
@petite-pivoine / petite-pivoine.tumblr.com

Peony - She/He/They - 21

Medieval fantasy settings where men respect women enough to let them be knights and kill werewolves and shit but still open doors and pull out their seats for them and whatnot that’s some quality content right there.

“What ho, my dearest princess, allow me to assist thee onto thine horse!”

“Many thanks, my most gracious knight, for thine assistance! I shall think fondly of thee as I plunge my blade into the gullet of this most foul worm!”

“Godspeed, my lady, may thy sword strike true!”

Basically it’s like, woman goes on grueling quest alone or enters dangerous career because she genuinely wants to? Cool, cool, very cool.

Woman is inconvenienced and annoyed by minor circumstance she doesn’t want?!? Unacceptable, she must be assisted immediately.


In his autobiography, he talks about how he swears a lot and it always throws people off.

Reasons to miss him more.


1) they expensive bruh 2) none of us kno the dif btwn a fucking diamond and some fancy ass glass ur capitalist rock hierarchy has no control over us

3) mostly mined with slave labor


4) we get excited when our date buys us an appetizer, we don’t even comprehend people buying us rocks that would force us into debt for ten years


5) They aren’t actually that rare and the price is artificially inflated. 


Pro tip from a former Jared’s salesperson: You want a sparkly white rock that will look like a diamond to the untrained eye and will literally cost the price of a nice dinner for two? Created white sapphire. They’re lab grown and cost *pennies* to make, so you can get a 1 or 2 carat white sapphire for like… $30-80 probably. You can get one as huge as you like, perfectly clear, perfectly flawless. And no one will ever be able to tell the difference except a professional appraiser. Also, sapphires are the second-hardest gemstone (right after diamonds) so they are very durable! Very unlikely that they’ll chip or crack. Get that bitch set in sterling silver and you are GOOD TO GO. Whole thing should cost you less than $200 unless you get a fancy band with a lot of extra stones. Of course, created sapphires come in every color of the rainbow, so if you want something more exciting than plain white, you TOTALLY CAN. 

Created sapphires and silver: The poor Millennial’s engagement ring. 


engagement rings: HACKED

Get a ring from an antique store. They’re usually less than $100, you know they hold up over time, no one else will have one like it, and it comes with the bonus of being haunted by the spirit of some old woman named Edith probably.


thanks edith


Woman proposes to her girlfriend with a ring from an antique store. Ring is haunted by Edith. Who, as it turns out, was in love with her girlfriend but never dreamed the day would come when they could’ve married.

Suddenly, inexplicable bad things start happening to homophobes around the young couple.

Do we have to pay extra for the possessing spirit that has it in for homophobes?

Not if you shop around.


A skater rescuing a wild bun from a pool 

Oh, the little leap it does running off was for sure a BIG thank you! And I thank you for this beautiful moment, my heart is so happy.


This is amazing cause you can tell the person spent enough time to earn the bunny’s trust instead of just grabbing it.


I had the weirdest dream last night

There was this humanoid creature, his skin was pitch black, he had no face just a pair of big white eyes and he had really long fingers. He was just standing in the middle of my room, watching me in silence.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t scared at all. He looked so peaceful standing there, so I asked him to dance with me. And I think he was a bit confused, like he didn’t expect me to do that. But then he was holding me close and he watched me as I intertwined our fingers.

So yeah, this is the story of how I had a romantic waltz with a demon.

Okay so I can’t draw and I know this is terrible so go easy on me, but I tried to draw him in my phone when I woke up and he kinda looked like this

Can anyone out there make a better version of this? It would be much appreciated!!

Also let me tag the dream queen herself @one-time-i-dreamt

so I tried; in this, he has kind of a face, isn’t in a bedroom and I didn’t know how to draw hipbones

I hope you like it and don’t mind I am kind of late, but better late than never right?


