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Independent RP Blog for 2B. Tracking: flowersfor2b. Mobile Navigation
Yo!! Brand new blog for everyone’s favorite gang-leading protagonist, AKIRA KURUSU / JOKER from Persona 5. Give this post a LIKE or REBLOG if you’re interested in interacting and I’ll check out your blog && follow you! Let’s take down those corrupt ( and shitty ) adults and explore Mementos together!
Anonymous asked:

9S seems in need of repairs. His objective chip seems to have been damaged to where he sees other things as objectives he must investigate or protect. This has caused him to be over protective of you and other things useless to missions. If you would send your scanner to a professional repair android so he can be repaired and these sentimentalities removed that would be optional for peek performance. Glory to mankind.


“9S in need of repairs? I would think he would be more than capable of fixing himself, and detecting any issues within his systems.” Perhaps this person was misunderstanding. “It is an objective of mine as well, to ensure the safety of 9S during missions.” And always. “Am I defective as well?”


"I am curious if your made in our image and such but are also made to take back earth, you think they'd leave certain things out just so you'd guys have an advantage,an example would be you guys being able to feel pain, I find it rather odd but interesting honestly, who ever made you had to be a sadist" Ciel would snicker after saying the last part


“I don’t really have a clear answer for you. We were made to be like our human creators in more than simply appearances. And as painful as being wounded might be, pain still serves a purpose. If not for such feelings, how would we know the severity of our injuries…?” But then again, her systems could alert her of any damage, without the need for the sensation of pain. Maybe things would be easier if androids could not feel pain… but would it be wrong for it to be so easy? She didn’t like pondering such questions.

Besides that, and prohibited as feelings were, at least in outward expression, lacking a sense of touch was something 2B hard a difficult time imagining, since beyond the sensation of pain, there was still pleasure, after all. The softness of flower petals, the warmth of the sun. It would be more difficult to appreciate the world that mankind so desperately wanted androids to take back from machines. “We were made the way that humans wanted us to be made,” she concluded. “I trust that they know what’s best for us.”

Anonymous asked:

Nice leotard.


“It’s a little rude to be looking up people’s dresses, don’t you think? Particularly if you’re going to do so while hiding your face.”






{Between the Winds}

Even something as simple as this felt mystical…being able to traverse his home world, a world that he had never dreamed of being able to see in his lifetime felt incredulous to him. The sounds of his boots stepping over fallen twigs and soft spring leaves that decorated the path before him, all of it seemed to capture his curiosity. Perhaps it was simply because this was the birthplace of humanity that every single thing that happened around him felt like it was supposed to be there, it made him feel as though he was supposed to be there; it was natural. With the barrel of his M7S Suppressed sub-machine gun pointed downwards towards the ground he took care to make sure his finger was eased slightly off the trigger. His helmet easily picking up the sounds of birds chirping among the tree branches and even smaller animals scurrying between bushes as they raced to move away from him. He didn’t blame them, if he was in their position he would have easily decided to stay away too. Taking a glance over to the stream that ran parallel to him the way the sunlight seemed to reflect across the waters so clearly felt like he was looking right into a mirror. With his lips pursued the trooper found himself slowing down, he knew that he had an objective to complete as quickly as he could but…when would her ever get another chance like this again?

That thought nagged at him repeatedly, once he completed his objective then what would happen to him? Would he be allowed to return to the earth like this again? Or would he be holed right back up on one of humanity’s defensive bases near the lunar colony to protect civilians? While he certainly had no problems with guard duty…there was a reason that he had trained so hard and underwent augmentation; and that reason was the world around him at the moment.

“Ada…please run a check of the local oxygen supply. Is it hazardous for me to breathe?”

His helmet equipped with state of the art filters to cleanse the air he breathed of toxins and chemical stenches that would be hazardous to his health had been running non stop since his arrival to Earth a few days ago. With good reason too, he had landed near one of the many mass production facilities that machines used to raise their numbers, the amount of raw chemicals and toxic gases released from the silos on the top of the facility had enough radiation to kill any living thing that so much as took a sniff of it. Needless to say, he had been very reluctant to take off his helmet then, and going as far to make sure that when he had first surveyed the area his helmet was completely secured to the rest of the suit. Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor, the culmination of years of dedicated research and strife. Everything they had done so far had lead to this new breakthrough in human weaponry, armor that further allowed for human endurance in the ongoing war against machines and their wicked creators. There were other reasons for it’s creation but for now as his AI unit informed him that the readings were coming back positive a smile would grow on the trooper’s lips as he walked to the shoreline of the stream.

