
Morbidly Inclined


Multifandom. Occasionally I write something. Also found @evafairdeath, or as EvaBelmort on ao3

Writer Permission Slip

Go as slowly as you need to in order to complete your writing project(s).

Prioritize other responsibilities if necessary. It’s okay.

Prioritize rest and self-care if necessary. It’s okay.

Re-write those 6k words you slaved over for weeks. It’s okay.

Slog through that boggy, swampy middle you always dread. It’s okay.

Writing fast is often glorified in the writing community. But some people just physically cannot do that for whatever reason. It’s perfectly okay to write slowly.


tumblr mobile won't let me upload a voice recording, so I guess you're all spared hearing about my thoughts that people (some of them at least) aren't actually desperate for comments. What they're actually missing is community.

This is absolutely and 100% what I am missing. Livejournal, for all its faults, supported community in a way that Tumblr doesn’t. It felt like a conversation with friends, rather than a game of telephone.

I am pining.

Things I specifically miss:

Asynchronous conversation without fear of losing the post

The knowledge that I wasn’t encroaching on anyone else’s space because they were interacting with me on my journal

Communities of interest (no, tags are not the same)

Threaded conversations - so you could see multiple reactions and thoughts without multiple reblogs

Reliable memories with tags

Honestly? More consistent identities in terms of username/avatar, ‘Cos you could give yourself a name in addition to your username

There’s probably more but I’m still in the Feelings stage


Announcing the last of Hannibal Cre-Ate-Ive’s events: #ThisIsMyBeginning

As we as a group face the reality of this journey ending for us, we are looking back at the amazing things we have experienced through all of your contributions, your kind words and wonderful ideas. We couldn’t have done this without YOU. Without this brilliant fandom and without the love you gave back to us, not just with your works, but also with likes, retweets, comments and Kudos.

But every end is also a beginning.

From November 27th to November 29th we are asking you to show us what a new beginning means to you. Is it Hannibal and Will moving to a new place again? Is it the new morning starting with the song of birds or the cat on your face? Is it spring, when nature wakes up from its slumber? A new job, country, flat, a new enemy, or the epiphany of love and the change that comes with it? Is it….breakfast?

To go with the proverbial door that is closing for a new one to open: show us what our beloved characters from Hannibal and the Extended Universe can find behind the impossible amount of doors or windows. Post art, fic, poetry, edits, vids, RP— all the creative things! Just use the tag #ThisIsMyBeginning so that we can find your contribution (and maybe tag us, just to make sure).

Remember that the work you post has to be entirely new and unpublished.

Thank you so much @camilleflyingrotten, for once again providing us with an amazing piece of art. We were so happy to have you as a long-time member who contributed several amazing banners to our fests and challenges.


HERE is the ao3 collection.


What eloquent epitaph can you give for something that became more than you ever dreamed it would be? That gave you not only purpose but joy, and lifelong friends, and an uncomfortably detailed understanding of the moist inner workings of every kind of porn you have never before had the opportunity to imagine?

The Cre-Ate-Ive began as a desire to give the fandom an incentive to create art and stories and all other endeavors of imagination and talent. Like a brightly-lit pub on a dark street we wanted to open up a safe warm place where everyone could sit and listen to stories or to tell them, to both share and inspire creation. So that’s what we did, for a little while.

It’s hard to move on, though we all agree it’s time.

As I look around one last time at the cold fire, the tidy chairs and tables, the mongoose chewing on… something… in the corner by the kitchen, I’m struck again by the sense of possibility. The creation of art doesn’t end with its own creation. It is a self-propagating seed into the fertile earth of the mind. When we turn out the lights, something will always be growing in the dark.

And on the turning of the key in the lock, and the opening of the door, in a year, or in a decade, what will have flourished here?

Everything must come to an end, whether we want it or not, whether we choose it, or the circumstances choose for us. When we started the adventure that this has been for us in an innocent tweet between a few fellow writers, we were definitely not thinking about the ending. Nor when we went from wanting to organize an event solely for us, to want to reach more and more Fannibals. Not even when some of us met in person in conventions, or when we met so so many fellow creators, and fans, and the cast and crew, who were so supportive… And definitely not when, after years after the cancellation of the show, creators kept overwhelming us with both the quality and the quantity of their contributions, and people kept amazing us with the response to those contributions, to the events, etc. We definitely didn’t think of the end during all those times… but real life is messy, it’s complicated and it gets even more so with time. And so with the deepest sadness in our hearts, we must announce that this is the end of the road for the Creative. Maybe not forever… but definitely for now.

