

@fadetoblack124 / fadetoblack124.tumblr.com

INFJ/Female/Country of Hearts


25 News published a teaser video of the Diabolik Lovers, More, Blood stage play, featuring the Sakamaki, Mukami, and Yui!

The DVD will be released in April of the Year.



Diabolik Lovers BGM (used during dances)

After downloading a very generous collection of DL BGMs, I happened to come across this particular track that I was searching for earlier! It’s a very beautiful piano piece and I just adore this so much.  


Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival: Mukami Yuma (Sub Scenario w/Ruki)

Yuma: Now then….where do you wanna go next?

Yui: Hmm, lets see…..ah, there’s ice cream! How about we get some?

Yuma: Ice cream isn’t so bad once in a while. Kay, lets queue…..


                 【Rejet】DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO PV

              Diabolik Lovers New Chapter is Coming!

                          Diabolik Lovers Zero “Awaken 13 Blood” 

“Start a new chapter “0”. Never turn your eyes on that red and wet portrait.”

More Info is Coming Soon. You can find a rough summary here

Anonymous asked:

Could you please write how the Sakamaki brother would react to feeling insecure in their relationship and what they would be insecure about? Thank you very much!! You are a blessing to all us sinners 🙏

I inverted the order of these (what they’re insecure about - how they deal with it) hope that’s ok!!

SHUU: Boredom. Shuu knows that he isn’t the most enthusiastic person, and he often wonders if you will grow tired of taking care of him and nagging him to take care of himself. He knows that you don’t want to become his parent.

REIJI: Sharing emotional baggage. Reiji does not want to talk about his feelings and will avoid talking about them in a myriad ways. And, even worse, he doesn’t feel confident helping you with your feelings.

LAITO: Fickle “love.” Laito believes that you will one day change your mind about the way you feel. He believes that you will eventually realize that you don’t love him, and leave him for someone else.

KANATO: Abandonment. Kanato is afraid that you will leave him behind. Or, worse still, that you will ignore him completely. He needs your attention to know that you care about him.

AYATO: Failure. Ayato can’t deal with thinking that he might fail or disappoint you somehow. This encompasses so many aspects - sexually, academically… Ayato knows that he isn’t the “best” of his brothers, but he wants to be.

SUBARU: His strength. He’s terrified of hurting you - mostly physically. He’s afraid that it might even happen by accident. One day you’ll break something, or he’ll accidentally hit you… and you’ll hate him.


Let’s talk pronouns in DL

I’m fascinated by pronouns in anime and otome games. If you haven’t studied Japanese at all, then you won’t necessarily pick up on this, but different characters use different pronouns to convey a “sense” about themselves. It also conveys how they feel about the person they are speaking about. Of course, this is the same speaking Japanese irl. However, pronouns often fluctuate more depending on the speaker/who is spoken to. I feel like in games they are a little more stagnant, but that’s just bc characters talk to one person (the player) 80% or the time.

Anyway, it’s really interesting to study these and think about their usage with characters in order to understand more about their feelings of themselves/others! You can learn a lot from the way someone speaks, and this isn’t reserved to English. This also partially explains why I write characters certain ways.

Pronouns the guys use range are (1st person) watashi, boku, ore (2nd person) anata, anta, kimi, omae, kisama. Ordinarily in speech you omit second person pronouns, but for otome games it’s sort of necessary because DL doesn’t have sound input software so the guys can actually say your name (see Tokimeki Memorial). Much of the time the written dialogue will include your name, but the recorded speech uses a 2nd person pronoun. So let’s talk about them!

Once again I say, I’m not an expert translator/linguist by any means. I also want to point out that these words convey a lot of different meanings according to context, I’m only writing out a little bit about each one. 

It literally took 3 hours to write all this lmao bye. Read more because this is a LONG post.