Kneeling down among the pebbles and setting his weapon down near him he would slowly remove his helmet, holding it in the crook of his arms as he breathed in deeply once he was able to do so. The air smelled like grass, and he could even feel the gentle caress of the breeze against his cheek. It was a bit cool but with the warm rays of the sun he barely felt it.


“So this….is what home feels like

Bright azure hues would turn their gaze towards the waters in front of him, gloved hands reaching in to amass some water within the palm of his hands. This water came down from the mountains so he knew it was clean, wasting no time he was quick to start washing his face in it. Enjoying the cool sensation of water against his skin before he took a few sips to quench his own thirst. Reaching towards his backpack he knew that it would be best to take advantage of having such fresh water near him, bringing out his metal canteen Cent would unscrew the cap on it. Dipping it into the stream to let it fill up to the very brim before picking it back up. Screwing the cap back over it and adjusting it back into place among his other supplies the trooper reached for a pebble, standing up straight as he winded his arm back ever so slightly and tossed it. Watching as it skipped a few times off the surface before eventually sinking, with a small chuckle he was about to reach for another small pebble when the sounds of an explosion caught him off guard. Instincts took over quickly, it sounded far off but he was trained to react; not to think. Quickly adjusting his helmet back over his head his weapon was already brought to bear at his surroundings as his motion tracker came online. He could hear the sounds of animals running in the distance and soon enough…a long trial of black smoke rising up into the clear skies.

Far outside the limits of the city ruins, a combat model wandered an industrial maze, her pursuit and termination of a deserter, only just concluded. Both YoRHa androids were very much alone during the encounter, but for 2B this was an irregularity... Her partner, 9S, had sustained significant damage, the victim of both their target and her ignorance. His tragic infection by a logic-virus that began to devour his body and his mind, should never have happened. It was a miracle that the damage could even be contained, but even with the assistance of healers like Devola and Popola, much of the recovery would be up to him, quarantining and then destroying the remainder of the virus, and finally allowing the countless nanomachines within his body to rebuild his damaged circuitry, and mend any remaining connections to new parts. Pod 153, the Scanner’s tactical support unit, would be watching over the Scanner, and also keeping 2B informed about his progress. But even with such updates, the whole series of unfortunate events left 2B with a bitter taste in her mouth.

The very concept that the damage was her own fault, that she had not recognized the danger, weighed heavily on her. She would feel her chest tighten somewhat, as though there was some error or malfunction within her, complicating the functionality of her respiratory system. Her usual composure would be undisturbed by the feeling, but a gloved hand would rise, to rest, lightly, briefly, over the place of the emotion... She would painstakingly discard the once unnamed, but now very familiar guilt as she ventured onward. Emotions were prohibited and the combat model had a second objective that required her focus, after all.

Endless corridors formed of collapsed concrete and rebar, all seemed to conceal at their center some sort of strange crater. Data collection and analysis was secondary to a model such as herself, but the investigation of the abnormal formation could not be easily undertaken by Scanners alone since bordering the devastated constructs, there was a massive factory actively producing countless hostile machine lifeforms. While those machines which populated the surrounding areas were mostly stubby machines, numbers and tight spaces made the territory more treacherous. Her combat gear would remain active for the extent of her expedition.


With a flourish of steel, 2B would slice though any machines that opposed her. She was efficient, and deadly, and reached her objective coordinates with little difficulty beyond finding the best route through the rubble. But the crater at the heart of it all, spiraling downwards an unknown distance, seemed more like a cave. The dripping of water draining from recent rains could be heard most prevalently, along with the subtle hum of the inner workings of machine life. Virtuous Contract would vanish from behind her, dissolving into light and reappearing in her hand.

Eyes would narrow, suspicious of the silence, until her aural feed detected distant screaming. All around her machines seemed to blossom up, climbing up out of the cave and dashing towards her from adjacent corridors. Each machine held a bomb in its hands, the bright paint and flashing red lights from the kamikaze units serving as an immediate signal for the combat model to leave. Her escape was punctuated by the appearance of machines behind, however, so with the activation of the pod shield program to minimize inevitable damage, she cut through the nearest pair of incoming machines. She continued like this, expertly avoiding blast after blast, and dispatching machines, but all too soon the trap would become overwhelming. With one final, fatal explosion, the rest of the units all detonated at once, their closeness with one another resulting in them all going out together. Following the thunderous explosion, 2B would collapse against a wall, emergency shut down activating to prevent anymore damage to her systems.