Many friends have been a part of the “staff” of the Creative, some have been part of it since the beginning, some had to leave at some point for the same reasons listed above, but each single person will forever be part of the Pub’s history, so thank you to every single member.

There have been even more artists who, throughout the years, have collaborated with us and helped us with their beautiful, beyond amazing banners for each event. To each and every one of you: thank you.

There have been even more incredibly talented people who have participated in the events. From artists, writers, song writers or knitters. To each and every single one of you: THANK YOU.

And to you, who are reading this. Thank you for the support. Thank you for sharing a tweet. Thank you for encouraging the artists, writers, etc. Thank you.

Keep writing, keep drawing, keep composing, keep sketching, keep editing videos, keep editing pictures, keep making art through food… keep creating, and don’t let anyone put any limits to your creativity.

To properly say goodbye, we will be announcing a new and final event in the next few days. We hope you will come to dine with us for the last fe(a)st…


Writing novels, writing scripts, writing poetry, and writing short stories are all completely different skills and if you’re not good at one of them yet and you’re good at another don’t beat yourself up about it. You wouldn’t call an oil painter stupid because he can’t make a bronze sculpture. He’s an oil painter. He’s never made a sculpture before. Give him a minute to figure it out.

So if you’ve only ever written short stories don’t beat yourself up because your one act play is crap. You’re learning how to walk again. Let yourself fall flat on your face a couple of times.


Sign Ups have been EXTENDED

Hey, peeps! Mod Fishie and I have been chatting, and we’ve decided to EXTEND the deadline for sign ups in order to spread the joy of the Murder Husbands Big Bang a little further.

Therefore, sign ups for AUTHORS and ARTISTS will be extended until Sunday, August 23rd.

Please make sure that you read our Amended Schedule, FAQs, and Rules, as there have been a few changes since last year (and since sign ups originally opened).

We hope to see you join us, and we’re so excited to watch you all make the magic happen!

~ Mod Fishie & Mod Reggie


*thinks about Jon saying he’ll kill Elias if he has to* *thinks about Jon saying he’ll kill Elias if he has to* *thinks about Jon saying he’ll kill Elias if he has to* *thinks about Jon saying he’ll kill Elias if he has to* *thinks about Jon saying he’ll kill Elias if he has to* *thinks about Jo


do you guys even know what anne carson is like. you reblog her quotes all the time but are you aware that seeing her in person is a spiritual experience

she came to my college in the spring of 2019. she was wearing a flannel under a pinstripe suit, cuffed trousers and bright red sneakers, and she had her hair up in a messy bun. I didn’t take a picture but here’s my artist’s rendition

the whole room was full of Classics wlwTM and we Absolutely Could Not Handle This Like Even a Little Bit. I got so distracted thinking about her during my workout today that I accidentally did 15 more jumping jacks than I was supposed to, which I think is the gayest sentence I’ve ever written.

how do I describe the way she speaks? it’s this very floaty, dignified, vaguely curious, uncompelled, but very intentional style of diction, like if you met god at a garden party and she handed you a pitcher of cream and asked you why you think you should get into heaven. I wrote down the phrase “Your ridiculous little glasslike soul” and I don’t remember in what context she said it, but THAT’S the vibe.

she is screamingly funny but relentlessly deadpan. “You know Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for—” she pulls down her glasses and looks at us, like a librarian who moonlights writing erotica – “sodomy.” She had us do an “interactive portion” during one of her poems, instructing the right side of the audience: “Your part is simply the word Deciduous? With a question mark at the end.”

She has flawless comedic timing, and she does not use filler words. Remember this line from Elektra? it sums up her sense of humor PERFECTLY:

She spices up her wit by dropping in the occasional mind-blowing quote like “Tears are all about the weeper, aren’t they?” and “Roses and hurricanes are too much as they are to be anything else, to be damaged by metaphor.” and “Do I frighten people, saying there’s no back wall? Nothing between you and your heart of darkness?”

like. she is an incredible writer and I’m not about to denigrate her translations by saying she didn’t put work into them, but I honest to god think that is just How This Woman’s Mind Works. she is on “not to me, not if it’s you” and “someone will remember us I say even in another time” levels of galaxy brain wordcraft, but IN REAL LIFE.

I came up to her after the reading and asked her to sign my Bacchae copy. I did not say much to her besides that I was a fan, because I got the sense that if I formed a complete sentence in her presence she would see directly through me and reach into my body and swallow my entire ribcage like a snake.

she signed my book “regards, A.C.” I’ll never forget her.

