
Insanity Defined

@jackarychaoti / jackarychaoti.tumblr.com

Jackary Chaoti:Captain of The Naga's Fury - Aspect of Cupcakes - Emotional Support - Security - Entertainer - Questgiver - Archmage Linguistics + Portal Specialist of the Kirin Tor - Succulent Tart, Emerald Dragon of the Wyrmrest Accord. [Jackary - WRA, Horde.]

Into the Black: Tarts Unsent Letters (2025) - Leon's Performance

TW: Depression, abuse, death, general violence

The stage is largely undecorated save for the presence of a piano off to one side, where Caythaes takes a seat. Silently, Leon walks toward center stage, reaching up and lifting his wealth of hair away from his neck. With his free hand, he deftly unbuckles his ever-present collar, and the nearly white line against his sun-darkened skin betrays just how rarely he removes it. As he looks down at the plain strap of brown leather in his hands, brushing his thumbs across the lettering there, words scrawl themselves in the air above his head, slowly rotating.

Leon holds the collar out for the crowd to see the initials on it–K, P, V, and C. The first three letters are branded, burnt permanently there; the final one is not, stamped deep into the leather. The longer he holds it aloft, the more clear it is that there are numerous other marks: the remnants of other stamps, other designs, things long since allowed to fade away. Finally, he recites the words above him as though it takes no more effort to recall than the alphabet. For him, it probably doesn’t.

"This is not a promise of permanence. A stamp in leather will last a long time, but it won't last forever. It's not a promise of obligation, it's not a declaration of ownership, and it's not an agreement to exclusivity. It means that no matter what happens, no matter who or how many lovers we might take, we will always come back to one another."

With a sort of reverence, Leon calmly buckles the collar back into place. The words shimmer gently above him, slithering down and joining together as plaintive, plinking notes begin to play. 

Instead of new words, the form of a person begins to take shape–an elven woman of ghostly silver, carrying herself like one who’s fought her entire life. Unaware of her, Leon lifts his head and closes his eyes, and the first lyrics seem to fall from his mouth as though they carried the weight of eons. “Walking the crossroads of hell on earth…A devil's deal for a new rebirth… I've given my all and day by day, my soul still breaks…”

Leon turns his head as she places a hand on his shoulder, and a faint smile curls across his face in spite of himself. “I can remember crossing the line…”

Suddenly darting apart, they rush toward one another as though ready to attack, but it becomes clear it’s only a spar, and a playful one at that. They seem almost to dance, rather than fight, dodging and striking as though they know every move in advance. “When ushered into a darker time…” When they finally come to a stop, the woman reaches out, only to flinch away. Leon encourages her touch, and she eventually relents, placing her hand over his collar. When she removes it, a ghostly ‘F’ shines against the leather.

Leon touches the collar, smiling like the sunrise, and takes a step toward her, only for her to dart backward like a frightened deer. Confused and frowning, he stops, but holds out a hand instead. She looks between that hand and his face for a tense, uncertain second… and then flees, disappearing into the darkness. As Leon’s face falls, the new letter slowly fades away, and the stage darkens a step around him as the wolf overtakes him. “Though we were in agony, you left me in your wake…” 

Holding his clawed hands skyward, Leon’s teeth shine even under the dimmer lights. “When I curse your name, can you see my face?” Swiping at the empty air around him, he slams a hand against his chest, right over his heart, “And do you taste my pain in this bloodstained place?” Leon looks at the slowly encroaching shadows around him, looking back briefly in the direction she’d fled, then resolutely turns his back on her and steps forward. “Forever on the attack, I'm fighting into the black without you. Without you!”

Though he forces himself to move, and every step brings just a little more light to the floor around his feet, Leon huddles in on himself. “Will my scars reveal all the sins you chose? And how betrayed I feel in my fractured bones?” He glances over his shoulder, ears briefly pinned, then his lip curls into a snarl again. “For us there's no turning back, I'm fighting into the black without you. Without you!” It takes what seems to be a herculean effort to move even five more steps, but eventually, Leon stands tall again. 

