
Official INTJ

@officialintj / officialintj.tumblr.com

An INTJ blog for INTJs, by an INTJ (though anyone is welcome). The ask box is open!

I love that "if you're a hostile shithead to strangers for no reason, people will treat you unkindly" is like a totally novel concept to tumblr users. Like did you all get socialized entirely on edgy social media dunks culture and simply don't understand that people don't enjoy being randomly insulted.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! INTJ here.

Do you think that killing people, really has an emotional weight on human beings? The curiosity is killing me! So much so, that I actually planned on killing someone. I haven't been able to sit still, ever since I've heard of how people just break down after killing people - in movies, of course.

Is it too weird?

Okay I know I haven't been paying this blog much attention lately but you people realize that you can't just send this shit to strangers, right? This is too weird. This is not okay. Find a therapist or stop trolling.

Anonymous asked:

Hey is the person behind bucky barnes vevo (I can't be bothered to check if that's right) and INTJ mum the same person or different people?

You have unlocked............................the secret knowledge...................

Anonymous asked:

I’m a female teen intj and I’m very confused about relationships. I’ve dated people who’ve I’ve found interesting before but they fall for me far too quickly. I don’t like being told that I’m cold or scary when I’m trying to develop a relationship with someone. I’m just pretty confused on how to allow myself to care for someone that way. While I’m fine being independent I want to have that type of connection with someone. What do you think I should do?

I think the key line here is “I don’t like being told that I’m cold or scary when I’m trying to develop a relationship.” If multiple people have told you that you come off this way, even if you’re simply taking your time to process your feelings, I’d listen to them and pay attention to how you’re interacting. Is it possible that you’re holding too tightly to your independence to avoid getting hurt? That’s fairly common (especially if you’ve done any reading on attachment styles). I don’t know the specifics of these relationships, but I’m included to suggest that you do your best to consider what the other person may be feeling, and to consciously recognize that the other person’s feelings are valid. What may seem too fast for you might feel normal to them. Everyone develops feelings at different speeds; I’m a slow processor, like you, so I get it. Really, you’ll be okay! You can be independent and still have a relationship! It just involves being extra-sensitive to the other person’s feelings. If this is difficult for you, I’d suggest starting by simply asking, in plain terms, what this person needs from you. Maybe they’ll say they need some extra hugs sometimes, or they’d like to communicate in a different way, or something else. Once you have that information, you’ll have to decide whether a behavior change is worth it to continue the relationship. It’s hard, but you’re young and have plenty of time to learn how to make it work!

Anonymous asked:

What’s the most common sexuality of an intj?

I’m inclined to say straight because as far as I’m aware, there are more heterosexual people than people of other sexualities. Sexuality and MBTI aren’t really connected (and beware of anecdotal evidence from Tumblr, which tends to attract huge numbers of LGBTQ+ people).

Anonymous asked:

I hate the fact that there are many articles that say that intjs are cold and insensitive.I am an intj ,and I am a sensitive person but I only like to show it to my close people. I know this is not an ask but I am tired saying that I am an intj and people look at me like I am planning world domination or something

Kind and sensitive INTJs unite!

Anonymous asked:

Hello. Fellow INTJ here. I've been following this and other MBTI blogs for quite a bit, and I've noticed a lot of INTJs often doubt their own judgement about their type. As in, a lot of us are skeptical and try to come up with reasons of why we may not actually be INTJs-- or we just think of other possible types we may fit in altogether. I myself am guilty of both of these. Has this happened to you? What do you think about this?

I think this comes from INTJs’ natural skepticism, as well as a plain ol’ stubborn desire to be RIGHT. Even our own brains are a puzzle we’d like to solve, and we want to solve it correctly. I’ve doubted myself, and it sounds like many other INTJs have also doubted their type. What really helped me was looking into the cognitive functions and gaining an understanding beyond the four letters of typing. Good luck!


