
tired and stressed™

@kwonsoonbye / kwonsoonbye.tumblr.com

gaby // multifandom trash // kpop, mha/bnha, demon slayer, reddie (IT), the list goes on //

anyways, there’s a difference between not wanting kids, not wanting to be around kids, and being a hateful little imp who creates a personality on hating a living creature on the basis that they need care, attention, and are not capable of expressing themselves in a way that would make that care and attention a little easier. it’s not cute, it’s not funny, and it directly affects the way children are treated, which affects how they view themselves as they grow up.

treating children as a burden is evil, point blank period. a child can never be a burden. they have no choice but to depend on their caretakers or they will die. if you don’t want to have the responsibility of taking care of a child, don’t fucking have kids. don’t agree to take care of someone else’s kids. don’t go places where kids are welcome and frequent. unlike them, you have a choice where you go, who you hang around, what you do in your day to day life.

children are experiencing the exact same world we are with absolutely no reference for what the heck is going on. to treat that as an imposition on others is an act of abuse, at the end of the day, and it definitely makes you a bad person.


And while 27k seems like a lot (id kill to make that much, not gonna lie), on top of that hes supporting presumably his entire family, which includes multiple children, one of whom has severe chronic illness. Trying to pay for a place to live along with feeding his family is a stretch, but the guy is probably up to his neck in debts upon debts and medical bills. He makes well above the american minimum wage, and hes definitely struggling and its easy to see why. Imagine trying to raise like 3 or 4 kids on 27k and then you’ve got all these other expenses. It can be done (barely, and only with the deepest and gravest of sacrifices, and by then, can you really call that living?), its hard, but it SHOULDNT be that hard. No one deserves to have to struggle to survive (except maybe the billionaires…..) And no one should have to go hungry or forgo medical treatment.


I think this is super important to remember.

When I lived in Michigan and was exploring the idea of getting a dog to help with my anxiety, there were no-kill shelters from 100+ miles away that would come in, scoop up a bunch of the most “adoptable” dogs (younger/smaller/no health problems/non-pitbull/etc) from the county Humane Society - even if people had expressed serious interest in adopting them and had applied. The Humane Society would allow it because they needed the room and because they’d also take X number of more-difficult-to-adopt dogs.

Kind of sucked for people looking for a pet, though, because the no-kill shelter’s adoption fees were higher and adoption requirements were stricter, in addition to being hours away.


girls night


so I read the article and the story is both less and more insane than it sounds.

basically, there's been an ants' nest near a vent shaft of this abandoned Soviet bunker for decades. the nest spilled over into the bunker itself at some point once it was abandoned and there was no way for the ants to make their way back up to the nest, no queen but a constant supply of new colony members raining down from above, and no source of food in the bunker other than the corpses of their fellow ants.

fast forward to some scientists looking for bats that stumble on what's basically a post-apocalyptic ant society. they go "holy fuck" start studying, and observe that, all things considered, the ants still pretty much act like regular ants doing regular ant things.

fast forward some more, and the scientists feel like they have enough data from observing the colony as-is, so they decide to try an experiment. they put a little walkway between the bunker colony and the og colony in the vent shaft so the bunker colony members have the option of leaving and rejoining the og colony.

spoiler alert: every single ant in the bunker immediately nopes the fuck back to the colony in the vent shaft. within days the bunker is completely empty. the scientists leave the walkway in place so when more ants inevitably fall back down the vent shaft they can just climb back up instead of starting up the cycle anew.

tl;dr it's not "oh noes evil ants are on a rampage", it's "ants forced into a horrible situation to survive get to go home"


Meet the Mona Lisa of the Prado, the earliest known copy of Da Vinci’s best portrait. Similarity in the undersketch of the painting indicates that this was very likely painted concurrently with the original Mona Lisa, by a student of Da Vinci.

There is much controversy in the art world over the question of whether or not to clean the fragile Mona Lisa, but her sister has been restored and some fairly odd later alterations removed to show the original vibrant colors and lighting. Some details, such as the sheerness of her shawl and the pattern on the neckline of her dress, have become utterly obscured in the original, but in the restored copy they’re perfectly clear.

It blows my mind a little bit to look at these two sisters side-by-side and imagine how much vivid detail could be hiding in the Mona Lisa under 500 years of rotten varnish. 