A paean to the best in the biz


So I saw this bullshit when I was on a TERF-blocking spree…

  • Half your TERF bullshit that people accidentally reblog is couched in dogwhistles which sound reasonable until I realize y'all are defining people’s lives and axes of oppression by their genitals, reducing me to whether I’ve got a vagina or not. You know, like misogynistic assholes do.
  • The other half makes sense until I realize that y'all have a fourth grade understanding of biology and think that humans only have XX and XY rather than six karotypes with varying phenotypes.
  • Context matters, you umbrella made of dried seaweed.

Honestly, I just saw a post claiming that it’s “rape by deception” not to tell someone you’re trans before you kiss them. This is literally exactly the same rhetoric that had a lesbian punching me in the 90s for not disclosing I’m bi the second she started hitting on me, because I somehow deceived her.

TERFs are fucking exhausting.


OP might agree with a nazi post if it said, “America needs to protect vulnerable communities from crime and violence” because it didn’t say, “vulnerable communities = white communities, and all the crime and violence that we care about is committed by people of color or immigrants or both.” 

OP might agree with a pedophile who posted, “Children are not property, and adults need to respect their opinions!” Sound fine, until you notice they mean, “Respecting their opinions means letting them make all decisions as if they were adults.” 

And the rest of us might reblog TERF rhetoric that said, “Women need to stand in solidarity against men trying to shut down their communities” until we realize that they’re defining “women” and “men” according to their own dogma, and not by biology or the law.

Dog whistles get shared because they leave out the half of the statement that clarifies their meanings. Anyone can get caught by those - they’re designed to be deceptive, to encourage support from people who don’t know the rest of the meanings intended by the words. 

“Dog whistles get shared because they leave out the half of the statement that clarifies their meanings. Anyone can get caught by those - they’re designed to be deceptive”


I mean, accurate. There’s a reason I find him frustrating as a character, and it’s mostly that we have all the wrong things in common and I want to shake him and tell him to accept that he has value and learn to set some fucking boundaries. Also I like spiders. I used to feed them as a kid. 

Source: uquiz.com

Today marks the first day of Pride 2020.

It also marks the seventh day of protests held in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. It’s been 634 days since Botham Jean was murdered by a police officer, 233 days since Atatiana Jefferson was fatally shot by a police officer, 2,123 days since Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer, and 2,146 days since Eric Garner was choked to death by a police officer. 

It has been five days since Tony McDade, a Black trans man from Florida, was shot and killed by a police officer.  

At the time of this post, it has been almost 19 hours since David McAtee was shot and killed by the authorities. 

This week has served as a stark reminder that those who have power in this country wield it recklessly and violently against Black people, non-Black POC, and trans people. For some, the power is found in their badge. In others, it’s their skin tone, their socio-economic status, their cisgender privileges, or any other number of privileges one can have. In 2018, with at least 26 trans people who were murdered, all but one were trans women, and all but one were people of color. According to data collected by Human Rights Campaign, this pattern is all too common. It should also be noted that the number of trans people who are murdered is grossly underreported, with many families and newspapers often misgendering those who can no longer speak up for themselves. 

On June 28, 1969, the Stonewall riots began as a response to the constant police raids of nightlife establishments frequented by the LGBTQIA+ community. That night sparked a revolution, with many eye-witnesses crediting Black and Latinx trans women for being brave enough to ignite what would become one of the most pivotal nights in LGBTQIA+ history. Without Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, there would have been no uprising. Without them, there would be no Pride. 

At this moment, it would be tone-deaf and insensitive to commemorate Pride in the same celebratory fashion we usually do. Instead, we’re asking you to make the commitment to better the lives of the oppressed. Do the work to become actively anti-racist if you are not Black. Spread the word that Black lives matter. Spread the word that trans people deserve to feel safe wherever they go. Reblog this post, make your own, or find someone in your life who doesn’t understand and do your best to make them understand. Donate if you can

The first Pride was a riot. We stand with you.


levels of headcanon:

  • This is heavily supported by text/subtext and is likely what the creators intended for me to get from this 
  • this is sort of supported by the text and could, conceivably be what the creators intended for me to get from the text/subtext
  • there is no evidence either way
  • there is slight evidence against my headcanon, but I don’t care
  • I’ve stopped giving a crap about canon

Don’t forget the wild card, “This is heavily supported by the text but is nevertheless obviously not what the creators intended.”

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