
The Book of Charmed

@charmedrumblings / charmedrumblings.tumblr.com

Blogging episode by episode to highlight how amazing this story is. My personal blog with my writing stuff is likemarshamallows.tumblr.com. She/her


Watching Baby's First Demon hits a lot harder when you're a mum.

Anonymous asked:

Things in charmed Fandom with the 4 leading ladies got worse with the drama. It sucks I hate it.

Just recently, you mean? That's no good :( I tend to stay away from that stuff - I'm in the fandom for the characters, not the actors.

Anonymous asked:

I saw the reeboot, I liked it and didn't mind it. I like how they had a lot of similarities and parallel to it. However some shouldn't of been done like the Witch l/whiteligther dating.

Yeah... I was worried when I saw that was going to happen, but then I never actually got to it.


Yep. I feel more connected with the original. Maybe cause I knew that one since 2001 :) (though coincidently I started with Paige's seasons and didn't know about Prue being their older sister until I saw the repeats on TNT :) ) Speaking of that, if you can have any of the original Charmed sisters' powers which would you have? I'd so have Prue's.


I reckon I'd get so lazy if I had Prue's power! For my own health and safety, I'd better not say that one haha. I think Piper's freezing power would be most useful, especially with a toddler!

Anonymous asked:

I've been very slowly listening to the charmed rewatch podcast House of Halliwell with Holly, Brian and Drew and it has been really good thus far

Just between you, me, and Tumblr, I was a patron and everything and I stopped listening/watching the videos before the end of the first season. They didn't talk as much about the plot as I would've liked. I really enjoyed the behind the scenes info, and I appreciate that Drew tried hard to keep the others on track, but........... they just kept talking about stuff I didn't care about. But let me know if there's a really good episode I should listen to!


Eh. (That's how I felt about it. LOL) I did watch the pilot and couldn't finish it cause the guy yacked on like a monkey in a tree (got that from Forrest Gump.) Then one day I went to watch the rest of the ep and still didn't like it. I also watched the ep when Mikayla came and was like "er huh?" LOL And the part when they ended up at the Halliwell Manor. I like the original better. I don't hate the actresses (I do follow the one who played Macy on Twitter) but still wish it was about Phoebe's kids or Wy and Chris. :(


Yeah, maybe. But I've noticed on my most recent rewatches that, for me personally, Charmed has become about the nostalgia and the personal connection, so I don't think it matters what they'd do with the reboot anymore, I wouldn't be able to connect with it as much.


Ok, I think I've caught up. I'm SO SORRY it took so long! There's no dates for when those asks were sent, so I have no idea how long they were sitting there. Dammit, Tumblr!


(2/2) Which then makes me wonder, would Piper have gotten that power if Prue wouldn't have died? Or would she get it later on in the series? If we're going by the theory that the eldest is the strongest and Prue was pretty damn powerful, but I think Piper's exploding power would make her more powerful than Prue. So, did the Elders know all along about Prue dying and about Paige? If they knew about Paige, it could be why they didn't want Piper and Leo together. Okay, I'm done ranting now.


I don't know what part one of this is, but Sam and Patty were also forbidden to be together, so I don't think the Piper/Leo relationship was their first moment of banning it.

I also wonder about the powerful elder sister thing though, because we see in the future in Morality Bites that Prue's power is more the explode-y one. I think the point where Piper receives her exploding power is when the Elders have foreseen Prue's death and realised Paige's lineage (so it's later down the line). Maybe they even rushed to give Piper her power before she was ready because they knew she was going to need it sooner than expected, and that's why she struggles with it so much at the beginning.

Anonymous asked:

Sorry I misremembered, the line didn't say that the race of demons can't read but it was a weird thing to say about a black demon they were torturing..

Yeah, I remember that. There are a few moments of "yikes" in the show.

Anonymous asked:

Matthew Tate was the first blinking warlock, and his origin of having stolen the power from a witch was legit for his episode. But I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that the writers forgot all about it by the time they wrote in their next blinking warlock (which may have in fact been Bride and Gloom) and just assumed that it was a power they'd given all warlocks, like how the majority of demons shimmered.

YEP! I will not take you on those dollars to donuts, because I would lose.


Hey, I love the work you do on this blog and because you mentioned your children’s book series, i wanted to support you. I’m a children’s librarian in Saskatchewan Canada and we just got all 3 of your books into our library and I will be showcasing them for our winter reading program. Keep up the great work!


This is absolutely amazing THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Hopefully I’ll have some really exciting news to share in the next few months!

Anonymous asked:

ALSO if we follow how the episode suggests, Grams should be one of the children of the charmed ones. May 1924 is also when our!Leo is born so that doesn't massively follow the idea he was alive in 1924 as past!Leo either so ????

Do NOT get me started on the timeline!

It’s not worth it, just take each episode as it comes, haha.


I'm sorry :( I was trying to cheer you up. BTW I will so not watch the reboot though. its not the same without Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Prue. Those are the Charmed Ones.


I don’t remember what this was about, but I understand why you don’t want to watch the reboot. That’s totally your prerogative. You know what I’m currently doing a few times a week? Relaxing in bed after work with a platter of veges and cheeses, doing some sort of self care routine like a face mask/painting my nails/waxing my legs while watching old Charmed episodes, and it is BLISS.


2/2 But then I realised. There's another big difference. Evil witches renounce their rights to a whitelighter. They are no longer under the "guidance" of the Elders. So... what if the Elders are responsible for the all personal gain thingy. What if they put those limitations on the magic of good witches. Maybe they realised that in the end, the good witches wouldn't need them anymore or some BS and they wanted to retain some control ?! Anyway, the Elders are real villains of the show. Poor LHW.


Again, part one of this seems to be missing, but yeah. Elders are for sure the villains.


Tbh I always considered Scream for Ice Scream an ok episode, I never have trouble getting through it. You know what I cannot watch? Just Harried. I can't. I've watched it maybe twice.


Look, I see what you’re getting at, there are some cringy bits there. But Just Harried has the fun bits with the sisters getting ready the night before, them playing in the rose petals on the bed, Cole and Leo being adorable bros, Cole absolutely HURLING his present at Piper...

There’s some stuff to love.

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