
@saturnthot / saturnthot.tumblr.com

sarah | virgo sun, gemini moon, scorpio rising | intp

hey y’all so i’m not going to be active on this blog anymore since astrology isn’t my main interest anymore (still love it though) so i’m switching over to my personal @perfumebisexual if u want to follow me there


Men look so stupid dressed like they’re going to a funeral in their stupid little suits standing next to women in diamond studded leotards and decadent gowns and 6 inch stilettos like how do they even let some boring ass man stand next to them omfg..


Thinking about how many people have Neptune in Aquarius in our generation makes so much sense to me, because we’re living in an era were social networks can put this insanely perfect and unreachable standards, just to mention some: beauty standards, the “perfect” life, found on instagram especally, or just in general this facade of happiness and fullfilment that most people put out on the internet. All Neptune’s themes of romanticizing, blurred perceptions and delusion come into play when it comes to social networks. 


Send me a band/artist and I’ll reply with:

Do I know them already?: yes | no

If I know them:

  • Favourite Song:
  • Least Favourite Song:
  • Favourite Album:
  • Least Favourite Album:
  • Song that got me into them:
  • Seen Live?:
  • Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

If I don’t know them:

  • First song youtube took me to: 
  • First Impression: 
  • Do I like it?: 
  • Would I listen to more from them?: 
  • Rate (from what I heard): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

tag your morning vibe

mornings things;

rosy sunlight: waking up unexpectedly early, enjoying the peaceful silent, laying in bed and just thinking, messy buns, the calm before the storm, deciphering your dreams, peach tones

hot coffee: productivity, writing in a journal or diary, planning out your day, a high ponytail, buying breakfast, newspapers, the smell of fresh coffee beans

cereal bowl: having something sweet for breakfast, walking your dog, morning shower, bubbly laughter, hopefulness, counting down to the weekend

alarm clock: waking up late, no makeup, coffee to wake you up, cold feet, falling back asleep when there’s a moment, cloudy skies, heavy eyelids

breakfast pastry: the bustling of a large family, staying in your pyjamas, morning radio, grocery shopping, waiting for the post, no responsibilities


associating a song with a person is a risky move


neptune in the houses- collection of concepts (6/12)

neptune in the first house- dissolving myself shape shifting, ‘who am I?’, blending in unconsciously, no boundaries between others and the self, psychic sponge, unstable and fickle sense of self-worth

neptune in the second house- not about the money financial carelessness, charity funding, tendency to attract charlatans, paying a lot for concert tickets or buying tons of books, spending too much on art neptune in the third house- flashes of divine inspiration soaking up information, clairvoyance, reading people’s minds, nervous disorders, daydreaming, short attention span, learning effortlessly 

neptune in the fourth house- uncertain roots having vague flashes of your childhood, wanting to live by the sea, imaginary friends, fear of the dark, insomnia, chaotic family, search for the ideal home neptune in the fifth house- dramatic flare chaotic romantic relationships, idealism, true love of art, wonderful sceneries, excessive romance, fantastic but secret pleasures, addictions, quixotism 

neptune in the sixth- unconscious sacrifice giving everything to others, blurred boundaries, stress is felt physically, fastidious daydreaming, irritability, daily torments, unusual decisions Part ½ | by crystal melbourne | within the zodiac | “where’s my neptune?”


stargazing pt. 1 ✨🌟🌌

🌠 Those with a Water Rising sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to have unusually large, characteristically deer-in-headlight eyes and are magnetizing; will easily attract others to them unconsciously, give off the vibe that they listen wholeheartedly. 

🌠 Taurus Moons may be viewed by friends as having a sort of “renewing energy”, and will be sought out when others are stressed/worried, and wish to think more clearly. Their company is especially desired, whether they realize it or not.

🌠 Moon in 1st natives are ridiculously warm and bubbling with so much sweetness, they help others to feel completely open and comfortable in their presence. Terribly endearing and adorable, they a smile that brightens up the whole room.

🌠 Sagittarius Venus is wholesomely child-like in their relations, and will stand out in the group for being the most enjoyable to be around. Notorious for their fun sense of humor and how easily they laugh. They tease with underlying affection, and have a heart with so much love to give; it can be difficult to stay mad at these natives for long.

🌠 Pisces Moons carry a lot of guilt, and may genuinely believe themselves to be not worthy of praise or affection. Their hearts ache for others, and are the most selfless people you’ll ever meet; they’ll always sacrifice their time and efforts to help in any way, practical and emotional. 

🌠 Libra Moons have a natural eye for aesthetics, and beautiful furnish their surroundings and clothing style with ease; an admirable and envious talent! While detached in emotional warmth, they’re the best to go to for advice as they remain unbiased and provide all perspectives to consider before making a decision. Perfectly emulates “tough love”, and always wants what’s best for you; please don’t feel discouraged to approach these natives with your problems! 

🌠 Those with a Fire Moon sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) may have the most regrets, as they usually feel their emotions too intensely and act on impulse. They can be viewed by the family as sometimes too dramatic and embarrassing; their biggest lesson in life is learning how to take their time and maybe even complete detachment from certain situations/people. While clumsy sometimes in their emotional dealings, these natives are full of pure intentions and hearts of gold.

🌠 Scorpio Suns may find themselves either in trouble with the law or ending up in the hospital time and time again; acts impulsively but out of love for fun and excitement. May also experience many “broken” possessions, wind up in accidents more often than the average person!

🌠 Leo Mars are an ideal lover in that they give selflessly in the bedroom and have what seems like endless energy when they feel a well of pride for what they do, and will hold off on their own orgasms/pleasure and focus on you completely. It’s crucial to stress however, they need feedback and to know how they’re affecting you, else they’ll lose interest.

🌠 Pluto in 1st, Moon in 8th, and 8th house stellium natives will be drawn towards Gothic styles/music, psychological thrillers and horror films, and the metaphysical. Openly likes the darker things in life, may experiment with the occult.

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