
Maggie Stormborn


Author of the unofficial GoT Season 9 Fan Fiction "Truly the Mother of Dragons" 🔥🐲 🔥🔥🔥RELEASING DAILY NOW🔥🔥🔥 TARGARYEN LOYALIST 🔥🐲 Co-Creator of the Queer Creation Collective 🌈 Profile art by @sam_artworks, Cover Art by Me
Anonymous asked:

Your Jonerys has me in tears! Can I please use the most recent Jonerys art as my twitter header, please???? I promise to give all deserved credit.

Nah dawg you deserve better that one is really shitty >:( Here's this one I did recently that's 100× better 😭


finally rendered those baela and rhaena sketches;

baela, lady of driftmark 🌊 & her younger twin sister— rhaena of pentos 🪷


“Lady Rhaena’s twin, Baela, remained on Dragonstone. Long betrothed to Prince Jacaerys, she refused to leave him, insisting that she would fight beside him on her own dragon…”

Matchy prince and princess! I find it slightly comical that vermax & moondancer are both green coloured dragons 😭🐉


From my unofficial season 9 Game of Thrones fanfiction "Truly the Mother of Dragons", artwork by @lamaleluna.art on Instagram.

"Living with the wildlings beyond the wall, Jon Snow now sits on the Frozen Council - a newly formed group of elected Freefolk that governs over the various factions throughout the wild North. Along with Tormund Giantsbane and three other Wildlings, they oversee the care and defense of their people. Jon helps design their new settlements, as well as training and leading the hunting and ranging parties.

Although he was assigned (again) to the Nights Watch, he has never returned to the Wall since his reunion there with Ghost and the Freefolk. Jon's farewell with his Stark family left a bitter taste in his mouth, and his desire to follow Bran's order and rot alone at the wall for the rest of his life was about as strong as Bran's attempt to save him from this fate in the first place.

Jon suffered from nightmares every night since the day he stuck his dagger into Dany's heart and watched as Drogon destroyed the Iron Throne before carrying her body out across the sea. Her face haunts him every night he lies down and closes his eyes to sleep, until he wakes up and opens them again the next morning. Staring at the fire always leads him to her, Daenerys. It always shows him a future they will never have, making him want to avoid it, and struggle to look away at the same time. A vision of them beneath a weirwood tree, a field of flowers blooming around them, pledging himself to her, now and always. Another vision of her lying on his chest, his hand on her pregnant belly, feeling her play with his hair as they talk about names for their baby and joking about how long until they can take the baby for dragon rides. Hearing Dany's words and remembering their times together echoing in Jon's head every day as tried to find meaning in his life now that she was gone, and his family and yet again left him to die alone out beyond the wall. Struggling with everything he has given up for them just to be left out alone in the snow, while hearing Dany's pleas to be together over and over in his mind, has left him easily angered, insomniatic, and deeply depressed. The only one who seemed to be his truly constant companion in life was his beloved and loyal direwolf, Ghost."


Dany Month Day 18: Longing for a Simple Life

Dany giving Rhaego the childhood she herself had never known 🥲


Rhaegar Targaryen, Rhaego, Rhaegal

They had come together at the ford of the Trident while the battle crashed around them, Robert with his warhammer and his great antlered helm, the Targaryen prince armored all in black. On his breastplate was the three-headed dragon of his House, wrought all in rubies that flashed like fire in the sunlight. - Eddard I, aGoT
“What is meaning, name Rhaego?” Khal Drogo asked as they walked, using the Common Tongue of the Seven Kingdoms. […] “My brother Rhaegar was a fierce warrior, my sun-and-stars,” she told him. “He died before I was born. Ser Jorah says that he was the last of the dragons.” - Daenerys V, aGoT
She could feel the heat inside her, a terrible burning in her womb. Her son was tall and proud, with Drogo’s copper skin and her own silver-gold hair, violet eyes shaped like almonds. - Daenerys IX, aGoT
“It may be as you say, blood of my blood,” Dany replied gravely, “but he shall have a new name for this new life. I would name them all for those the gods have taken. The green one shall be Rhaegal, for my valiant brother who died on the green banks of the Trident.” - Daenerys I, aCoK

All characters ive meant to draw again for a while :) Considering doing matching namesake images for her other dragons as well.

Interesting how Rhaegar thought himself integral to the Prince that was Promised prophecy (first as the hero then as the father), Rhaego was seen to be the Stallion who mounts the World, and Rhaegal (+ the other dragons) is sometimes theorized to be Lightbringer by fans… Daenerys seems to be prophesied to be the hero everything leads up to


“Her son was tall and proud, with Drogo’s copper skin and her own silver-gold hair, violet eyes shaped like almonds. And he smiled for her and began to lift his hand toward hers…”

-AGoT Daenerys IX

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