The light has returned with him, though it seems a bit muddy; not quite as brilliant as it had been before. Still, he forces a smile back onto his snout, and another shimmering form appears beside him after a moment. The half-elf woman bears the build of a dancer, and moves like every gesture is meant to entice. With a loving stroke to his cheek that drifts down to his collar, she grants him a glittering ‘T.’ They chatter silently as they walk together, but shortly, another image–a burly human male, likely a bartender or a smith–falls into step on the other side of the woman, and sweeps her away from him.

Still hanging on for the blackbird's fall…” Leon’s ears fall flat, but she returns almost before he can react. This time, though, she cowers behind him, pointing around him toward the pursuing suitor, who approaches with threat in every twitch. Leon takes only a moment to respond, tackling the man into the dark. He returns after a moment, triumphant, and she embraces him in gratitude, cradling his face in both hands. “When vengeance comes and I heed the call…”

She holds up a finger in the universal gesture for ‘wait a second,’ then runs off, presumably to fetch something… and doesn’t come back. He can only stand there in confused hurt until she finally returns to his side as though nothing happened, hand-in-hand with yet another man. She embraces Leon while he’s still reeling, and then the pair walk off and leave him alone again. “With every time I plunge the steel I'm seeing you…”

Once more, she returns, and once more, she pleads with Leon to help her. Leon doesn’t hesitate to protect her, and dispatches the offender with extreme prejudice. “You once abused my desire to kill…” She gratefully embraces him, “Granted me hope with a quiet thrill…” And then, she leaves, and she’s gone even longer; Leon seems to give up entirely and begin walking into the dark at the stage’s edge.

“I watched as you changed the world around me,” She finally returns a third time, ragged, and tries to throw her arms around him, only for Leon to hold up a hand to stop her. “Cut in two.” As he repeats the chorus, he steps back from her, though she reaches for him. Pointing an accusatory claw in her face, he sends her away, not merely lamenting that he’ll have to go on alone yet again, but ordering her to leave. Though he’s chosen not to let her use him anymore, it still doesn’t stop the darkness from creeping in even further, and the worgen is becoming hard to see.

New would-be lovers, however, are easy to see as they emerge to meet him. “I guess I gambled and lost when fate shuffled our decks,” They come almost rapid-fire, now, sweeping into his life, bringing tiny bursts of light to his face, “Now that I suffer the wrath of your mad god complex,” and then leaving darkness and searing red letters behind on his skin as they leave him to stumble. “As I follow the path where the darkness collects,” A, C, I, L, Y; an Illidari, a skinny human, a man, a woman, a couple, a loner; what must be a dozen heartbreaks swarm over him, taking the light and leaving only agony behind, “So much pain, what for, what for, what for?”  and the darkness deepens ever faster.

“Though I am losing control I can't give up the chase,” he frantically calls as he drags himself back to his feet, “No time for mourning the loss of what hatred replaced,” though he’s hesitant, he still reaches out to another face, only to have it taken, then slapped away. “There lies barely a soul behind my changing face” is almost more teeth than voice, and he begins to turn away from the bright people and slide into the dark alone, “I will break no more, no more, no more…”

The music drops away to almost nothing as a new hand reaches out to him instead, this one glowing gold rather than silver, and he stops dead in his tracks. Its owner comes into view like a gently rising flame, a simple human woman with one dark eye and a mischievous smile. She, too, cradles his face in both of her hands, but unlike the first one to do that, she draws herself up on tiptoe to kiss his beastly snout. The wolf recedes, and though Leon’s smile is worn and weary, it’s real, and her glow begins to seep gently into him, chasing the darkness slowly but surely back.

