@levinspark /

Independent / Selective RP blog for Minamoto no Yorimitsu of Fate / Grand Order. Please read rules before interacting!

Prompt, but for empyrecneye because I’m too lazy to switch to Musashi atm and we already have a thread here

Prompt-Based Starters 

#3 - Justice

“Not yet… Not yet… You must not let yourself be certain, until they cross that final line…”

Breathlessly she watched as the shadow drew closer, inching slowly towards the bait she had left atop the counter.

“No more than five steps, and I shall have my final proof… No more than three steps, and they prove their guilt… Now, with but with one final step, we end this farce for good…”

Sure enough, they followed through…

“Enough! That is entirely enough!”

As she burst forth from the kitchen cabinet, sword in hand, Raikou pointed an accusatory finger towards the (surely) foulhearted woman who stood before her.

“To think that you should be revealed as the culprit I have sought for so long…”  Raikou spat, as she quickly moved to block the doorway. “I am saddened to think that you of all people would stood so low, and succumb to such greed…”


“Nevertheless, I shall not be swayed by sorrow! Nor shall I falter, as I deliver justice for your wrongdoings! Miyamoto Musashi… For the crime of sneaking food out of the kitchen, my verdict is thus: offer up thy head!”

Prompt-Based Starters 

#11 - Truth

A beautiful dream. A bitter dream.

“Master?” Raikou tilted her head, her pale eyes gazing curiously at the young woman seated before her. “Is something the matter?”

Had those same orbs not once shone with a vibrancy unmatched by even the stars in the sky?

A gentle hand slid itself across the surface of the table, hesitantly brushing against foreign fingers before closing around them and squeezing gently. Overly forward, some might have called it; especially with her station in mind. She, however, paid such thoughts no heed. 

To bring reassurance, in a time of need, was a far more important thing.

However slight - however delicate - no touch can hide the roughness of her fingers. Calluses have long since covered her hands, erasing any traces of the dexterous fingers which favored the arts. 

Perhaps it was for the best… For in painting with steel, and splatters of red, she burned away all fanciful thoughts.


“No… Perhaps I am asking the wrong question… Is there something I am doing to disturb you?”

Once upon a time there was a small, lonely child… A child who still possessed the strength to dream of a world in which she was loved…

Questions such as this weren’t rare. She had long since lost track of how many times another had asked her such a thing. Why did she trust them? Why did she have so much faith in them? Why did she allow them so much freedom?
She had already known the answer before the question had even been asked.
Cana softly smiled up at the woman. “Berserker, what I’m about to say… My answer will seem rather naive and, to be entirely honest, stupid. I know that, so please don’t be afraid to say anything if you disagree.
“The reason I trust Berserkers such as yourself… All of you had the chance to kill me immediately after you were summoned. You had a moment where I was alone, at the mercy of both your sanity and whatever weapon you held in your hands. And yet none have ever taken that chance.”
A few notes of an awkward laugh left her throat. “Ah, does that make sense? Again, I know it’s completely naive but… That is my honest answer. I’m not purposefully trying to make it sound nice, I promise.”

To treat a first impression as something so profound... To excuse one’s faults, in favor of praising their brightest virtues... It was a simplistic viewpoint, both tragic, and charming all at once. Reminiscent, somehow, of a blonde haired young boy who had bawled his eyes out on the banks of the Asakusa River.

And that... That was a realization she couldn’t help but sigh inwardly at... Whether it was a sigh of relief, or a sigh of trepidation, she herself remained unsure...


“Master, I am undoubtedly a monster. A monster who, while lucid here and now, shall surely lose herself some day. A monster who, despite her best efforts, shall surely betray your expectations. It is because I am me, that I cannot help but find your words incredibly naive.” 

She made no effort to soften her blunt self-appraisal; pausing instead, to ensure that her words had truly sunk in. Her gaze - despite meeting that of her young Master - looked not to the girl before her, but to somewhere far away. 

