


Anonymous asked:

As someone who hasn't read the works of radical feminists like Simone de Beauvoir, could you explain what's wrong and what bothers you about biological essentialism? I'm curious about your opinion after reading your post on radfems (and I'd like a perspective that isn't so based on biological gender essentialism, which I honestly have a hard time moving away from because I don't understand other perspectives well). 👀

The problem with biological essentialism is that purports to answer the eternally unanswered question of nature vs nurture in a wholly one-dimensional way - ie, with biological sex as The Single Most Important Aspect Of Personhood, regardless of any other considerations - while simultaneously ignoring the fact that biological sex is not, in fact, a binary proposition. We've learned in recent decades, for instance, that intersex conditions are much more common and wide-ranging than previously thought, not because scientists have arbitrarily changed the definitions of what counts as an intersex condition, but because our understanding of hormones, chromosomes, karyotpying and other physical permutations has expanded sufficiently to merit the shift. So right away, the idea that humanity is composed of Biological Men and Biological Women with absolutely no ambiguities, overlap or middle ground simply isn't true. Inevitably, though, if you mention this, people with a vested interest in biological essentialism become immediately defensive. They'll start saying things like, oh, but that's only a tiny minority of the population, they're outliers, they don't count, as though their argument doesn't derive its claim to authority from a presumed universality. To use a well-worn example, redheads are also a tiny minority of the population, but that doesn't mean we exclude them when talking about the range of natural human hair colours. But the fact is, even if humans lacked chromosomal diversity beyond XX/XY; even if there were no cases of cis men with internal ovaries or cis women with internal testes or people with ambiguous genitalia - and let's be clear: all of these things exist - the fact is, our individual hormones are in flux throughout our lives.

There are standard ranges for estrogen and testosterone in men and women (which, again, vary according to age and some other factors), but two cis men of the same age and background could still have completely different T-counts, for instance - meaning, even the supposed universal gender factor isn't universal at all. More, while our hormones certainly play a major role in our moods and cognition, so do a ton of other genetic and bodily factors that have nothing to do with the sex we're assigned at birth - and on top of that, there's nurture: the cultural contexts in which we're raised, plus our more individual experiences of living in the world. One of the most common, everyday (and yet completely bullshit) permutations of biological essentialism comes when parents or would-be parents talk about their reasons for wanting a son or a daughter. Very often, there's a strong play to stereotypical assumptions about shared interests and personalities: I want a son to play football with me, for instance, or: I want a daughter to be my shopping buddy. But even within the most mainstream channels of cishet culture, it's understood that these hopes are not, in fact, grounded in any sort of biological certainty. The dad who wants a sporty son might be just as likely to end up with a bookworm, while the mother who wants a little princess might find herself with a tomboy. We know this, and our stories know this! For the entirety of human history - for as long as we've been writing about ourselves - we have records of parental disappointment in the failure of this child or that to embody what's expected of them, gender-wise. More than that: if biological essentialism was real - if men were only and ever One Type Of Man, and women were only and ever One Type Of Woman, with recent progressive moments the sole anonymous blip in an otherwise uniform historical standard - then why is there so much disparity and disagreement throughout human history as to what those roles are? The general conception of women espoused in medieval France is thoroughly different to that espoused in pre-colonial Malawi, for instance, and yet we're meant to believe that there's some innate Gender Template guiding all human beings to behave in accordance with a set, immutable biological binary? And that's before you factor in the broad and fascinating history of trans and nonbinary people throughout history - because despite what TERFs and conservative alarmists have to say on the matter, our records of trans people, and of societies in which various trans and nonbinary identities were widely understood (if not always accepted), are ancient. We know about trans priestesses from thousands of years before Christ; the Talmud has terms describing eight different genders, and those are just two examples. All over the world, all throughout history, different cultures have developed radically different concepts of femininity and masculinity, to say nothing of designations outside of, overlapping with or in between those categories - socially, legally, behaviourally, sexually - and yet we're meant to believe that biology is at all times nudging us towards a set, ideal gender template? There's a lot more I could say, but ultimately, the point is this: people are different. While some aspects of our personhood are inevitably influenced by genetics, hormones, chromosomes and other biological factors, we're also creatures of culture and change and interpersonal experience. The idea that men and women are fundamentally different, even diametrically opposed, at a biological level - that the major separator in terms of our personalities and interests isn't culture, upbringing and personal taste, but what's between our legs - is just... so reductive, and so inaccurate.