When I curse their names can you see my face?” They embrace and then slip into a slow dance in the center of the stage, lost in one another’s eyes and smiling. “And do you taste my pain in this bloodstained place?” As the dance goes on, Leon places his hand on her heart, and she touches her hand to his. Together, they come up to rest over his collar, and leave behind a golden ‘V.’ “Forever on the attack, I'm fighting into the black beside you…Beside you…”

Will my scars reveal all the sins they chose?” Her hands drift across the searing letters in his skin, and as her fingers pass over them, they fade in a swirl of gold and disappear entirely. “And how betrayed I feel in my fractured bones?” But with each gift, it clearly takes its toll, and she stumbles into him. Concerned, he cradles her and settles to his knees with her. “For us there's no turning back,” his mismatched eyes stare pleadingly into her own as she nestles into him, “I'm fighting into the black–”

She falls limp in his arms, and he whimpers, “–Without you…”

Her light scatters, and Leon throws out his arms as the wolf erupts from him, screaming at the top of his lungs, “WITHOUT YOU!!” The stage goes completely black, and the only indication Leon is still there is the faint glow of kintsugi-like cracks all over his body, outlining him as he crumples to the floor. As he runs out of words to sing, and the music seems to be leaving him too, it seems like he lacks the strength–or perhaps the willingness–to stand. 

As a soft, melodic cry rises above him, a bright white line crawls up the side of the stage, and after a second, it erupts into a pillar. After so long staring at blackness, the white light is practically blinding for him and for the audience, but it perfectly outlines the silhouettes of four people standing there. As they each raise their hands to hold out toward him, the four letters on his collar flare up in white: K, P, V, and C.

After a moment’s hesitation, the battered and broken worgen rises from the floor, and staggers toward them. When he reaches them, they all curl their arms around him and bring him into the warm light. The curtain falls closed behind him, and the stage goes dark once again as the final note sounds.

( @succulent-tart with thanks to @nehku, @mekandawn, @nahisummerhold, and @cythion for their assistance )


[Unsent Letters] Golden Hour

The lights around the venue start to dim, leaving the audience in the dark to help gather their attention. A spark of light glimmers within the center of the round stage, growing into a single spotlight to set the mood for what is about to happen. A familiar Vulpera lies curled up in the center fast asleep. Adorned with his ever-familiar microphone, it’s noticeably a translator to help people hear in their native language.

A faint chime echoes from somewhere as those versed with the knowledge of magic might feel a slight tingle along their bodies. It’s clean, unaspected energy - leaving it safe for all.

A gentle swell of music gradually makes itself known. Amidst the soft beats of perfectly timed water droplets, unseen strings join, helping to set the mood. Such seems to stir the small, white fox awake who stretches and comes to life with a tiny yawn. Glancing down, a glittery note sits next to him which he picks up to look it over; cheeks puff as if unsure what to say—still, a small smile forms at the sight of his unsent letter.

Kou tilts his head, looking over the note. His sweet voice sounds fond of something when the words start to pour, almost smitten. “It was just two lovers… Sittin’ Orgrimmar, listenin’ to Tarts, Fallin’ for each other~.” Pushing himself up, the note is folded and tucked into an envelope and in his pocket in tandem with the chimes. Glancing around at the audience, there’s a soft, almost shy air in his tone. “Pink and orange skies, feelin’ super childish, no lucky clovers.”

The Vulpera lifts his paws to his chest, fidgeting at the words while trying to recount just what he wants the note to read. Maybe if he can get it off his chest, he can finally send it! “Missed call from our other, like, ”where you at tonight?” Got no alibi…” Eyes gaze around the circle, he tries to explain his actions but with each step, the dark floor briefly lights up in a gentle blue ripple. Even though the light shimmers around the audience, it fades before settling back into the dark, serene atmosphere.

Kou faces toward another section of the audience, his smile growing ever brighter, if not a bit embarrassed at the confession. “I was all alone with the loooove of my liiife, he’s got glitter for fur, my radiant beam in the night~.” He spins around on one foot, clutching his heart harder to try and keep the aching muscle restrained. Once more the floor under him shines - through the reflection below shows a hatted, speckled Vulpera mimicking his motions, yet the dark consumes the light again.

The little fox pivots on his foot to look up toward the spotlight, noticing the flicks of sparkles drifting down, lightly dusting his fur. Something within it causes him to draw a large breath, the music following his confession with a near angelic plea. “I don’t need no light to see you shiiiiiiiine! It’s your golden hooour! Oh-oh oooh…” Gravitating from his small frame, the words echo and even begin to fill the air with an almost powerful, radiant gathering of energy.