“Mm... But even so, your sentiment is touching... I owe much to those who so stubbornly persist in believing me to be a better woman...”

send me the word “prompt” and i’ll randomly generate a word, then make a starter based off of it!
if you want a starter based off a specific word, send me that word. 
  1. gone
  2. repeat
  3. justice
  4. question
  5. water
  6. worried
  7. warm
  8. excitement
  9. rest
  10. remember
  11. truth
  12. yell
  13. under
  14. illness
  15. open
  16. pull
  17. push
  18. impossible
  19. always
  20. sadness
  21. solitude 
  22. despair
  23. denial
  24. fall
  25. ghost
  26. failure
  27. home
  28. killed
  29. love
  30. loss
  31. clarity
  32. calm
  33. violent
  34. normal
  35. abnormal 
  36. monster
  37. hurt
  38. cold
  39. ending
  40. war
  41. nightmare
  42. sleep
     “Yet you would come before me with nothing in hand. Not so much as an offering yet you seek much from me? I should leave you to reap the harvest you have sown by your own hands.”
This was a strange turn of events. Using a skill for something like lunch wasn’t anything that the deity would take offense to, but it sounded like he had a role to fulfill. It would have been a much smoother process had she spoken with a much less formal manner. So long as no lines were crossed in demeanor then this wasn’t at all necessary.
     “A deity does not simply supply for those who have nothing. One must have the makings of a fine warrior, not of the blade, but of the heart. Diligence, persistence, and ever striving for greater heights. This shows a failure on all three accounts. An insult and mockery to mine kind as well as your fellow kin. Had this been on a shorter scale I would have not thought twice of letting their plates empty. However, I shan’t let everyone suffer from the misdoings of a few.”
A pause as he shifts, thoughtfully stroking before laying a hand atop of her head.
     “I have no contempt for you, but you’ve failed to meet my expectations of you. For now rise, we shall address  your punishment after the trouble has been resolved. None shall no such wickedness on this day.”

As Mikoto began to pass his judgement, Raikou grimaced to herself; her frown only deepening, as he went on to describe the full extent of her failures. 

He was, of course, utterly correct. Indeed... Should anyone have said otherwise - and in doing so deigned to deny impartial truths - she would have been the first to defend his assertions.

She had failed to assess their food reserves, until her negligence had brought about a catastrophe beyond repair. She had been lax, in establishing steadfast shopping routines. She had not the knowledge, where cooking was concerned, to offer any suitable substitutes in a last ditch effort. And now, even as she knelt before him, the fact remained that she had come to him with empty hands; offering no recompense for the intervention she required.

That he would offer to help her still, even in spite of her many shortcomings, was an unwarranted showing of compassion. A showing which only served to highlight both his benevolent nature, as well as her own wretchedness...


“Of course, Lord Ninigi...” She nodded. “To deliver our family from nutritional famine... To see judgement passed upon those who bear responsibility... Surely, neither one should come to pass without the other. That you should find it in your heart to fulfill my selfish request at all, is grounds enough for me to bear any retribution without complaint. So please... Guide my hands, and lead me to the path which shall save my people...”


‘Deja vu’, they had called it - a feeling of overwhelming familiarity, in the face of something never before experienced. A feeling, the likes of which she could not grasp when they had first explained it to her. Indeed, it was only now, as she gazed at the silver haired Saber that she finally understood. Despite knowing full well that they were all but stranger, she could not shake the feeling that they had met once before.

It was only as a pair of pale blue eyes looked up to meet her own, that she at last became conscious of the fact that she had been staring - perhaps even glaring - as she wracked her brain for answers.


“Err... Musashi, yes? Am I correct in thinking that that is your name?” She mumbled, as she looked off to the side in embarrassment, unable to meet the other Servant’s eyes even as she pressed forward with the questions that had been looming over her. “Forgive me, but... Is it possible that you and I have met before? I cannot truly recall such a meeting ever taking place; yet even so, I likewise cannot dismiss the feeling that you are oddly familiar...”

“Of course I don’t. A golden guy like me’s way too tough to go around wearing a helmet! It doesn’t fit the Bear’s style, you know? I’ve got an image to maintain, Lord Raikou! I can’t have the Boss thinkin’ I’m soft, y’know?” To think he cares THAT much for his aesthetic… Unsurprising, really. To even be so defiant in the face of her concerns!! 
Of course, she DID say she wasn’t angry… Should she gets pissed, that’s another matter entirely! “I’m too golden tough to be taken down by some weak monsters or a traffic accident or too, ya know?”

“Kintoki... Are you saying you find helmets distasteful because they are ‘uncool’?” Raikou stared at him incredulously. 

She found herself speechless in the face of such audacious words, with any semblance of composure leaving her just as surely as the air which had left her lungs. 