We can absolutely have common experiences on the basis of a shared gender, but gender is not the only possible axis of commonality between two people, let alone the most salient one at all times, and the idea that we're all born on one side of an immutable biological equation that cannot possibly be transcended makes me feel insane. According to modern biological essentialism, intersex, trans and nonbinary people are either monstrous, mistakes or imaginary; all men are fundamentally predisposed to violence, all women are designed for motherhood, and we're meant to just hew to our designated places - which, conveniently, tend to echo a very specific form of Christian ideology, but which in any case manifestly fail to account for how variedly gender has been presented throughout history. It's nuts.


shut up SHUT UP shut up SHUT UP about how i didn't cover your favorite thing or didn't explain how the changes they're proposing won't actually 'fix capitalism' I FUCKING KNOW did you see how I said I DONT AGREE WITH ALL OF IT but it makes a good SPRINGBOARD for LEARNING bc if I dump ppl straight into anarchist & communist theory they get SCARED and RUN AWAY so you start with BABY STEPS you fucking packages of ramen noodles where the seasoning packets have been replaced by silica gel packets omg


[Image ID: Classic Philosophers vs Preschooler and Caregiver meme with "Talking to other theory-reading leftists" on the Classic Phillosophers side and "Explaining the concept of 'fiduciary duty to shareholders' on tunglr dot com" [sic] on the Preschooler and caregiver side. End ID]


Also it helps to have it so clearly laid out for some of us who are talking to other people who’ve never gotten near a copy of Marx? Like, if I’m talking to my mom or some of the people at work I can say here’s this thing that’s fucked up isn’t that fucked up. And they listen instead of being immediately scared off by the Socialism Boogeyman. Like, tell me you don’t talk to people who aren’t acceptably ideologically pure without telling me etc etc.

Sometimes, I forget that I was raised by a teacher who was really good at developing curricula, bc it seems Very Obvious to me that you meet people where they're at and explain things to them in a way that isn't scary or overwhelming, but like... apparently, this isn't obvious to people? Like, I'm not saying that you have to have been raised by a teacher to get that, but like, my mom is a really, really good teacher, and I fully give her credit with shaping how I explain things to make it Relatable and Interesting.

Mom used to do stuff in her classes like have people go pick out an old headstone, take a picture of it, and explain how they'd calculate the volume of the headstone. The headstones have weird shapes, and so it made it interesting.

She'd start out with an angel food cake pan bc it's irregular, and it is in 2 pieces, so you can't just fill it with water. Then the final project was the headstone. Etc.

You can't just dump buckets of theory on people's heads, and you have to make what you're saying understandable and interesting. Sometimes, that means you're a little silly - which is where you get things like complimenting the reader in the middle of the explanation so they laugh when you tell them they're very smart and attractive - and you simplify things massively, or skip over chunks of stuff that will become important later but right now is just confusing and overwhelming or upsetting.

So, like, in the explanation I gave, I skipped over the difference between a private and public company, the existence of different kinds of corporations and corporate certifications including LLCs, Public Benefit Corporations, and B Corps (which aren't the same thing), the difference between a stakeholder and a shareholder, the potential consequences for corporate mismanagement, what does and doesn't count, why we can't just Girlboss Pocketbook our way out of the problem by Buying From The Right Companies, why we can't just "drag shareholders [or those "behind the shareholders"] into the street and shoot them", and literally any Marxist or anarchist theory.

Are all of those things relevant? Um. Yeah, sooner or later. Did I give a thousand-foot view that is technically incorrect in a few ways? I mean, yeah, I didn't explain that not everything that's a corporation works that way, for example, or that it's possible for a corporation to go private again after being public, or...

... but that wasn't the point of the post, and it wasn't intended to make people who already understand all of that or who wanted to talk about anarchist theory feel smart, or reinforce what those people already know and believe.

I explained some extremely basic but somewhat obscure stuff & backed it up with a link to freaking Harvard, which touches on some of those basic ideas while explaining how they might be changed. Could I have gone to a more leftist source for an explanation? Yeah. But like...