Kou lifts his paws up from his chest, drawing on that magical energy to light up the center stage in gentle hues of gold. Ears fall back in a vulnerable display while uncertainty quakes within. Even dancing glitter in the air slows, almost bending to the Vulpera’s heartfelt voice. “You slow down tiiime! It’s your golden hooour!” The music dances around his body and his arms fall back to his side, pouring out the light from his fingertips to help keep the circle illuminated.

The music shifts to a more whimsical beat as Kou jumps from the middle, flopping down between two audience members. His bright smile returns when the excitement in his voice and body struggle to be contained, leading him to almost bounce. His cheek first presses to the person on his left, “We were just two lovers!” He chimes, tilting his head to the person on the right, cheek to cheek, same as the first. “Paws up on the dash, runnin’ nowhere fast, Burnin’ through the summer!”

Kou spins out of the seat, skipping around the arena to leave golden leaves in his wake, the buds blooming moments after. “Fire Fest’s a blast, make the moment last!” In a twirl of delight, his momentum allows him to pluck up a translucent flower he’s created to offer it toward %n. “He’s got solar power!” He doesn’t even wait for them to take it, instead, it’s tucked right into their hair with a perfect chime, and off he goes again. “Minutes feel like hours!”

He reaches up to grab his ears and tug at them, unable to keep himself from releasing a giddy little huff. “He knew he was the baddest, can you even imagine??” Jumping toward another part of the audience, the hype he gives shines with radiance, trying to convince the world of what he wants to say but can’t seem to find the right words. “Fallin’ like I did!” His finger reaches out to boop %n right on the nose with the playful chime, leaving a small print of sparkles on it.

The vulpera moves away with another burst of energy, using it to skate around the center ring, leaving a trail of magic behind him. The graceful motions eventually place him back in the middle where he’d started. “For the loooove of my liiife, he’s got glow on his face, a glorious look in his eyes…” Reaching back into his pocket, the letter shoved in previously is plucked out and held, his eyes locked on it. The thoughts of it distract him, maybe it’s not good enough.

He softens when fingers release the letter, letting it fall, “my angel of light…” With those words, the envelope shifts and swirls around him, transforming into beautiful, feathered wings, giving Kou a heavenly glow. The magic pulses below him, further igniting the stage. When it begins to pour, the floor surrounding the seats is flooded in a dull, transparent liquid. “I was all alone with the looove of my liiife, he’s got glitter for fur, my radiant beam in the night.”

Kou closes his eyes, looking for his courage. “I don’t need no light to see you…” Drawing a deep breath, he belts out the words to help his emotions carry. Just then, a bright wave expels from him, the energy swirling around the audience. “Shiiiiiiiiiiine! It’s your golden hooour!” Singing with all of his heart, the vulpera scoops at the air around him to gather every ounce of magic he’s conjured thus far, allowing the tension of gold to warp into a visible amalgamation. 

“You slow down tiiiiime!” At the very crescendo of his confession, the energy drops from his body and explodes outward, painting the entire arena into an actual stage surrounding the tiny fox. The water created from his magic shines brightly in a brilliant blue and the splash of residual effects rain like stardust. Everything shimmers and pops with speckles of gold and blue paint in the starting event. It even consumes Kou, leaving him in a rather stylish gold and white attire. “It’s your golden hour!”

The last few chimes of notes come from the snowing glitter dancing in the bright blue mood lighting. Kou allows his magic to fade while each step he takes matches the drifting keys of the music, leaving ripples through the liquid under his paws until it transforms into the setting he needs it to be. The water evaporates, creating an arena stage with the delighted little vulpera standing there, smiling at the gathering around him.

Kou bows, turning on his heel in the process to ensure all angles are greeted properly, motioning to Tryxiel in appreciation “Welcome everyone, Succulent Tart’s Unsent Letters!”


