbox is always open

Anonymous asked:

About Beliza’s silence, while many believe that their silence is either admission or just doesn’t look good, I also believe that if they were to say anything it would be just as bad. Many already believe that, at least bob, is horrible and that this is 100% what happened so even if he were to say anything, it would probably make things worse. Plus if they are doing anything (ie taking legal action) the best thing is to say silent to not incriminate yourself further.

Yeah that's true. I've never thought about it that way

Anonymous asked:

i think it's quite obvious that arryn's post is writing from a position of hindsight. she knows what happened and when *now* but she didn't always know at the time. people pointing to her liking eliza's posts for a bit after the breakup are completely ignoring that not long after that she completely cut the both of them off her social media. it doesn't take a genius to put together that THAT is when she found out the full extent of what was going on, and up until then she was still being gaslit.

Yep that's been established in one of my earlier asks bc im a dumb bitch and didn't think of that lol

Anonymous asked:

Wtf are you doing posting anon tweets from an spoiler account. The fact that you believe more in that than the words of the own victim said a lot about yourself. Get fucked.

You're a fucking dumb cunt lol

Show me where I said I believe the spoiler account bc i stated on the post that I dont trust the authenticity

Go fuck yourself and come off anon big boy


I love characters that have never been loved before experiencing it for the first time. They're taken aback by softness. They're confused by warm words and being cared for. They're almost scared by the loving way they're looked at. Fleeting tender touches send them reeling. Their heart almost feel like it's going to burst. What does it mean? All they know is they don't feel as though they deserve that, even if they reciprocate. It's been proven time again that they're unlovable and yet...

Being treated so gently feels so good and they aren't sure they want it to stop.

#memori #&Echo (via @boomheda)

Anonymous asked:

Did you see Arryn signal boosted her post with the national domestic abuse hotline? It’s starting to feel performative.

I did not!

But i did notice neither Bob or Eliza have said anything

Which to be fair i didn't expect them to, they've always been super private about their personal lives and i respect that but with serious allegations like this I thought they would have said something

Unfortunately their silence is making it worse for them and im not quite sure what to do anymore

That being said, and this is a bit of topic from the ask so sorry!

But if anyone needs to have a chat feel free to message me! It's a very disheartening situation.

I've looked up to Bob and Eliza for ages. I've spent so much money on The 100 merch. Got both their Represent(i think its called?) shirts. Spent soooo much money meeting them at conventions... Its quite upsetting to have that caring & kind image i had of them ruined


Melissa benoist supported that same foundation and yes with covid 19 happening makes its harder for people who are trapped with thier abusers.

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