... pretty much everybody on Tumblr is going to recognize the name Harvard and understand that Havard is a place where smart people do smart people things. (Or people whose dads have a lot of money, but that's another discussion). You don't have to look up what this site is and make sure that it's a relatively reliable source, and I don't have to spend time explaining who my source is and why you should trust that they know at least the basics of what we're talking about. It's fucking Harvard.

And because it's fucking Harvard, it also isn't a Scary Source for people who get startled by words like communism, leftist, anarchist, or "capitalism is actually bad." It's a source you can use to explain this to your dad.

These are baby steps.

Likewise, I don't spend time in this very specific post laying out my grand thesis of how much capitalism blows, or exactly how we could transition from our current fuckery to fully-automated luxury gay space communism. I do this partially because I don't want to scare the people that this is baby steps for and partially because Jesus fucking Christ I was just trying to explain one goddamned concept.

I do genuinely wonder sometimes if a lot of online leftists are so far up their own assholes that they don't understand how inaccessible and overwhelming and confusing they make their own movement, or if it's not really about actually achieving anything to them but instead about smugly proving they are the Smartest Boy In Class.

No, actually, I don't wonder that much. I only wonder if they know that we can tell it's the latter. Like, it's so bad - and I didn't respond to the worst replies on that post, I just blocked 'em - that if I didn't know better, I'd think those were parody accounts made to stir shit. But no, online leftists are sometimes just that fucking unbearable.


I’m tired of people acting like Zhongli is a serious and chill guy who would never cause problems on purpose as if he isn’t one of the biggest menaces out of the Seven. He used to throw mountains at Venti for annoying him. He, the god of history, starts fights among historians for shits and giggles. He tried to gaslight the Traveler into thinking he was totally not at the Chasm guys really Aether/Lumine you must be seeing things maybe you should go see Baizhu. When Qiqi wanted “Cocogoat” milk he was like “Oh yeah sure totally let’s go look for it” knowing damn well it was a wild goose chase. He made the Traveler sing to a flower and then was like “Oh would you look at that” when a Whooperflower jumped out to maul them. I love him. He’s like a cat pushing things off the counter to see how people react. I would pay to see him interact directly with Neuvillette because I know for a fact he’d get on that man’s nerves and argue about water tasting just to feel something. Furina used freedom from godhood to take a nap and Zhongli used it to give psychic damage to anyone who talks to him longer than 5 minutes. Iconic.


To a homophobe, even the most chaste kiss on the cheek between gay people is exactly as disgusting and degenerate as a hardcore BDSM orgy hosted in the town square, so you may as well ally with the BDSM orgy enthusiasts to throw bricks at the cops who are going to try and arrest all of you together anyway.

I once held hands with my husband at an event where my wife was also present, and a concerned parent lectured me about how she didn't want us to "influence" her son. Our icky gay polyam hand holding was such a threat to this woman that she made a point to corner me away from my partners and get me on my own to lecture me about being "indecent." If she had been inclined toward violence, I would have been fucked.

Hand holding. That's all it fucking took.

So catch me at Pride in a leather harness and holding a bat, because if hand holding is all it takes, we owe it to each other to stand together.

We're here. We're queer. Get fucking used to it.

The sheer number of LGBT people who have called me a "degenerate" and a "pedophile" and an "abuse apologist" and a "homophobe" and a "woman-beater" over this post, in the less than 24 hours since I have posted it, is proof that it needs to be said.

Call me a degenerate if you want. I don't care. It has always been the degenerates protecting each other when the cops raid our bars and inspect our clothing and haul us away for being cross-dressing, family-destroying, society-polluting, tranny dyke faggot freaks.

I know who I'd rather have on my side, and it's not the self-loathing pieces of shit who would rather destroy their own people than dismantle systems of oppression.