Sometimes, she lies

Trixany: Did you guys know about Karengosa?
Coco: Ugh! Stop tryin ta make up gossip that only you know about, to make yourself seem famous.
Trixany: It works for Haris Pilton, and honestly, it worked for Jaina Boobmore--
Sharpen: *spits out his drink* Jaina WHO??!
Trixany: Everytime Azeroth's magical girl does something awful, it's also magically not her fault, for her own made up reasons. Anyway--
Coco: Yeah, I think I'd rather know about Karengosa at this point. *rubs her temples*
Trixany: So! I heard that Karengosa was supposed to be the real final boss of Dragonflight. But do you know, she complained to the manager and the rest is history.
Coco: ...
Coco: Oh my gold, sis! Ya gotta stop making up these lame rumors, or was that just comedy? I don't understand, ya drivin me crazy!!
Sharpen: So she didn't have to be the final boss after she complained? Nice.
Trixany: That. Just bounced off Sharpen, didn't it?
Sharpen: More of Azeroth's supervillains should do that. I'm actually impressed we have a corporate structure to support that?
Coco: Yeah, Sharpen. The villain is always right, didn't you know? The rest of us just shuffle along to their beat. *rolls her eyes* Oh no. Is he gonna cry?
Sharpen: Are they? Hold on... ... Are we merely the retail in this life? Is that WHY THEY SAY WE PLAY RETAIL??
Coco: Lookit Trix, ya ruined the sweet himbo's worldview and he's going to cry.
Trixany: You did that just now. Anyway, it was just a joke!
Coco: Clearly, you are the real monster here.

Succulent Tart Presents….

Unsent Letters

Join the Tarts as they share words they've always wanted to say to someone but never got the chance to. Come check out a little sneak peek of what goes on in their diaries!

WHEN: Saturday, February 22nd WHERE: Fountain of The Everseeing, Jade Forest - Stage Entrance [58, 56] - Flying req, uninstanced version of Temple of The Jade Serpent! This event will be hosted on Wyrmrest Accord but we will have anchors! TIME: 6 PM WrA/Pacific (8 PM MG/Central)

Cross-Faction & Cross-Server Friendly

ANCHORS Horde: Naahilvi-WyrmrestAccord Alliance: Sharpen-WyrmrestAccord You can also join our community and request an invite! COMMUNITY LINK!

Check out our Website for event flyer & More! https://succulenttart.crd.co/

TONIGHT!! Now including anchor info!


Succulent Tart Presents….

Unsent Letters

Join the Tarts as they share words they've always wanted to say to someone but never got the chance to. Come check out a little sneak peek of what goes on in their diaries!

WHEN: Saturday, February 22nd WHERE: Fountain of The Everseeing, Jade Forest - Stage Entrance [58, 56] - Flying req, uninstanced version of Temple of The Jade Serpent! This event will be hosted on Wyrmrest Accord but we will have anchors! TIME: 6 PM WrA/Pacific (8 PM MG/Central)

Cross-Faction & Cross-Server Friendly

ANCHORS (Will be provided closer to event)

Check out our Website for event flyer & More! https://succulenttart.crd.co/



Welcome in the New Year with the Succulent Tart!

Come for the glitter, stay for the rave! Dance the night away and shine brighter than you ever have before with your most shimmering finery!

WHEN: Saturday, January 11th 2025 WHERE: Scryers’s Tier Stage, Shattrath Stage [57, 72] This event will be hosted on Wyrmrest Accord but we will have anchors! TIME: 6 PM WrA/Pacific (8 PM MG/Central) Cross-Faction & Cross-Server Friendly

ANCHORS Horde: Nahilvi-WyrmrestAccord Alliance: Cythion-WyrmrestAccord You can also join our community and request an invite! COMMUNITY LINK!

Check out our WEBSITE for Event Flyer, Menu, Details & More!



An Unexpected Summon

"Cavu!" it echoed through the cellar, a little friendly bark as it's fluffy ears perked, absolutely unphased by the warlock's attempt at banishment. "....what?" Safrona muttered back in abject confusion.

{ A commission for @nehku, featuring their OC Cavu and Safrona! Got carried away and decided to canonize the association, and wrote a story that pertains to it! Full story is below the line. }


Have you been Naughty or Nice?

There's no wrong answer! Come and join the Tarts for a show filled with holiday cheer! Indulge in our themed bar, cozy up with friends and celebrate with us! We'll even have an appearance by Greatfather Winter and his helpers! We have gifts for everyone, including mounts, toys, pets and even some art!