Smoke billowed from the site of the blast, and Pod 042, the tactical support unit assigned to 2B, quickly got to work, moving 2B outside and beginning emergency field repairs. For the most part, the damage was internal, resulting from the impact between 2B and the wall, following the blast, though a significant proportion of the damage affected her arms and hands from an attempt to shield herself, at the last second. Pod 042 would watch over 2B now that they had escaped that hazardous environment to recover her at the outskirts of the ruins, applying staunching gel to her wounds where needed and administering logic-virus vaccines, before allowing the combat model’s nanomachines to begin their work stabilizing the YoRHa unit’s inner systems.


You respond to physical touch.

For you, love is as simple as a caress. Where ever it happens, how ever long it lasts or how it is: it could be just holding hands while walking about, having a quick cuddle once the kids are in bed, stealing a kiss here and there, exchanging touches while passing each other in the hallway, and of course making love, particularly in the warming up phase – body to body, skin against skin… Physical touch is security and reassurance for you and makes you sure that your partner loves you. On the contrary, the absence of physical contact hurts you deeply and you can feel ill treated or rejected and you close down emotionally. But when your partner communicates in your love language, it touches you deeply inside, creating strong emotional intimacy that opens you to yourself and to your partner. Some advice: Every person has his or her own geography when it comes to bodily touch. Don’t think that touching them in a way that pleases you will necessarily please them and vica-versa. It’s important to verbally confirm the touches and caresses that you like, ‘You know I love it when you hold my hand… ‘I like it when you brush against me while passing by’ or ‘I adore when you take me in your arms’. You can invent a couple’s game to make your partner guess which styles of caress you like and which zones of your body are more receptive (Getting hotter, getting colder… ) If you are seriously lacking contact, begin by explaining to your partner how you operate in sensorial terms and perhaps invited them to find 5 different ways of physical contact during the day.

Tagged by: @machinistic (Thank you! I can’t believe they shared the same result.)


Being affirmed and nurtured by others is a central requirement for you to feel safe. This means you can be slow to warm up to other people, which is difficult because what you most need from them is their warmth. Yet you know how to be vulnerable: to let down your defences and accept that you need another person. This lack of pretence is a valuable trait, and ultimately more endearing than the macho efforts others make to deny their childlike sides.


You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.


You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.

Tagged by: @metuereofnoctis (Thank you! This was interesting.)


Finished my cross stitch of 2B from Nier: Automata. 

This one took me a few weeks off and on and I am so happy with the colours and the shading!

Original pixel art by shin_shiros and I made the pattern using KG Chart! 


⚜- What is the most precious thing you own?

(( ※ Another difficult question, but probably this charm bracelet my mom bought me when I was little. It has only two charms, one of which was a box I used to keep my wishes in. I know it sounds silly, but time and coincidence have led me to hold this item in high respect… I have not disturbed the latch on the box for years out of fear of bad luck. You’ll have to excuse me for being superstitious also, but I grew up in a house that was almost dangerously haunted. ))


🐶- Favorite animal?

(( ※ A difficult question, but probably dogs if I’m being honest. They’re so loving and bring so much light into my life. I have one Italian greyhound, named Lucina. She’s beige with white feet, tail tip, and spot just beneath her chin. She’s the best at causing trouble and looking refined despite being a goof. I love her dearly. ))


"N-not interested? C-come on!" Ah, he had already guessed as much. Which did not mean he would give up, lowering his gaze quickly reaching for the fabric again. "Not even to just... find out how it looks? On you? I-it's not going to hurt trying, right? Are you not curious?"


“Not at all.” She watched him retrieve the useless outfit from the corner of her eye, his fingers desperately grabbing for the item. Her back was already towards him, angled to depart. If it did not aid her in combat, or provide some other benefit, it would only be a waste of time to try on. “You seem more curious than me.”

Anonymous asked:

Do you think you would hate Nier (Replicant) for dooming humanity to extinction?


“I don’t know. Without context, I would answer yes. But it’s important to understand a person’s circumstances. Oftentimes people end up doing things, simply because they have no choice. I do not believe the blame for something so tragic could possibly be placed on one individual either… To be brief, I don’t think I would, not without more information.”

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