
Just random stuffs


she/her / 24 / pansexual / French teacher / ADHDer / book lover / lives in the UK

Yeah you're right. It WOULD be pretty fucked up if you were a swan but you were raised by ducks and you grew up never seeing another swan or even knowing that such a thing as a swan even existed so you just thought you were a duck with something super wrong with it.

Ok literature history: the Ugly Duckling was written by Hans Christian Andersen, same guy that wrote Little Mermaid and many other very bleak fairy tales.

If the Little Mermaid is probably about his forbidden love for Edvard Collin (but that's another story for another time) The Ugly Duckling is undoubtedly the most unconsciously autobiographical of all Andersen's tales. It was conceived in July 1842, after the failure of his play The Bird in the Pear Tree, which was whistled at the premiere on July 4 of the same year, The Little Duck, begun at the end of July, appeared in October of the following year. Andersen reviewed the main periods of his life, his childhood in Odense (where he grew up very poor), the years of study, intimacy in the Collin family. The hen plays Mrs. Drewsen, eldest daughter of Jonas Collin.

It's the revenge of the poet (the swan) on ordinary people (the ducks), when he discovers an environment which allows him to recognize his talent.

It's a fuck you I'm awesome type of story.


The first two examples are true, but the peanut one is not

Allergies and food sensitivities actually are increasing, and they aren't 100% sure why, but this is a thing that's actively being investigated

Food allergies are more common in developed countries than in developing countries. They are also more common in urban areas than rural areas.

In the UK, for example, peanut allergies are 5 times more common now than they were in 1995. We knew what allergies were in 1995. A child dying of Anaphylaxis wasn't classified as dying tragically for unknown reasons in the 90s.

One of the theories is that the increase in allergies is linked to improved hygiene. Young children are exposed to fewer microbes and get fewer infections, and it's having an impact on the development of their immune systems.

There also is a possible link between vitamin D deficiency and higher rates of food sensitivity, and vitamin D deficiency is more common in the western world.

So unlike autism or queerness, which has always existed but now appears to be everywhere because of increased awareness, with allergies, we're more aware of them because they are actually more common than they ever have been

Important addition ^^^^^^


so i have started reading Les Misérables

and i gotta admit sometimes reading Hugo is also him reaching through two centuries of time and space and telling you « brother. get real » and then making you confront your core beliefs with sniper accuracy and you’re just left staring at the brick like :

I remember reading Les Misérables in 4e (Year 9 for the Brits/8th Grade for the Americans) and it is DENSE.

Like I don't think one that hasn't read the book realises how dense and detailed it is.

Victor Hugo was a JRR Tolkien type of specific.

He spends pages and pages describing the Parisian sewer system.

He gives you back stories so detailed they could be their own short stories and sometimes novels. For characters that aren't even that important for the core plot.

If you only know the musical you don't know the original story because they cut out really important plot points and enlarged others that weren't as relevant for some reasons?

So yeah, if you want to read the book just know it's going to be the same feeling as reading the lord of the rings,

Yes the whole trilogy. In one book.


I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.

Love to see this post getting notes again. None of us are ok.


i may just be french but do americans really not get paid summer vacations? you don't go to the beach with your kids? "There is no federal or state statutory minimum paid vacation or paid public holidays" am i reading this right? like i'm not trying to rub anyone's face in it but you're just stuck in the rat race year-round until you're old and that's normal and accepted??? in the 21st century???

I can't fucking believe we live like this


That map is kind of misleading. At least in the case of Spain, but I suspect mostly everywhere else too: you see, here you get 22 mandatory vacation days, yeah, but those are just the ones you get to choose the dates for. Then, you have another 14 days per year of mandatory public holidays. So the minimum number of paid off days is 36 per year, not 22.

If I'm not wrong, the US is the only country in the world with no legally mandated public holidays.

This makes it seem all the more evil and insidious that the usa tries so hard to infect the world with our version of capitalism...

Also bank holidays can be a huge thing. In France you can have most of May off if you are in a good year and you take day off strategically.

To give you an idea:

1st Labour Day

8th Victory in 1945

(this year) 9th Ascension Day

(this year) 20th Whitmonday

With these four bank holidays, France also does this thing we call ''the bridge''. It means you take strategic days off and get a 4 day weekend.

Bank holiday on Monday? Take Friday or Tuesday off

Bank holiday on Tuesday? Take Monday off

Bank holiday on Thursday ? Take Friday off

So yeah on top of our minimum of 5 weeks paid vacation you can also do that and it's actually very common.

Most of the country is on holiday in May and through July and August.


some of sarah bernhardt’s titular roles in posters by alphonse mucha

la dame aux camélias (1880), la tosca (1887), gismonda (1894), lorenzaccio (1896), medée (1898), hamlet (1899) 


if you can’t eat a whole meal, eat half. you ate, that’s what is important.

if you can’t get out of bed, try and sit up instead of lying down. it’ll be better for your back and your blood pressure.

if you can’t shower or have a bath today, try and brush your teeth and clean your ears. it’ll keep you a little cleaner, and we often forget those areas. 

if you can’t get dressed today, change underwear and use some deoderant. it’ll leave you a little fresher until you have the strength to change fully.

and remember, i’m very proud of you. your best will look different every day, and that’s okay.


if it’s worth doing, it’s worth half doing. some is bette than none. you won’t always be able to do it all, but you can always make work.

if you can’t do your laundry, move it to somewhere out of the walkway.

if you can’t finish your homework, do a few problems to at least get partial credit.

if you can’t do your

laundry, move it to somewhere

out of the walkway.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


“And remember: you’re worth the time it takes to learn a new skill!”

oh my goodness I love her she’s so wholesome


Yeah! Her name is Mercury Stardust, and she’s a maintenance technician who gives tips and talks about renters’ rights. She also does burlesque shows! She’s mostly active on TikTok I think, but she has some other socials and a main website.

Her book, titled “Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair” comes out in August 2023.

The book blurb, taken from the publisher’s website:

Dear Readers: As a transwoman, I’ve discovered (the hard way) that we live in a world with much to fear. But imagine fearing something as simple as asking for help. Imagine relying on others—landlords—to provide a basic human right, like housing, but knowing those same people believe you’re an abomination because of your sexuality or gender identity. Imagine a world where reaching out for help is more than just a mundane task—it’s a game of chance. Sadly, for too many renters, this isn’t just a one-time moment of fear. For single moms, college students in a foreign town, and many others, a knock on the door can feel just as terrifying, even when you need the help. All renters deserve to feel empowered enough to take matters into their own hands. The skills I’ll show you how to develop will allow you to help friends, teach family members, and even assist a panicking neighbor—further empowering more people to take on tasks on their own. We all have a home—whether it’s made up of brick walls or plaster—filled with memories and dreams. Knowledge should pass through any barriers put up around it because a little bit of knowledge can go a long way toward making someone feel more in control of their own life. Your soon-to-be favorite virtual repair technician, Mercury Stardust, the Trans Handy Ma’am

She actually JUST retired from burlesque.


and she also just launched a podcast! the Handy Ma’am Hotline.


People say “phase” like impermanence means insignificance. Show me a permanent state of the self.

holy shit this quote changed my life about four years ago. so crazy that this just resurfaced. i’m really happy.

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