


I decided to merge my DP blog with my main because life sucks then you die. I am an adult. yay. she/her. Also gay

There’s something underneath Amity Park…

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and have a kickin’ Kwanza and a Happy New Year to @howdoib! Here’s something a lil spooky for your holiday truce present!


23. Technus

Ectober 2023

I just love the idea of Tucker and Technus becoming friends.

Something that really fucks me up is this scene where Robin says she wants to die and how Luffy makes this face

And upon reading this for the first time, I felt a huge wave of emotion over his expression because it just felt to me like when he heard that, he was seeing something else. Almost like a memory that we weren't being shown.

And then later when Ace and Luffy's backstory plays out, this is revealed;

That Ace was suicidal. Feeling like it was wrong for him to have even been born and to live. Feeling hurt, angry, alone and unwanted.

And that the only reason he felt like he had the strength to keep living was because Luffy told him that he didn't want him to die.

Ace never directly told Luffy that he wanted to kill himself. But with the way he carried himself and the obvious disregard he had for his life, it was easy to see for someone as empathetic and intuitive as Luffy. And so Luffy stayed close to Ace desperately until he felt strong enough to stand on his own.

Luffy has had so many suicidal people in his life since such a young age and he always saves them in such a seemingly effortless way just by saying

"I'll be there with you. I'll stay."

But what alot of people don't understand is that in spite of Luffy's endless empathy, compassion and love that's deeper than the ocean, when somebody he loves wants to die it always hurts him so bad and it shows so much on his face at even a hint of it.

He bounces back with a smile so often and kicks so much ass that it's so easy to forget sometimes that he's just this 17-19 year old kid...

Who, at his core, is still always crying and begging the people he loves not to leave him because he doesn't want to be alone anymore, either.

me after reading this.



Look at the suit design I did! I love it so much & this is low-key for a comic au i've been working on (thinking about) for a little while, though don't expect anything from me, please, comics are hard and scary

You're not getring a background from me. Never.

Realizing I forgot to sign it whoops


(DCxDP) The obligations of a rogue versus those of a parent

Tw: vivisection mention (not in detail), bad Fenton parents

Will be crossposted to AO3 eventually

It was a dark, cold, miserable night, and Scarecrow, Jonathan Crane, wanted nothing more than to be home, covered in blankets with the heater set to max as he worked on his most recent strain of fear toxin.

Instead he was at the docks, standing in as backup for the Penguin as he made a deal with some sleaze-bag smugglers. Something about some sort of body armor for his hired help. Crane hadn’t really paid much attention to the Penguin’s words, only caring enough to show up because of the reward.

But honestly, he couldn’t care less about the money at this point.

He was cold, and miserable, and his leg hurt something fierce (he’d had chronic pains ever since being mauled by Killer Croc some time ago), and he was so, so close to a breakthrough with his new toxin, and he really couldn’t stand the Penguin anyways. The only thing keeping him there was his reputation as a rogue.

Just as Crane was deciding that the whole ordeal wasn’t worth it, he heard the sound of a chase a few blocks down. With a deep, heavy sigh, he moved from the wall he had been leaning against, looming in the alleyway as he waited for the potential threat to reveal itself.

A few moments later, a boy came careening into the alleyway, sliding to a stop when he noticed the Scarecrow, his eyes growing impossibly wide. Beneath the mask, Jonathan grinned.


Movie Night

Summary: Danny, Sam, and Tucker have a movie night at Sam's house on a rare night off from Danny being grounded.


23. Technus

Ectober 2023

I just love the idea of Tucker and Technus becoming friends.

Turns out, Vlad being redeemed doesn't change how often he gets the shit beat out of him, it's just that now he's getting the shit beat out of him in the course of helping Danny rather than causing problems on purpose

...Though I'm sure he still causes plenty of problems, on purpose or otherwise

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