
incoherent barking

@wulfgendur / wulfgendur.tumblr.com

ren, 17 yr old cisphobe [he/him/his/himself] or [xe/xem/xyr/xyrself]
Anonymous asked:

How do you pronounce "juxera" and "proxvir"? And are those words meant to be used as nouns, adjectives, or both?

I would say they are adjectives, like ‘male’ and ‘female’. As one might say “I’m male”, another would say “I’m proxvir”.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! The concept of a juxera is very important and useful, but 'era' does not mean woman (femina, mulier) or goddess (Dea). 'Era' , however, IS close to the feminine pronoun 'ea' in Latin, though, so if you could just nix the r in the word you coined, it would be grammatically fine.

Snap Juxea sounds sick when it’s grammatically correct. Thank you for letting me know that although it’s entirely too late now probably

Anonymous asked:

whats the difference between boys and girls?

The first one is more likely to annoy the shit out of me 

Anonymous asked:

is it bad that i partially fell in love with u from reading like 5 pages of your blog like dream guy hello

Thats cute omg

Anonymous asked:

Your bio says "cisphobe". Out of curiosity, what does that mean? Do you genuinely not like cis people? Is it a joke? Is it statement? I hope I don't seem rude asking, I'm just genuinely curious 🙏

I’m like 20 now and I don’t think I’ve called myself a cisphobe since I was like 17 when I had this blog.. It’s basically just a joke, you’re not rude at all. But yeah the joke I had with my friends at the time were that we were cisphobic. I felt very vulnerable at the time because my family was not accepting of myself being transgender and I faced opposition like being followed by cars in my neighborhood and a great fucking ton of dysphoria. But in a way I was serious saying I don’t like cis people because of what I was going through at the time. Cis ppl still got a lot to learn.  I don’t really make these jokes anymore because I receive family support now, I started transitioning over a year ago and my current friend group is full of amazing people and I’m doing a lot, lot better. It was a way to make light of my situation.  

Anonymous asked:

I'm so glad you created a word for what my gender feels like! I am a proud proxvir and I am very thankful!

Anonymous asked:

I'm a juxera who loves you vor creating this term

I love u too

Anonymous asked:

Question!! Can I be proxvir and call myself gay when I see multiple genders (like a gq or polygender person or agender person could)? Since proxvir is an identity on its own?

Wow I haven’t been on this account for eras but I might start using it again. I have a lot of questions in my inbox about juxera and proxvir and I’m glad a lot of people found these terms useful. 

Yes you can most certainly call yourself gay. 


So my facebook friend just posted this pic with this text….

Well, I just witnessed blatant racial injustice with my own eyes. I was getting in my car after exiting a store when a young black man stumbled past me and collapsed against the store wall. When I got out to see if he was okay, a group of white people came rushing over, one of whom was a 20-something white woman who declared in distress, “I ran a red light and hit him with my car!” People immediately assured her that SHE would be okay, meanwhile the young man is writhing in pain on the ground, pants leg torn, tears running down his face. When the police arrived and the young woman explained what happened, it was suggested to her that maybe the light had been yellow and that the young man had “darted out into the street into her path.” I was floored. I said, “But she just SAID she ran the red light and hit him in the intersection!” 
The police officers then led the young woman away and began talking with her privately in low tones. When the paramedics FINALLY got there I was surprised at the hostility they showed towards the young man. One blonde female EMT (shown in the photo) suggested that he couldn’t be THAT hurt if he was able to walk from the place where he was struck to the sidewalk where he finally collapsed. White bystanders commented several times about “What that poor girl must be going through.” I was the only one who commented on what the young man must be going through, what, with his mangled leg and all. I am absolutely positive that in the end “that poor girl” will be absolved of all wrongdoing and be able to go on her merry way. After all, she just ran a red light and slammed her car into the body of some black kid on a bike, right? And people wonder why black people are so angry and want to break shit.



girls who pretend to act stupid because they think it’s cute need to be slapped in the face with a brick

girls who pretend to act stupid because they think it’s cute need to be taught that their thoughts and opinions matter. so many girls are taught that being smart and capable is threatening to boys and will scare them away. please don’t hit these girls with bricks thanks

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