“Do you truly believe that I can accept an answer such as that! To even suggest such a thing... It truly breaks my heart!”

The slightest hints of tears began to well up in the corners of her eyes, as she struggled to find the strength to continue.

“How can a mother feel, knowing her son has eschewed essential defenses, for fear of looking ‘uncool’?! As if protection could ever be ‘uncool’... No! Protection is without a doubt the most ‘cool’! As ‘cool’ as cool gets!”

Neither self-awareness nor shame revealed themselves in her increasingly unsteady voice, despite the absurdity of her assertions.


“Furthermore, please think of the example that you’re setting for others! What if Master were to see you, and get it into their head that biking without protection is acceptable behavior? Why, they could very easily get themselves hurt! Do you truly want to be the one responsible for planting such ideas in their head?”


“Kojiro...” Yorimitsu tilted her head inquisitively, a hint of hesitation to her voice as she continued. “Have you any taste for poetry?” 

She let the question sit for a moment or so, before clarifying.


“Forgive me, if it seems like an odd question to ask of you. You simply strike me as the sort who might take interest in such things.” Her cheeks tinted with the fainest of blushes, as she shot an apologetic glance “I myself have long been smitten with poetry, although I often find that there are few who share my interest in it, so...”


As he slowly turns away, you gaze intently at his back.

His shoulders are broad and powerful, and he carries himself with a sense of purpose and self-importance so unlike the men of the temple. In every sense, he is so unlike the men of the temple. Yes... The stark difference is enough to make your head buzz with fantasies - fantasies about what manner of life could have possibly made him this way.

It is the first time since he bid you enter, that his eyes have left your figure, and you chastise yourself for the feelings of dejection which bubble towards the surface. It is foolish to feel as though he has no right to look away. It is foolish to think that in doing so, he is deeming you to be lesser.

Even if his gaze should wander… There can be nothing more important to him than you.

It will be years before you correct such a way of thinking - years before you realize the error of mistaking disdain for affection, and suspicion for obsession - yet even so, even in hindsight, you choose to believe that none could mock you for your blind faith. After all, this man is your father.

“Father... Fa… ther…”

Though you dare not speak the word aloud, you gather the courage to gently mouth it. A playful indiscretion, which makes your cheeks tinge with the slightest shade of pink. A playful indiscretion, the likes of which you almost wish he had discovered, for even the thought of being scolded fills your heart with glee.

Indeed, you almost think your desire granted as he suddenly turns once more, his eyes meeting yours with a piercing glare. Yet instead, without a single word, he pushes a large bundle into your arms.

You remember your heart swelling with pride, as father first handed you your armor. Alongside your sword and your name, his very first gifts. Ill portents of things to come.

You dared not question his demands. No… If anything, your heart swelled with pride. For once in your miserable life, you finally had a purpose. For once, you finally belonged.


With her own attention fixed intently upon the cabbages which sat before her, it had taken Yorimitsu several moments to realize that the youth who stood across the produce isle was staring directly at her. 

“Ah...”  Yet upon meeting his gaze, she instantly understood why. Just as he had no doubt recognized her, she too immediately recognized him. “You are the Master of Saber, yes? How surprising that we should meet like this!”

Surprising, but by no means unwelcome. 


A warm smile quickly made its way across her face, antithetical to the hostility or confusion the young magus might have expected. As she continued on her words betrayed no sense of animosity, but instead a sincere concern for his well-being. 

“Indeed I find it somewhat relieving to see you up and about, as you seemed rather unwell when last we parted... Mm. Were she here, I’m sure that Illya would echo my sentiments...”


"Honestly now, Kyougoku...” Yorimitsu sighed to herself, as she ran a gentle hand down her faithful steed’s mane - his hair marred by the dirt and grime of battle, but no less beautiful for it. “I take my eyes off you for scarcely a moment, and you wander half-way across Chaldea... Does the thought of taking a bath truly vex you so?” 

At the very least, the muddy hoofprints he had left in his wake had made it simple enough to track him down. That, and the timely intervention of one of her fellow Servants...


“Apologies, Lancer.” She glanced towards the familiar valkyrie, an apologetic smile crossing her lips. “I hope my naughty boy hasn’t been bothering you.”

Whether it had been a simple matter of Brynhildr being in the right place at the right time, or an active effort on her part to grab the wayward horse’s attention, she could not say. She was, however, thankful nonetheless. 

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