
Wanna' Cookie?

@chocolatechipfic-blog / chocolatechipfic-blog.tumblr.com

Fluffy fanfiction, fizzy drinks, and all known sugary eats will accompany any other cavity inducing product here. They will be thoroughly enjoyed. 21 year old; cisgendered female; literature student; proper resident of solavellan hell.

get to know me meme: 1/10 tv shows: Game of Thrones

Oh, my sweet summer child, what do you know of fear?
Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods.

Politics of Thedas

Tevinter: You have two cows. You've enslaved them both and you cast spells on them to duplicate them so you can have more slaves.
Par Vollen: You have two cows. One is assigned the task of milk-making and the other is assigned the task of becoming food. They accept their tasks with honour.
Kirkwall: You have two cows. They want to kill each other. And you. You're fucked.
Antiva: You have two cows. You assassinate them.
Orlais: You have two cows. They're snobby and tight-laced.
Ferelden: You have two mabari. You love your dogs.
Orzammar Nobility: You have two cows. The younger one tricks you into murdering the older one so he can put the blame on you and assume control of the barn.
Orzammar Lower Class: You have two cows. Bandits steal them both and leave you with a hoof that you pawn off to the nearest merchant for 6 copper. The bandits steal that copper and leave you for dead.
Redcliffe: You have two cows. One dies to save the city from destruction. Alistair is mad.
Dalish Elves: You have two halla. You don't have enough halla. This is bad.
Circle Templars: You have two cows. You don't trust them, and they're probably evil.
Circle Mages: You have two cows. You don't trust them, and they're probably stupid.
Grey Wardens: You have two dogs. They drink darkspawn blood. One dies, and the other saves the entire country.
author's note on fanfic ch4: i'll probably have it updated by the end of this week!
author's note on fanfic ch5: so i know it's been two years but i can explain

Remember when Hillary said Trump would create a white supremacist resurgence and the pundits tsk tsked her for going off message

Remember when Hillary said Trump was working either for or with the Russian government and the pundits said “both sides have their conspiracy theories.”

Remember when Hillary gave a speech talking about economic concerns unique to women of color and no one outside her dedicated press pool reported on it because Trump tweeted something stupid that day. 

Remember when Hillary said Trump presented a threat to the free press that rvialed any third world dictator and pundits yelled at her for not holding more press conferences. 

Remember when Hillary gave a big speech about her economic policy and NBC ran a chyron that said “Hillary tries to move past her email troubles.”


Remember when Hillary wasn’t an orange fascist dictator-to-be surrounding herself with white supremacists and yes-men and people said she was no different from Trump

everyone who said “they’re both the same” owes me a personal apology


i witnessed the most fascinating thing today imo…my 4th grade art class were talking while they did their work and one of them was like “if you work hard all your life…….it means NOTHING” and their response was to all crack up and start running with this bit like. “you work all your life on an oil painting. the mayor comes in. he says ‘i didn’t even ask you to do that painting.’” they kept going giving examples of nothing mattering and laughing hysterically. they’re 9. like, we think OUR humor is depressing or w/e, how are THEY going to be

Millennials are depressed but the Gen Z kids are straight up nihilists

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