Am i really an intj? There are a few things that leaves me in doubt. • I don't necessarily hate small talk, especially if i'm doing it with someone i'm interested • I generally am able to understand mine and other people's feelings • I'm really detail-oriented, I look to see the big picture after having details • I'm not planning 60 years in advance, to be exact I have a rough plan for the next 60 years. I have the next eight months detailed plan but I don't really plan more forword than that.


Only you can tell if you’re an INTJ. I’d recommend looking into the cognitive functions to determine, in more detail, how each of the types think and whether you fit the INTJ patterns or not.

But also: none of these things disqualify you from being an INTJ. INTJs can enjoy small talk. INTJs don’t necessarily plan out every month of their lives. INTJs are 100% capable of understanding their own feelings and the feelings of others. So sure, maybe you’re another type. Or maybe you’re just a healthy, well-adjusted INTJ who doesn’t fit the internet’s false stereotypes. That’s completely your call.


To the several people in my inbox who have sent asks about INTJs getting violent thoughts/feelings toward others who they perceive as annoying or stupid...this is NOT healthy. I’m not answering these types of asks anymore, folks. I’m not going to validate y’all for having thoughts of harming others just because you feel like you’re superior because you’re an INTJ.

Anonymous asked:

Do you ever feel “not INTJ enough”? Sometimes when I see us referred to as “geniuses” I become self conscious. Yes I know I’m intelligent, but I wasn’t a child prodigy and I’m not exactly creating abstract theories that will live on long past me. How do you cope if you do understand this feeling? Thanks so much

I cope with this by coming to the understanding that too many posts/articles about INTJs are written by people with an arrogance problem. They see INTJs as some kind of rare snowflake, the only type that is truly ~logical~ enough to see the truth of the world. And that’s bullshit. These writers don’t understand that intelligence and type aren’t connected. If they truly understood MBTI, they’d know that it’s only one piece of how a person operates in the world. 

Also, most of these obnoxious internet INTJs aren’t half as intelligent as they think they are.

Anonymous asked:

I'm an ENTP and my childhood best friend's an INTJ... long story short, she was my only real friend during the darkest years of my life. I want to reach out and spend more time with her again like we used to but then I'll see photos of her smiling with her friendship group on instagram and it makes me lose hope. Although I was terrified of her rejection before, I've now started to reach out to her a bit. It's working a little but do you have any advice? I don't want to lose her :(

This is an old ask but I’m here now! 

Here’s the reality: as much as you might care about your INTJ, you can’t force her to be friends with you. If you’ve started to reach out a little bit, and she’s responding, great! Go with that, and keep doing what you’re doing! All you can do is open the lines of communication and let her know that you’re open to being friends. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to rekindle the friendship is her decision. If it’s something she wants, she’ll make that clear by continuing the conversation.

Anonymous asked:

Just a question, but what personality types do you think are attracted to intjs?

I’m not sure about anyone else, but I attract ENFPs for some weird reason (both as friends and romantically.) They tend to be more spontaneous people, and I think in some ways they’re drawn to my groundedness. Or I just happen to be around a lot of ENFPs.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I guess this isn't really an ask but just wanted to say, you do so well with this blog :) It looks like you get a looooot of frustrating and just plain weird asks, but you usually answer them politely and sincerely and generally seem like you have a lot of patience. Good job and thank you :D

:) thank you, kind anonymous tumblr user. tbh, the reason I answer asks so randomly and infrequently is because I need to step away to maintain my patience, so I’m glad the things I write still resonate with people.

Anonymous asked:

Can you be an INTJ Even though you're not interested with math or science? My test results say I'm INTJ, and I spent a lot of time reading on different articles about MBTI. A lot of INTJs seem to enjoy solving math problems. However I dislike math and obsess over History and different social ideologies. Perhaps I'm not an INTJ?

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!

A lot of MBTI articles are, frankly, bullshit. Never trust an article that relies on these stereotypes. While it’s true that many INTJs are drawn to the analytical nature of math and science fields, we also find ourselves in many fields! I’m an INTJ, and I’m a writer (used to work in journalism). I like the analytical, puzzle-like side of writing that involves piecing together the right words in the right way, but I’m just as interested in the creative side of it. INTJs are found in ALL fields.

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