
"To a happier year..."


naomi • they/them • nonbinary • lesbian • aroflux • asexual • yourlocalaroace on ao3

i think if geoffrey chaucer were zapped into the current day then once he learned the language and grasped the social situation he would leverage his position as Actually Geoffrey Chaucer to get the cushiest most luxurious publishing contract imaginable. and then within six months tops he would be writing omegaverse

if william shakespeare were zapped into the current day he would become the focal figure of a hit subscription-based webseries that makes live action adaptations of popular fanfics. after narrowly matrix-dodging several major copyright lawsuits through sheer power of “i’m shakespeare,” he would subsequently learn to navigate the legal ins and outs of transformative work and parody with the steely precision of an exacto knife

i also think their works would be very progressive in a dr who kind of way, not because those are their innate beliefs, but because the second they work out that people can and will refuse to purchase their works for containing such and such bigotry, those writers will get very With The Program, very very quickly. but of course when they learn that the french are still fair game they’ll grab onto it with both hands and run it into the ground


i just saw the tag “canon complicit” instead of “canon compliant” and im laughing its like “canon is a criminal act that i unfortunately support with this fic”

The Three Grades:

Canon Compliant: “This fic goes along with canon.” (Because I like it? Because I’m too tired to disagree by writing my own fic? Who knows? The author may or may not tell us.)

Canon Compatible: “Listen, I know it ISN’T canon, but think of it as Microsoft Office for Mac, it’s COMPATIBLE with canon, and that counts.”

Canon Complicit: “I have not died a hero, so I have become an accessory to the Villainy of Canon.”

Canon Compatible is a great term for when your fic is Probably Not What Tolkien Would Have Wanted but it doesn’t really contradict anything in canon either


Canon Divergent: When your fic doesn't fall into one of the three Canon Factions (Compliant, Compatible, Complicit)


Say what you want about the 2023 Shakespeare in The Park production of Hamlet, but the choices made in that play WORKED. Having Hamlet wear a black hoodie and camo pants and him dramatically putting his hood up when he was pissed off was inspired. Having Horatio video tape Claudius on an iPhone camera from the side of the stage during the play within the play was hilarious. Having the play within the play be a hip hop dance number that represented the murder!?! Fantastic. Having Ophelia be a singer before she went mad and having a beautiful voice that everyone loved to listen to and then seeing her singing get worse and worse as she got nearer to death?!?! Hamlet pulling out his iphone after killing Polonius to show his mom a picture of his dad compared to a picture of Claudius and angrily swiping back and forth between the two as he said “What judgement would step from this… to this?” The crowd fucking lost it every time. Horatio singing to Hamlet as he died made me fully sob every time. The way they did the ghost on stage was so chilling and I can’t even accurately describe it, you just had to be there. Hamlet being deeply exasperated the entire time was just perfect. Hamlet and Horatio had a secret handshake. Laertes inexplicably carried an acoustic guitar case for much of the play which was very funny but also hit you with the heartbreaking implication that he had used to play while Ophelia sang and he stopped carrying it after she died. It was peak teenage-angst-hamlet and it was so dear to me. PLEASE if anyone has a recording, send it to me.



Going to try to tag everybody who said they wanted to watch it in the notes:


Broadcast date: May 10th, 2024!!


Holy shit. The Israeli whistleblower story CNN just broke is insane. I cannot believe what I’m reading

Rare firsthand accounts by Israeli whistleblowers cast light on the horrific conditions in the Sde Teiman torture camp in Naqab Desert. Palestinians are stripped down, blindfolded, forced in diapers, and forbidden from speaking. They are subjected to beatings and mental degradation regularly. So much depravity that has gone unseen. Doctors performing procedures outside of their expertise, amputations due to zip-typing of abductees’ wrists, having large dogs unleashed on them at night. Being fed food through straws. I can’t believe it. I am truly in shock. And this is just one whistleblower accounting of this. Who knows what else is happening beyond our knowledge

My heart is breaking into a million pieces


Worth mentioning that multiple Palestinians have recounted these stories before, as direct victims detailing their experiences. What's unique about these accounts from CNN Israeli whistle-blower is that they're from an Israeli, therefore people are more likely to take this seriously.


Watching the last couple episodes of Season 6 is kinda comedic bc I can see Fox desperately shoving Buck and especially Eddie into absolutely chemistry-less het relationships, and meanwhile I know that Buck will kiss a man in exactly 4 episodes, a plot that ABC originally planned to give to Eddie, and Ryan Guzman is on the Queer Family Feud anyway. So. ABC really said get absolutely fucked, Fox 😂😂💀💀💀

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