
flowers and girls who love girls

@sapphic-garden / sapphic-garden.tumblr.com

a happy safe space for wlw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . icon credit: @yasminacreates

Having this woman by my side means everything to me. I have no idea where I would be without her. I often think about how grateful I am that we started dating so young so we’ve gotten to experience each other through every transformative period we’ve had in our lives. I couldn’t imagine being with someone who didn’t know me back when I was young and wild. I love her so incredibly much and I’m so excited about the fact that she’ll become my wife this year :’)


Quarantine garden finally complete! Rosemary bush (planted by the house owners before me) pruned and weeded, red caladiums in the back, a gold azalea that’s still really a teenager, marigolds down the middle, and red geraniums which should bloom in a few days in the front. And some hostas, including a heritage hosta that passed from my grandmother to my mother and then to me a few summers ago.

Anonymous asked:

Can you talk more about your gender, specifically genderfluidity? I'm genderfluid and a lesbian and would love to hear more genderfluid wlw perspectives!

Wow I haven't been on here in a while but yes! I identify as nonbinary now, but I still fluctuate between masculinity and femininity. I don't really know how to explain it, but some days I feel gender more strongly than others. I'm bisexual, and I currently have am in a happy and committed relationship with a man. Combined, this is why I took a step back from this blog for a while - as not really a woman and not dating a woman, it was a bit uncomfortable to be part of the wlw/sapphic community.

As for gender more specifically, I can't say how it feels, but if you're genderfluid, I'm guessing you know the feeling. Sometimes it's more noticeable than others, and often I get told I'm imagining it, but I've found safer and happier places in lgbt groups that are largely trans/nonbinary because they just Get It. If you have any more specific questions, don't hesitate!

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