You will never be wholesome and pure enough for the bigots, no matter how much you distance yourself from the kinksters. Once they've killed all us degenerates, they're coming for you next. And we won't be here to fight for you anymore.


they need to invent clubbing for boring sober people who don't like loud music or crowded group dancing. what's the "she should be at the club" for this hypothetical not-me demographic.

roundup of various common suggestions in the notes:

  • "the library": a nice space to hang, granted, but not really the same fun social vibes.
  • "the night-library that serves pink drinks and tea": okay okay, now we're cooking.
  • "coffee shop": a bit more social and rambunctious than the average library, but still too plain imo.
  • "the museum": still a tad too formal I feel like but definitely not opposed.
  • "the book club": again, not opposed, but book clubs do have the catch of requiring you to plan ahead and do some homework to really enjoy it, not a very "I'm bored on a friday and want to go do something fun" activity.
  • "wine tasting":
  • "dnd/ttrpg nights": unfortunately I'm stupid and am bad at these games. I mean unfortunately these hypothetical people are stupid and bad at these games.
  • "arcades with cover fees at the door and then free games": won't even lie this sounds killer, gonna see if they have any of those in my area.
  • "babe the club is wherever you feel confident in yourself, life is a club and I’m just chilling at a bus stop": beautiful. poetic. heart warming. she should be at the bus stop.

what's that one thing where they asked how ripely from alien was so realistic and believable as a female character in scifi for once and they were like "well we just took the dude from the original script and made him a girl and changed nothing else. it works bc men and women are the same?" and people were like "woah no way" and then didn't learn anything from that for 20 years

"how do you write such believable men as a woman?" "how do you write such believable women a man?" and the answer people who are good at it always give is "i just write people. were literally the exactly the same. do you think the opposite sex is some sorta totally different animal???" and people respond "woah that's wild. yea i do. and im not gonna stop thinking that goodbye :)"

this is a general, casual post about sexism in media not like a deep dive in the subject or a statement on how Alien has no sexism whatsoever or something. you are capable of understanding this post ok i believe in you


It’s been an interesting experience watching ideas like “tone policing” and “punching up/down” get pruned and espaliered from “hey, dismissing someone you were clearly not going to listen to in the first place for not expressing pain cheerfully and politely is obviously disingenuous” and “it’s probably worth being aware of who holds the social power in a given context when you’re making jokes about other people” respectively, into “I absolutely have the right, no, obligation to talk to anyone however I want, and if they flinch it’s violence against me” and “I treat every social interaction like it’s on Pokémon rules, where this is strong against that, and I can’t hurt anyone because I’m weak against them”.


Hot take: "this piece of fiction offended me, a marginalised person" doesn't mean "this piece of fiction inherently contributes to dehumanisation of marginalised people". Different people experience oppression and marginalisation differently. What's dehumanising for one person can be validating and empowering for other. Tropes one person find offensive could be a reflection of other person's lived experience.

For example, some gay men feel objectified by BL works but some other gay men actually enjoy BL, identify as fudanshi (male fans of BL) and relate to BL characters.

Some women hate "damsel in distress" trope, other women feel validated looking at a fictional woman whose value is not tied to her achievements, who is important and worth risking lives for her regardless of what she can or can't do.

Some abuse survivors believe any fictional depiction of abuse that's not all pain and suffering is romanticising it. Other abuse survivors such as myself experienced pain and suffering mixed with happy moments, genuine romantic feelings and great sex so "romanticised" abuse in fiction is an actual representation of my experience.

Please remember that your mileage may vary and being a marginalised person is not an excuse to advocate for censorship of all fiction you find offensive.

Going off of this: we often identify tropes as "bad" when what we really mean is that major media is disproportionately oversaturated with them and it's screwing with popular perception of real people - the above mentioned damsel in distress is a great example of this.

The relationship between media and real world beliefs about people is...complicated. It's far from nonexistent, but it's not a 1:1 "monkey see, monkey do" relationship, either - it's a matter of mental templates. If I were to show you something you've never seen before, but you know it exists - a country, a rare disease, the lore about a mythical creature from a culture that is not your own - I'd be able to tell you damned near whatever I want about it and you'd probably believe it (hence how a lot of misinformation flies around the internet). If I were to set a game in a randomized map and called it your hometown, you'd call bullshit. The difference is that in the latter case you have a strong template for what that map should look like, while in the former case you hardly have one at all.

So when media skews the popular template, it often hurts the people who feel particularly empowered by the "bad" tropes every bit as much as it hurts the people who feel dehumanized by them, with a unique and conflicting twist.

Seriously. Name a trope that we generally accept Is Dehumanizing(TM), and I can probably find you at least 1 or 2 members of the group targeted by it who actually feel great about it except for The Implications it develops in a real-world context, within about 30 minutes out there on the great wide internet. (Note: please don't actually, I don't have the time to dedicate to making this an actual challenge, instead try to identify a trope you find empowering and try to consider how someone else might feel degraded by it based on the same aspect of your identity.)

