this is a reminder to test your cc on sims with darker skin tones
Hello! Are you planning on making any more eyebrows? Yours are my favorite and I rarely use anything else and would love to see more! I love your stuff sm :D
Thank you so much!!! :D
Currently I’m on a hiatus kind of thing, but I’d love to make some eyebrows again eventually! Thanks for the kind message! 🌺
hi there! I LOVE your presets they're my utter and complete favorite. I was wondering if theres a reason they're not available sometimes when making a sim, such as with storymode or playing with genetics? i'd love to be able to use them then!
Hello! Thank you very very much :DHmm.... I haven’t had this problem before... Did you have the cas.fulleditmode cheat on before going into CAS?
Hello! Sorry if this is something you get asked all the time but is are there any recourses you would recommend for people learning how to make presets? I always get stuck in Blender but I really want to learn 😅 Thank you in advance 💕
I also think Blender is easy to get stuck in 😄 Personally I’ve only used this guide.
Something else that’s useful:
- Get the sim texture onto the base sim
- Enable “Wire” and “Draw All Edges” under Display (Object tab, the yellow-ish cube to the right panel)
Then it’s a lot easier to see what you’re doing 👍 I’m no expert, but it never hurts to ask if there’s anything else!
hello friend! I wanted to ask, is it possible for you to make your nose presets (the ones from the post with four of them) male compatible? I've tried to do it myself but the tutorials for presets are really complicated and it ended up not working in the end :(
Hello! I have tried, but unfortunately they usually end up with strange jagged edges,..In TS4 the male and female sims look too different from eachother, so the presets don’t “blend” as well with the rest of the face.What can be done is making a similar preset from scratch, and adding it to the file, but it will always look a little bit different :/
hey sr if this has been asked before but wcif your default skin? i also ADORE your cc
This is the default skin I’m using, and thank you so much!
I'm so badly organized I'm pretty sure I forgot to thank you for your reply to my ask about heterochromia eyes for catgirls like my angry little fave Catra from She-Ra! I downloaded your remake of the cat eyes and they're fantastic!!!! Did you ever end up experimenting with a heterochromia recolour? Or did you mean that a heterochromia overlay from another creator would work with your eyes? Thank you again for the reply and for being one of my all time favourite creators I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!!! I did experiment a while back but I couldn’t get any good results unfortunately... it’s still in the back of my mind though!
Thank you soo much !wow!!! :D
I really love your CC and use a lot of it. I want to ask if it's possible to get more colors of your lipstick no. 2? I really love this lipstick! And do you plan to do blushes?
It’s possible, but if there is a specific color anyone wants please feel free to recolor it :DI’d also love to make blushes! I’m kinda busy with some important exams, but it’ll soon be over and then I’ll have more time for sims :D
reblog this post if you have an open tou!
I’m going to attempt to compile a masterlist of custom content creators with an open terms of use! so reblog this if you:
- allow ppl to use your meshes as bases
- allow recolors that include the mesh
- allow people to include your cc in sim/build downloads
- etc!
pigeonhome: reblog this post if you have an open tou! I’m going to attempt to compile a masterlist of custom content creators with an open terms of use! so reblog this if you: allow ppl to use your meshes as bases allow recolors that include the mesh allow people to include your cc in sim/build downloads etc!
✿ just wanted to say, your cc is amazinggg and I have almost all your stuff is my game lol keep up the great work ✿
I’m so happy to hear that something I made was useful for someone else! Thank you so much!
do you save PSDs for your eyes?
Only the most recent one :(
But I can of course start keeping the PSDs and uploading them with the CC if wanted!
would you be okay making defaults/nondefaults for all of your new eyes ? i love them all so much i want to use all of them but im not a fan of facepaint eyes at all :(
Oof, I personally only use facepaint eyes because non-defaults makes it hard to see what’s what (especially with all those swatches!), but if anyone wants to make them please do!
Your cc eyelids are fantastic but I noticed that they lighten the skin around the eyes whenever I use them, which makes my dark-skinned sims look odd and racoon-ish. Is this intentional or unavoidable?
Hmm... I think it can be fixed. I used the tone that blends with the rest of the EA skin (the same as the forehead crease). I think that means that the overlay/default skin you’re using under the eyelids is darker than the EA skin and there’s a mismatch.
I think the solution is to use a multiply layer on the eyelid swatches in an editing program and test in-game how it blends with the skin you’re using.
If you send me a link to the skin I’ll test it out :D
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your custom content. I’m always amazed by the quality, keep up the incredible work! 💛
Really!! That’s so nice of you to say :D Thank you so much!!!
Halloween gift!
- Facepaint category
- Enabled for occults
- Color tagged
- Not enabled for random
- Tip! The swatches without shine work well with custom shine. I recommend these: 🖤 🖤 🖤
DL (SimFileShare)
| Haunted Doll | Iris | Mystic | Cloudy Sky |
Eye shine
- 12 Swatches
- Accessory category (BrowRing, feel free to change this in S4S!)
DL (SimFileShare)
Sclera overlay
- 18 Swatches
- Various opacities and sizes
- Helpful to make eyes look more maxis match, or to give eyes like in the preview a more “normal” look.
DL (SimFileShare)
So excited for your upcoming eye set! They look beautiful!
Thank you so much! Thumbnails are done, just the previews left 😄
And thank you to everyone who have given me such kind messages, I haven’t been able to reply as I’ve been busy, but I appreciate it very much!!!