hey man


cowchop + idek
i don’t tag anything

me: i’d love to get some proper rest tonight :)

my brain the instant i shut my eyes:


using “i’m gay” to justify yourself and your decisions is good and fun when it’s to defend your tacky outfit or your 3am impulse-buys on amazon but don’t let me catch you using it to defend your racism and transphobia babes!


“Your mental illness is all in your head” where did you think it was????? my ass????

Mental illness is stored in the balls


not to be fake deep but….men who are kind are not the same as men who are kind to you bc they like you


this is gonna be an extremely unpopular opinion so bare with me, but i don’t think children should be vaccinated unless they really absolutely want to be and if they grow up into adults who still don’t want to be vaccinated then so be it.

kids are too young to fully grasp what vaccination does to you, and i don’t mean that in a “they’ll make you autistic and die” way. i mean they don’t understand what they’re setting themselves up for in the future. (shots are pretty traumatic for children too, but that’s for another day.) if a child is too young to consent to sex or medical transition if they’re trans, they’re definitely too young to consent to a vax.

i haven’t had any contact with my family for quite some time now, so i have a hard time knowing my medical history, especially with my lack of health insurance and a move to a different country.

because of that, i live with the constant fear that i might have been vaccinated against rabies. my family was extremely poor and had spotty health insurance but its hard to say. but its fucking heartbreaking to know i might never be fully rabid because my parent might have vaccinated me as a child, when i was too young to know, too young to have a say in it.

how many other kids are there, just like me? how many adults have grown up miserable because they’ve been vaccinated against their genetic disposition for a certain disease? its practically eugenics and it makes me fuckin sick to my stomach. there are babies RIGHT NOW getting vaxxed bc “thats what’s healthy for them” and their parents have no idea how much grief they’re causing right now.

so yea, maybe stop vaxxing your kids??


at first i was like “yeah okay this a dumb but manageable take” and then op went for the rabies thing and my soul left my body

everyday this site drags us further and further away from the will of God and into madness and destruction


What corner of hieronymus Bosch hell did this come from


Where’s my post about being confused about how great civilizations fall into the dark ages and then looking around me living in 2018 cause this post is proof of that lmao


If you didn’t go to their blog, you’re missing the best part:

My Rabies Story
My Story:
I have always had a particular closeness to the concept of rabies and identified as rabioromantic before my diagnosis. I decided for the sake of my mental health I would become infected.
This past year I met a girl online who was born with rabies said she could infect me. We met up this past June and, excuse the tmi, took part in BDSM sex. She bit me really hard on the shoulder until I bled and I’ve had rabies ever since.
I refuse to go to a doctor as they tend not to understand rabios/virosexuals, so pleas don’t ask me to.
Does this mean you’re going to die soon?:
Short answer, no. Contrary to belief, rabies doesn’t actually kill you. I’m in the incubation period atm so I have no symptoms. Everyone experiences rabies differently and I could potentially live a full happy life. For example the girl who bit me was born with rabies and hasn’t died yet.
Are you going to infect other people?
Not unless they really want to. I currently curb my biting impulses by biting into raw steaks so I’m fine and safe to be around. (x)

This is the kind of stuff that you have to laugh at or you’ll go insane.

When I said I was so desensitised to Tumblr I couldn’t be shocked anymore, I didn’t mean it as a challenge


game: you can buy clothing and accessories for your character, but we advise that you focus on other, more important things like- me, walking into the marketplace:


i’m sitting at a starbucks in barnes n noble and there’s a small family w a little baby and the baby went “SCREEEEEEEEEgdblbghlb” and the dad goes “HEY! what does that even mean”


things that are enjoyable:

  • showers

things that are not enjoyable:

  • getting in the shower
  • getting out of the shower
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