
Name's Tricky


I guess you can ask me stuff? Better watch what you're saying tho. Current M!A: None!

Ooc:Oh well here I go again!

Yeah I've made another ask Blog this time for the one and only Tricky The Clown!

And now I'm also gonna Change colors when speaking out of character wheyyy

Also I went ahead and came up with my own Backstory- No Hofnarr sorry :/ he exists yeah he's just not Tricky.

Also this Blog is crossover friendly! And Mod rarely rejects any kind of Roleplay. Except NSFW if you want that you're at the wrong place.

Anyways Text Info:

This of course implies Mod speaking.

This is usually when Tricky is angry

AND THIS IS HIS OTHER FORM (Doesn't always have to be in caps)

I can't believe I have to edit this again.

Right I don't want any from of Sexual assoult or NSFW. It makes me REALLY uncomfortable and I don't want anything to do with that kind of stuff.

Anyways here are my other blogs:


I have a spare Orbital Support ship. Its name is Dreadnought 45T. You want it? And yes those are highly damaging lasers.


Oooooooh lasers!!!! Yes yes yes please!

Anonymous asked:

Hey so, someone I thought was a friend ended up being a really bad person, but they're also scared of clowns, so.. Wanna help me kill 'em? :>

Oooooh for sure!!!!


Oh crap, Death is here...uh, so this is Death! *death please dont kill nyone for once i beg of ye-*


"Hi Death!!! But I still refuse to die come back in like a year maybe!!"


Insanity has dropped by, he must like you as he hasnt done this before. and the fact he isnt trying to disembowel you helps, besides all this hes a pretty chill guy


Oooooh you look cool! Wanna see my Skeleton form??? Or my fire demon form?? ^_^


yes he does actually, he loves meeting new skeleton types!

"Well then here you go!!"

(Hi mod here I don't usually draw skeletons-)


You dont happen to have a spare jaw, do you?


Depends on what kind of jaw you are looking for!! And what size! I'm sure I could find a fitting one though.


Insanity has dropped by, he must like you as he hasnt done this before. and the fact he isnt trying to disembowel you helps, besides all this hes a pretty chill guy


Oooooh you look cool! Wanna see my Skeleton form??? Or my fire demon form?? ^_^

Anonymous asked:

oh cool! lets go then!

'Yeah it's right next to that hell hole over there!!!!"

Anonymous asked:

just a short walk to be honest! because im kinda new here and have no idea where everything is

Mhhhh well sure I can show you where my favourite Hotdog food cart is!!!"

Anonymous asked:

hello hello! wanna go on an adventure?

Depends on what adventure you're talking about!

Anonymous asked:

Tricky the fan girls are comeing for you run-! *runs away as a army of fanfirls runs to Tricky*

What?!? What is happening??

Anonymous asked:

whit all in the blink of an eye was right in front of tricky

W: TRICKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ack sorry i just got excited because i haven't seen you in a good while

whit looked like a kid in a candy shop


Good to see you again fren!!! ^_^


a lots happened since we last spoke, i became mortal enemies with a bottle of vodka and a actual piece of shit, kill a few people and over have had a good time

That sounds... Crazy!!!

Sounds like you had a great time though!!!

yeah i did, but through it all i was still honestly missing you a lot and also nevada. ive been sleeping over at the church of piss for so many days that i havent been able to come home...

I'm glad you're back bud!!!!

im glad im back too! missed nevada

Of course you did Nevada is awesome!!

Clown wonders what happened to the Auditor after you left?

Anonymous asked:

whit all in the blink of an eye was right in front of tricky

W: TRICKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ack sorry i just got excited because i haven't seen you in a good while

whit looked like a kid in a candy shop


Good to see you again fren!!! ^_^


a lots happened since we last spoke, i became mortal enemies with a bottle of vodka and a actual piece of shit, kill a few people and over have had a good time

That sounds... Crazy!!!

Sounds like you had a great time though!!!

yeah i did, but through it all i was still honestly missing you a lot and also nevada. ive been sleeping over at the church of piss for so many days that i havent been able to come home...

I'm glad you're back bud!!!!

Anonymous asked:

whit all in the blink of an eye was right in front of tricky

W: TRICKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ack sorry i just got excited because i haven't seen you in a good while

whit looked like a kid in a candy shop


Good to see you again fren!!! ^_^


a lots happened since we last spoke, i became mortal enemies with a bottle of vodka and a actual piece of shit, kill a few people and over have had a good time

That sounds... Crazy!!!

Sounds like you had a great time though!!!

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