Your response to a beautiful piece of artwork done by Leonardo Da Vinci himself is “SHES GOT EYEBROWS”. Alright. All intelligent life has been lost.

Yo Snooty McSnotwhine, the Mona Lisa’s vanished eyebrows have been the subject of debate and analysis in the art expert community for hundreds of years, long before your parents squirted water at each other from across the clown car and then honked their bicycle horns to indicate they really wanted to make a smug, insufferable little clown baby together. 


this continues to be the best reply to a criticizing comment on this site


I’m concerned when people seem to be incapable of conceiving that a character can have a good heart while occasionally being a jerk, selfish, hypocritical, unfair, unreasonable, hurtful, etc etc because last I checked, that’s what real people were like

“What this character did was problematic!”

“Ah yes…that was the point. People do problematic things.”


Yes, yes, I get it. Generational discourse and "ok boomer" are reductive and everything. There are marginalized and poor Baby Boomers, and rich and powerful Millennials. I don't need it explained to me a thousand different times. Generally "ok Boomer" is addressed at the middle-to-upper-middle class white suberbanites that similar memes like "Karen" and "Can I Speak To The Manager Hair" also are.

We get it. Really, we do.

But have y'all considered why this struck a chord, especially as quickly as it did? Because this is one of the fastest inception-to-mainstream velocities I've ever seen from a meme.

Think for even a second about the literal decade of the older generation blaming Millennials for literally every single problem. We couldn't go a week with us being accused of killing an industry or being whiny snowflakes. Of being told we can't afford healthcare because we're too lazy to earn it and houses because we eat too much avocado toast. That we're entitled because we want try to prevent the world from metaphorically catching on fire. That we're too sensitive and can't take a joke because we don't like when comedians shout racial slurs.

It got so bad websites were making listicles of all the industries and societal norms we supposedly killed. From Applebee's to diamonds, dinner dates to marriage. They would've blamed us for tornadoes if they could.

Do you think boomers were having these long discussions and Twitter threads about "well the entitled millennials are just the rich, spoiled ones and most of them aren't in that group something something class warfare"? I'm sure a few did, but very, very few.

We've withstood this shit for years, YEARS, and the one time we punch back in a large scale way, we get this? Like, let people even the slightest amount of cathartic fun.

We've been the go to punching bag since I wasn't even out of highschool, and I'm in my late 20's.

Yes, it's reductive. Yes, it's not a replacement for class analysis. Yes, ageism is a real thing and a large number of 55+ year olds (typically poc and/or working class) are treated poorly and are subject to the same shitty class system we are, too.

But also, yes, sometimes it's nice to it's have a fun joke that finally turns the tables and see how terribly they react to the ridicule we've put up with since we were preteens.

So maybe just save the thinkpieces for just a little bit. Or, in summary:


whats the deal with people with low-empathy levels going into high-empathy career paths? like being an elementary education major is not easy…. i cant imagine how some people choose to go through all these classes, all the reading, exams, student teaching… just so they can be mean to kids. like why are you here??????????? 


When I hear “you’re a lot nicer than Mrs. [teacher who came before me]” my heart fucking breaks.

They were bullies in school who sought to remain in positions of power in order to always control and abuse others.

It’s not only cops and nurses, it’s very often also school teachers who immediately regress into their highschool bully form the minute they step into a classroom


Or maybe consider kids, especially teenagers, fucking suck??? And you’re poor all the time??? And so under-funded that anything you do doesn’t make a difference??? And also kids suck.

Then don’t be (or stop being) a fucking teacher. Leave the job to people who actually give a shit about the future generations.

You dense motherfucker.

“Don’t be a teacher if you’re gonna bully children” “b-but children suck and I hate them” then dont be a teacher, bitch.


This is how you should ask trans and non-binary people about their identity 


This is cute

Mad respect to people who are supportive and doing all they can to be informed! 

Source: twitter.com

Not to get controversial or anything but can we stop with making fun of women being abused by their husbands and playing it off as ‘straight culture’

I lost 10 followers for saying we shouldnt make fun of domestic abuse victims.

can we also please stop making fun of men being abused by their wives thanks

Good addition

Can we also stop acting that domestic abuse is just a “straight” thing?

It’s literally teaching our baby gays that any same sex relationship their going into is safe and they don’t need to be worried about being abused and controlled.

Another good addition
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