This is especially true when it comes to queer tropes since our experience is so uniquely and extensively varied - the Unsettling Gender Reveal? Reminiscent of a lot of transphobic violence and at this point we probably need at least 20 GNC and/or (ideally) confirmed trans characters who never get that Moment for every one that does just to balance things out - which is frustrating since, to me and a lot of other trans and nonbinary people I know, there's really a sense of relief in just...having that Awkward Moment (and because, again, of how varied an experience gender is, I'm pretty sure there are always going to be Awkward Moments, and tbh I'll almost be sad if there aren't), laughing about it, and moving the hell on, being accepted as whatever the hell you are regardless of whether your genitals match that or not-

Or at least, there would be, if it wasn't a requisite Moment with almost every character who is not binary, cis, and constantly presenting as expected of their actual gender, in a world where the trans panic defense is still a Thing.

Beyond that, a lot of the people who feel most empowered by the "bad" tropes are those marginalized on more than one axis - never forget that intersectionality is also A Thing. Returning to the damsel in distress, you know who often feels especially empowered by being seen as valuable and desirable and worthy of help when it's needed just by virtue of existing? Disabled women.

We can't let the damsel in distress be the only representation women get in major media, because that would imply to people who are forming mental templates based on it that being a woman - especially a disabled woman - means being completely without agency-

But we can't go entirely in the opposite direction and say every woman in major media has to be an independent woman of action, because that implies there's a minimum level of ability required to "earn" your value as a human being, especially if you are a woman.

The problem is not specific tropes and themes and storylines, it is lack of balance. In almost every case of a "Bad Trope" the solution is not "we must erase it from existence, no more of it ever" but "we need to balance it out to capture the full scope of human experience and maybe stop doing those cases that explicitly frame it to say This Is A Bad Thing To Be".

The solution is media that encompasses the full range of human experiences - including the ones that don't feel great to you, including the ones that are proportionally overrepresented now.


this man found a gemstone the size of a new york apartment on the side of the road and said "sorry im excited about rocks" about it


“This is the most honkin’ skookum rock” bro.


i know a lot of people won’t know who this guy is but he’s running a company that’s building electric semi trucks because tesla sucks so bad and they named it Edison Motors because they’re stealing Tesla’s idea.


[Image Text: Edison Motors was founded by Chace Barber and Eric Little who entered their business partnership in 2016 after graduating university and starting a trucking company with a 1969 Kenworth 5 axle Logging Truck (Old Blue). They began hauling logs in Merritt, BC. moved to hauling mining equipment into thr Yukon and then expanded to moving drilling rigs in Alberta before returning back to BC Logging.]


Wish it was me


and like ... actors are actors. Their whole thing is pretending to be other people? Can an actor pretend to be an elf or royalty or an alien but not queer? As long as they’re taking the role seriously, it’s fine.


if a straight person sees something meaningful, beautiful and worthy of emulation in the queer experience, that’s a good thing.


Transphobia is so antithetical to genuine feminism it blows my mind there's such a wide overlap like you either believe in autonomy and self determination or you don't

This shouldn't be hidden in tags!

Image ID:

#you can't reconcile the feminist idea that men and women are equals with acting like they're different species

#the feminist idea that women are more than their reproductive systems with the one that womanhood is defined by a reproductive system

#the feminist idea that women don't need to adhere to arbitrary standards of femininity with the one that they do or they aren't women

#the feminist idea that women are allowed to have body hair and be tall or muscular with the one that they're to be scrutinized if they are

#the feminist idea that women as equals to men should be allowed to compete with them with the one that both must always be separated

#i can not consider terfism to be feminism in any fucking way

#and don't say 'no true scotsman' that's not it

#i don't consider feminists for the same reason i don't consider the democratic people's republic of korea a democracy #or nazism socialism. having feminist in their name does not mean their ideas are automatically feminist

#i've yet to meet a terf that actually cares about women more than about hating on trans folk

#there is no feminist belief that can come from someone who views women as vaginas with legs that are too frail to do anything men do

End Id


I was in line at Aldi and this girl with two toddlers in front of me had her card declined and she looked so fucking sad and said “let me call my husband real quick” and it was only 18 dollars, so I just paid for it, and she was very sweet and then as she walked off, the lady behind me said `”You know that was probably a scam, right?” and like, even if it was, like what a sad fucking scam, right? 18 dollars at the Aldi. If you’re “scamming” me for some Tyson chicken and apple juice and cauliflower, then just take my fucking money. 

