
Who are you to change this world?

@gayfinch / gayfinch.tumblr.com

Hey I'm Matthew / queer dude / 18 rotations around the sun. Stay out of trouble.

Has a silk bathrobe

Avowed bachelor

Wears a hat of someone else’s choosing


@dayglopirate relevant to your interests

 Here’s the list: 

  • Curious
  • Extraordinary
  • Eccentric
  • Wears a hat of someone else’s choosing
  • Inconsistent
  • A sunset lover
  • Smooth elbows
  • A man with specific mannerisms
  • Sleeps diagonally
  • A perplexment
  • Rides the carousel
  • An evening botanist
  • Classically athletic
  • Fraternally-minded
  • Wears a light wristwatch
  • Gives a careful handshake
  • Gives too much change for a dollar
  • A fluent swimmer
  • A keen-eyed birdwatcher
  • Fond of his mother
  • Elegant
  • Built on an uncertain foundation
  • Fluttersome
  • A real jackdaw
  • Avowed bachelor
  • A gentleman of the piers
  • Born with the caul
  • Limber
  • An aesthete
  • In the way of uncles
  • He throws a party with an open guest list
  • Son of the moon
  • A boy from Eton
  • Always rings twice
  • Has a silk bathrobe
  • Not quite up-to-code
  • He hitchhikes instead of taking the bus
  • Stays ahead of the game
  • A skillful mountain climber
  • Salutes another flag
  • An upside-down chimney-sweep

tag yourself I’m “a perplexment”


Years ago I once mentioned to a coworker at a theatre where I was interning that my boss was bi (he was out, I wasn’t doing anything I shouldn’t) and she said “Oh! He sometimes shops at the other market!” 

I almost fell over laughing at the expression, and I reported the conversation to my mum later. She picked it up and would joke about it for like, YEARS after. It became a running joke in our family, the expression “He shops at the other market.”  

This ended up being REALLY funny about five years later when we were trying to find a grocery store on a family road trip and ended up buying what we needed from a grocery store with a big sign out front reading BI-MART. We pulled into the parking lot and I leaned over to my mother and said, “This is the other market he shops at.”

i love the Code Words series


idk if y’all americans and that know this, but in Australia instead of snow at christmas we get these lil shiny bugs everywhere and they’re attracted to the christmas lights and we call them christmas beetles

and despite being australian they don’t bite or anything they just crawl around on your hand and it’s such a good and pure feeling and yeah

‘despite being australian’

“We know what your thinking but this does not want to kill you”


- Котик, где живет теплота?…

(caption) kitty, where does warmth live?

(photo) here


i wish i could type as well as this

not being mean or ironic when i say this i wish i could type in a way that conveys as much as this person and as effortlessly funny



I once saw someone point out something I hadn’t really considered before- libraries are one of the only places that are warm and dry where you can stay for long periods of time if you have no money. If you’re someone with nowhere to go during the daytime, they provide a safe environment in which to keep a roof over your head for a while- and all while you can access information.

So yes. This.

It’s weird…libraries almost feel /wrong/ now. It’s like I walk in and think “This is great…where do I put my money?”

I used to work on a campus library and if you want someplace to put your money, so to speak, make sure you put books back in the designated areas. I know you think you’re being helpful by reshelving, but even if you pull something out to read a couple paragraphs just stick it in the basket for things you didn’t want. I don’t care if you know EXACTLY where you are. In academic libraries (at least in Texas) our funding was determined by how many books people looked at. So we got additional funding based on books not being reshelved. If there’s a designated shelf/basket for things you don’t want, stick things in it!

What @standbyyourmantis said about not reshelving is true for public libraries, too. Our funding is dictated largely by how ‘used’ we are, so we scan all the items that are laying about as In House Use. That, tied with Reference Count and Door Counter numbers (we have to manually put in the time we take for references) to prove we’re providing a needed service. We also have to count the number of people who come for our programs, which not only helps funding but shows that the programming/services are needed, as well. So, basically, if you want to feel like you’re making sure we’re getting paid and staying around, keep these in mind.


I didn’t know that’s why you’re not supposed to reshelf!


Wow! That’s astounding!



I’ve lost how many times I get asked about how much it costs to get a library card. It’s free. Everything is free unless it’s late or you lose an item. Free. Free. Free. Free.


3 am is such a powerful time. there are people sleeping. there are people partying. there are people having a movie marathon. there are people crying. there are people loving. there are people dying. there are people living. toegther at 3 am.

don’t romanticize 3 am everyone should be in bed!!!! go to sleep bitch!!!!!

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