@one-time-i-dreamt I just couldn’t resist


here’s my question……………if an animal was extremely endangered, like borderline almost extinct…..could beast boy……y’know…..

you all ignored this so im bringing it back

Yes. He could.

yeah, he can turn into fucking dinosaurs so of course he can turn into near extinct animals. fuck kinda question is this?


the men in my life are all good men, or, at least, they are men who are not violent - and that is enough for a man to be considered good; that he could be violent but is not.

the men in my life are good men. recently at a hardware store one of the men in my life let me stand behind him, just a little, in that ghosting way that girls can learn. the disappearing technique we master of shadowing behind our Good Men. this was to protect me from a man who was not-being-good.

i fall down. one of the good men in my life offers me one arm like a knight, we are laughing while i clamber back onto my feet. i give the good men in my life piggy back rides because i like to show off how strong i am. i give the good men in my life run-at-them hugs. i let the good men in my life pick me up like i am a sack of grain; i get the good men in my life coffee, i make them sandwiches, i teach them dancing.

i am a man-hater, obviously. i am gay enough the insult is sort of funny. waiting for the bus, where there are men who are not-known-to-be-good, i google how to make a fist. i can never remember if the thumb goes on the outside or the inside, only that it is imperative that i do not fuck it up or i will break my thumb at the same time the man tries to break me. 

i walk my dog around the track only-at-dusk and-no-later. i made that mistake once, in august, hoping i could take a later run and maybe see the stars - i romanticized the idea of being able to skulk like a fox. the man that followed me across three lawns, two road-crossings, and back to my car - he spent the whole time whistling. the good men in my life say - oh, do you need me to come with you? and are actually asking - do you feel safe?

i fall down in a supermarket. a man i do not know grabs the inside of my knee. i do not know if the man is good, but i am supposed to give men the benefit of the doubt, so i laugh while standing. a man trying-to-be-in-my-life says what, no hug? and i have to decide if it worth it to just take off or put up with it. a man who-might-not-be-good stares at me while i walk by - i have to calculate if he’s just looking or if he’s watching. other men have badly hurt me, physically. the casual remark made is that those men are not real men. but they were real enough, to me.

there are many men who are mad at me. an entire reddit thread once was dedicated to how to dox me for feminist ranting - it was kind of funny, when it wasn’t downright scary. i have been stalked and harassed and treated horribly. they are all good men, in their own lives, you know. they are not violent, usually, unless provoked, and all it takes for a man to be good is for him to not be violent unless provoked, and i am, of course, always provoking.

a man in my life rolls his eyes. “i am sick of hearing this. we get it, all men are fucking evil. get over it.”

a man who-is-not-good shouts something unwritable at me. i have to tell the good man i am standing next to - it’s okay, this is nothing compared to what-could-be, this happens, it’s really not that big of a deal to me. 

“but it should be,” he says. “it should be.”


List of People who could use this:

-Trans women (cosplayers and non-cosplayers)

- Cis Women who feel too shy to actually show off their chest but still want to pull this off

- Cis women with small chests who also want to be true the characters.

-  Pretty much any dude who wants to cosplay as a female character

- Anyone who wants to piss off Travis


Reblog to piss off Travis and support trans women + male cosplayers


This made me think of all the “rules of etiquette” that my parents and grandparents generation always tried to drill into us but when we asked “why?” all they could answer was “because it’s polite”

So I looked up how these rules got started

-Don’t wear a hat inside: Medieval knights were more vulnerable if they removed their helmets. Because of this, removing it in a church or in the presence of royalty felt like a respectful act of humility. It’s rude to wear a hat indoors because 1500 years ago some soldiers wanted to show God and King that they trusted them not to stab them in the head

-Don’t put your elbows on the table: In the middle ages European royalty didn’t have dining tables in their banquet halls, they used a long board balanced on trestles and covered it with a table cloth. If you leaned on the table it would unbalance and topple. People are still telling kids not to put their elbows on the table because 1500 years ago some nobles didn’t want to be embarrassed by knocking over a make-shift table and ruining a feast

-Men should pull out a woman’s chair for her: There were several periods in Western history when fashion for high society women was so restrictive that they literally couldn’t bend over when dressed for dinner. Men are told it’s polite to pull out a woman’s chair because women used to have to wear clothing that made it impossible to do that herself

So some dipshits decided to do a thing 1500 years ago and more modern day dipshits decided to keep that ball rolling

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