“A scam” people are fucking wild.  


This happened to me, too. A woman had used WIC for the majority of her stuff (which I say from personal experience is such a long and embarrassing process) and to buy the remainder of her groceries, which included diapers and wipes, she used a card, and it got declined. I bought the other $30 of her groceries because hey, I’ve been there, and now I’m not. She was extremely emotional and began to cry and even hugged me. My mom called me on the drive home and could tell I had been crying myself, asked what was wrong, and when I told her what happened, she berated me for being “duped.” I couldn’t believe she could be so disappointed in one of her children for doing something- nice? Is that the hill you want to die on? Getting mad about people needing groceries?


I once paid for a woman’s bill at the vet…it wasn’t a big one, but she was trying to pay for some medication for her dog, and her card was declined. And her lip started trembling, and she says “I don’t get paid until Tuesday, would he be ok until then?” 

So I just told them to add the $20 something onto my bill, and I thought she was going to break down crying right there.

And I don’t care if it was a scam or not. Just do nice things for people sometimes. 

Do good recklessly.

I think “Do good recklessly” would be fantastic word art to hang on one’s wall. Artistic people, go!

So this has happened to me but from the other side. Several years ago when my oldest was around three or so, I had my debit card decline at Walmart. It wasn’t a scam or a mistake, I was genuinely broke. Out of money. I checked my bank and discovered I had something like 7 dollars left to my name and a hungry kid and nothing to eat at home. So I sat there trying to come up with the best way to stretch that tiny amount of money to feed my kid. Not even to feed me. I can live on popcorn or something if I have to but my kid was three and he had to eat. So there I am trying really hard not to cry while I slowly take things out of my basket to get it down to under 7 bucks, when a lady tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and she smiled at me and started putting the things back in my cart. I opened my mouth to tell her that I didn’t have the money for them but she stopped me right away and said “Don’t worry about it. It’s gonna be fine.” Then she handed the cashier her credit card and said “Ring up all of it.” My kid got to eat because of her. I got to eat because of her. I had laundry soap and deodorant because of her. She could’ve just ignored me silently struggling in that line. She could’ve decided I was a scam and gone home feeling good about avoiding being duped. But instead she chose to help me and she saved us. So maybe the person struggling in front of you is trying to put one over on you or maybe they are just sad and broke and trying to figure out what to do. You get to decide which you want to believe and what you want to do. But I’ll tell y’all, no one has ever been more beautiful to me than that lady in that line who saved me and my baby. Be like her. Be beautiful.

Do good recklessly



One time, my dad and I were living the grocery store and there was a guy outside asking for money to buy some stuff to take home for his kids. It was around Christmas time. My dad asked him if he could give him groceries instead of money, and the guy immediately said yes, so my dad gave him one of everything we bought (meat, rice, some chocolates, milk, oil). At that time, my dad hadn’t gotten his paycheck because the company he worked for was going through a tough time, but he didn’t care, he saw an opportunity to help someone and he did.

Another time, my dad gave 50 bucks to a guy who said he needed to buy medicine for his kids. I told my dad he was probably going to spend the money on alcohol or something, but my dad said that “whether he was lying or not says something about HIS character, but hearing someone in need and choosing not to help when I have the means to says something about mine”.

I never forget that.


“whether he was lying or not says something about HIS character, but hearing someone in need and choosing not to help when I have the means to says something about mine”

louder, for the people in the back


Culture is so obsessed with the idea of lone geniuses that it doesn't really appreciate that most of the progress of science (and likely every other discipline) occurs collaboratively, in babysteps, and usually through a lot very tedious, utterly unsexy, work.


This is what’s so faulty with our short sighted coverage of scientific discoveries. You hear politicians question why we spend money on science studying insect wings and then decades later that research gets used by NASA for the most efficient way to fold/unfold solar panels on spacecraft. All of science is connected and useful because it enhances our understanding of the universe

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