WHEN: Saturday, December 7th WHERE: Starfall Village, Winterspring (In the main building) This event will be hosted on Wyrmrest Accord, anchors TBA! TIME: Doors open at 6pm WRA / Pacific Time - 8pm MG / Central Time Performances start from 6:30pm WRA / Pacific Time - 8:30pm MG / Central Time

Cross-Faction & Cross-Server Friendly

We urge everyone attending to come dressed in your Winter Veil best!  Fancy ballgowns, festive suits, creative costumes or even ugly holiday sweaters, we want to see it all! Feel free to make up a moodboard and post it in our Discord!

Art available to win:

Emojis by AleklahArt

Also, coming next year....

Built for sin? Then come on in!



The Succulent Tart’s After Dark Part 2 is happening on the 16th of November! This is our second annual 18+ event, so get ready for our Tarts to show some extra skin! 💋 Immediately following the performances, we will be hosting a dance party!

Due to the more risque nature of our performances, an OoC Age of Consent form is required to be signed by all guests who attend. There are no exceptions. Please be sure to sign up on the character you are going to be attending with! You and your character must be 18+ to attend.

Link To Form => HERE!

WHEN: 16th November, 2024 (Saturday) WHERE: World’s End Tavern, Shattrath City (Lower City) TIMES: Doors open at 6pm WRA ( 8pm MG ) Performance start at 6:30pm WRA ( 8:30pm MG ) This is a Wyrmrest Accord hosted event!Cross-faction / cross-server friendly! ANCHORS: Horde: Nahilvi-WyrmrestAccord Alliance: Talthoren-WyrmrestAccord You can also join our community and request an invite! COMMUNITY LINK!

We advise coming earlier to have your name checked off the consent form if you’ve signed in advance. You can sign at the door, but it’s better to do so before the event! Click the link provided above for the Age of Consent form!

Extra Information! Check out the Succulent Tart website for information on performers, events, bar menu & more! As well as links to our discord & tumblr! https://succulenttart.crd.co/# Join our Discord => HERE!


Updated with anchor info!



The Succulent Tart’s After Dark Part 2 is happening on the 16th of November! This is our second annual 18+ event, so get ready for our Tarts to show some extra skin! 💋 Immediately following the performances, we will be hosting a dance party!

Due to the more risque nature of our performances, an OoC Age of Consent form is required to be signed by all guests who attend. There are no exceptions. Please be sure to sign up on the character you are going to be attending with! You and your character must be 18+ to attend.

Link To Form => HERE!

WHEN: 16th November, 2024 (Saturday) WHERE: World’s End Tavern, Shattrath City (Lower City) TIMES: Doors open at 6pm WRA ( 8pm MG ) Performance start at 6:30pm WRA ( 8:30pm MG ) This is a Wyrmrest Accord hosted event! Cross-faction / cross-server friendly! ANCHORS TBA

We advise coming earlier to have your name checked off the consent form if you’ve signed in advance. You can sign at the door, but it’s better to do so before the event! Click the link provided above for the Age of Consent form!

Extra Information! Check out the Succulent Tart website for information on performers, events, bar menu & more! As well as links to our discord & tumblr! https://succulenttart.crd.co/# Join our Discord => HERE!



The Succulent Tart’s After Dark Part 2 is happening on the 16th of November! This is our second annual 18+ event, so get ready for our Tarts to show some extra skin! 💋 Immediately following the performances, we will be hosting a dance party!

Due to the more risque nature of our performances, an OoC Age of Consent form is required to be signed by all guests who attend. There are no exceptions. Please be sure to sign up on the character you are going to be attending with! You and your character must be 18+ to attend.

Link To Form => HERE!

WHEN: 16th November, 2024 (Saturday) WHERE: World’s End Tavern, Shattrath City (Lower City) TIMES: Doors open at 6pm WRA ( 8pm MG ) Performance start at 6:30pm WRA ( 8:30pm MG ) This is a Wyrmrest Accord hosted event! Cross-faction / cross-server friendly! ANCHORS TBA

We advise coming earlier to have your name checked off the consent form if you’ve signed in advance. You can sign at the door, but it’s better to do so before the event! Click the link provided above for the Age of Consent form!