So basically all the diahoes think they are higher level creatures. _(:з」∠)_ they are all Kisama >:3 jk


Jsuki; DIABOLIK LOVERS “5th Anniversary” Book - Yuma’s Special Interview ── Right now, what are you into? Yuma: A scoop, that my hands gotten familiar with. When it comes to taking care of my vegetation, if I can’t get used to the tools, I get irritated after all. The (scoop) I’m using now is really great, and isn’t spoiled or anything. I’m into it. ── What in your fashion are you particular about lately? Yuma: I don’t have anything I’m particular about… stuff that’s easy to move about in is the best after all. Also, stuff that isn’t hard to breathe in. For clothes that have buttons, I won’t button all the way up. I’m big-sized, so finding clothes for me is the hardest thing. ── What habits do you have that you’ll do without realising? Yuma: Ah… Ruki told me to stop this. I tend to chew on my thumb. I sort of realise it, but I can’t seem to correct this habit… ── How do you spend your off-days? Yuma: I take care of my vegetables, and as I’m doing it, my off-day just ends at once. Even if I do go out, it’s just to go out and buy fertilizer or something. If it rains, I’m fine not working and just staying inside the house. ── What do you wear to sleep? Yuma: Previously, I was going to sleep without wearing anything above, then Kou said something like, “I knew it”, and stopped me. So recently, I’ll simply throw on a T-shirt or jersey. Well, if it’s just to sleep in, anything goes. ── What do you definitely do before sleeping? Yuma: I don’t have anything I definitely do. I go with the day. Usually, I’ll bathe, then brush my teeth… ah, but once I wake up, I’ll water the plants in my room. But they don’t really need that much water, so it’s just a bit. ── What is one part of your body that you like best? Yuma: My arm. I have the most arm strength among us brothers, and if it comes to fights, I won’t lose. I usually also play the role of being the one to lift all the heavy stuff. Isn’t it great that my body’s okay no matter what I do? ── What’s something you like in your room? Yuma: Right by the side of my bed are some viewing plants. To be able to wake up and see green, it makes my mood good. Also, when I’m in my room, I usually just roll around on my bed, so I’m able to see my (plants) regularly. ── Tell us one memorable impression that you have of your brothers. Yuma: Ah? Right… last time, I don’t know what happened to Azusa or what he did, but he wouldn’t stop crying. In the end, I stuffed one of my sugar-chans into his mouth, and he was so surprised he smiled. Except, I can’t remember why I decided to do that at all. ── What do you think of Karlheinz? Yuma: I respect him, and remember him as somebody amazing. To pick up someone like me and to give me a new life to walk upon. I’m not smart and I can’t do complicated things…but, as long as he wishes for it, I’ll do anything. ── Where will you go if going on a date? Yuma: Mm… the botanic gardens will be nice. I don’t really grow that many flowers, so I can learn things there too. And when time passes, the atmosphere will change, won’t it? It’s good for a date. ── What does a girl do that makes your heart skip a beat? Yuma: When she passes by and waves her hand. Somehow, if she’s (giving small waves), I think it’s cute. I don’t know about the others guys, but like this? When she looks up? When I see her do that innocently while waving her hand, somehow it makes me excited. ── How does her blood taste? Yuma: It’s super delicious. Like this; hot and sweet, with a deep after-taste. The taste may change, but that’s good in itself. If I pop a sugar-chan in after, I wonder how it’ll taste? Hehe… ── Which part do you like to suck from best? Yuma: From the waist, how do I say this, then up the back… I’ll like something like that. When you suck like that, it’s interesting to be able to see her tremble. Sometimes when it spills and you lick it up, she also gives a good reaction. ── What is her existence to you? Yuma: What is it… so you wanna hear it again huh? Ah…in any way, so long she’s by my side smiling, I’m somehow relived. I used to think everything is troublesome with her last time, but now if she’s not nearby, I can’t take it. To think I’ll think of it like this now, even I feel it’s weird but… since it’s become like this, I’ll keep her beside me and protect her properly. Translated by me, requested by anon-san. Originally from my own copy of the DL 5th Anniversary book. For my other DiaLovers posts, please click HERE.

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