
All Lives Dont Matter Until Black Lives Matter

@sukimochi / sukimochi.tumblr.com

| I’m Cherry! |21| they/them|🍒 tbh I’m just back for the porn| tellonym.me/sukimochi

explain to me why every time i make a sandwich im surprised and delighted by how good it is. i made it. i put stuff on it that i like. i know sandwiches are good. im grown. and yet every single time i have that first bite im like damn! good sandwich


i could eat a sandwich every single day. twice a day. multiple times a day even more who am i kiddin. i love sandwich

it feels just like Shaggy is here among us


I think that all terfs who call themselves "females" should watch this video

Video transcript:

This is page 45 in the book "Females" by Andrea Long Chu.

In the United States the man known as the father of gynecology, J. Marion Sims, built the field in the antebellum South, operating on enslaved women in his backyard, often without anesthesia — or, of course, consent. As C. Riley Snorton has recently documented, the distinction between biological females and women as a social category, far from a neutral scientific observation, developed precisely in order for the captive black woman to be recognized as female — making Sims's research applicable to his women patients in polite white society — without being granted the status of social and legal personhood. Sex was produced, in other words, precisely at the juncture where gender was denied. In this sense, a female has always been less than a person.

Acknowledgement of this, however, would require terfs to give a fuck about black women. Which they never do.


crab bucket mentality is being mad that you didn't get to be a rich streamer femboy so you reignite "is men wearing skirts actually transmisogyny" discourse

like bitch we were all men wearing skirts at one point


just saw a post complaining about how hard it is to find adhd resources for adults and one of the comments said “tiktok has a lot of adhd tips” as if telling someone with adhd to enter the algorithmic quicksand of perpetual dopamine hits isn’t the most insane thing you could suggest for someone with adhd


“Have you tried heroin?” I ask the recovering oxycontin addict


a woman alone will download pdfs. two women together will send links and articles. three or more women? that’s a library

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