Extra Information! Check out the Succulent Tart website for information on performers, events, bar menu & more! As well as links to our discord & tumblr! https://succulenttart.crd.co/# Join our Discord => HERE!


Succulent Tart presents….. 🎃👻 GLITTER & GHOULS 👻🎃

Come and join the Succulent Tart for their spookiest show of the year! With themed drinks, trick or treating at the door, exciting performances that will send shivers down your spine, and the Grave Rave to end the night playing our best Hallow’s End songs…you won’t want to miss it!

Dress up in your Hallow’s End costume, and come party the night away with us!

WHEN: Saturday, October 19th Doors open at 6pm WRA (PT) / 8pm MG (CT

WHERE: Shadowfang Keep, Silverpine Forest (Uninstanced)

This event is hosted on WYRMREST ACCORD! This event is cross-faction/cross-server friendly! Check out our Website for event details, bar menu & more!

If you are attending from outside of Wyrmrest Accord, join the Succulent Tart community and ask in there for an invite! CLICK LINK HERE FOR COMMUNITY INFO!

Alternatively, you whisper these members for an invite: Horde: Dicenne-WyrmrestAccord Alliance: Leonambroce-Moonguard



The Succulent Tart Sweet 16 Beach Bash

It's been a fair handful of years that I personally have been hanging around with the Succulent Tarts, at first as a (friendly) heckler, then as a constant show attendee, then a friend of the guild, and finally this year as a member of it.

It felt only appropriate, alongside @cythion, to kick in for a bit of commemorative artwork for the guild's momentous occasion, staying together and putting on fantastic shows and just being cool people for sixteen years running.

The Tarts have been welcoming to strangers, supportive of one another, and generally fantastic representations of what an RP community should look like for 16 years, and I hope that they--we--can say that for many more years to come.

Congrats, guys!

If you'd like art like this, please reach out to Nebular Merula--they were enormously cool about a nearly-twenty-person picture, turned it around surprisingly fast, and priced it very reasonably!


Friday, June 21st & Saturday, June 22nd 7 to 7:15PM (PDT) start time both days Wyrmrest Accord Mar’at, Uldum

It won’t be getting cooler in Uldum anytime soon with the spicy shows we have in store for you! Succulent Tart will be hosting two sets of performances during the Fire Fest, one on Friday and one on Saturday! 

These will begin on the main stage after vendors close for the day and will last approximately a little over one hour each! Free raffles will be drawn afterwards!

*WARNING: Many of the performances will feature fire, flashing lights, and explosions! ….And definitely glitter.*


FRIDAY: Pheonix - @straightouttatheashes Celedyn - @celedyn Naialisa - @naialisathedove Talthorn - @talthorn-sylvoran

SATURDAY: Caythaes - @mekandawn Celeste - @amazingdancingmoonpie Kou - @nehku Dicenne - @dicenne

*Artwork above done by the amazing YLohein!*


Pay What You Want Portraits are available!

This is a special I'll be running for the next couple of weeks to help with the cost of living. $10 is the standard, and you can choose to pay more for deeper details. This art will be in a portrait or bust style. I will be taking these commissions until I specify, or reach my goal for the next couple of weeks.

*If you donated to my Ko-Fi after 4/18/2024 and have not yet made a request for art and are interested, please feel free to Message me on Ko-Fi and I'll work with your request according to the amount of your donation.

Reblogs and Likes are so very much appreciated!


Succulent Tart invites you all to our annual Love GLITTER is in the Air show!  On Saturday, February 17th, we’ll be gathering in Suramar City with free drinks, spectacular performances, a dance party to close the night out, and of course, glitter!

WHEN: Saturday, February 17th WHERE: Grand Promenade, Suramar (X 41.45 / Y 70.93) Doors Open: 6pm WRA, 8pm MG

AEST TIMES Sunday, February 18th 12pm AEST

THIS EVENT IS HOSTED ON WYRMREST ACCORD! Cross-faction, cross-server friendly

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