
free Palestine

@chaoticgoodcryptid / chaoticgoodcryptid.tumblr.com

no tags, fandoms rotate every day, and it's just reblogs. I honestly don't recommend you follow unless you actually like that kinda thing lol. 🦀 original posts @chaoticgoodrandom (has normal blog stuff like tags and memes). racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes and other bigots gtfo. 🦀 I'm an adult. this blog is largely sfw (some posts may mention violence / have mature themes tho) 🦀 icon by Adam Gonzales + header images by Pawel Czerwinski and Sergiy Kalchevskiy. all images found on unsplash.
how you can help palestine


save palestine - islamic relief canada

click to donate - arab.org

send medical supplies to gaza - palestinian american medical association


location specific petitions

end israeli occupation - parliament uk (UK)

email your MP - medical aid for palestine (UK)

stop fuelling genocide - action network (USA)

call congress and demand a ceasefire - uscpr (USA - they provide a script of what you should say, so don't worry about it)

ceasefire now! - ijv (CANADA)

write to your député - assemblée nationale (FRANCE)

skydda civilbefolkningen i gaza! - mittskifte (SWEDEN)


friends of al-aqsa

❥ UK-specific

❥ International

palestine action

islamic relief canada

text campaign for people living in USA

please let me know if you have any more links. i will add them to a follow up post.

DM: “You know, I only put this guy in to kickstart the campaign. I didn’t expect you all to adopt a 40 year old alcoholic”

Being the only guy who works in a beauty store is fucking hilarious sometimes. Im the only one who can sell our shitty beard shampoo and a not insignificant amount of our customers think im untrustworthy. According to my coworkers i use every mens product we have so they can get dudes to buy a shaving cream. Trying to explain to people that theres no difference between "men's" and "women's" products is like talking to a brick wall. Ive had multiple women get angry with me for sampling them out one of our "men's" moisturizers when they specifically said they wanted a mattifying one to control oil and that's the best one we have for those two things. I still think about the guy who came in asking if we had "masks for men." I contemplate ending it all every time someone returns a completely unused product that they absolutely refuse to try just because it either says or doesnt say "for men" on it. 90% of the time its the perfect product for them. I had a lady who was willing to buy a worse product for her needs that was more expensive just so it wouldnt say it was for men. Are you ever tired? Are you ever exhausted? These are the same kinds of people who say that im the one whos obsessed with gendering everything because im trans.


The most popular browsers in different countries in 2012 and 2022.

Nope! When Chrome first came to popularity, people switched over to it cause it was “faster” (turns out, it just eats through your device’s CPU) but since then Firefox has upped its game in a major way. Chrome just doesn’t measure up anymore. Plus, nowadays Chrome is just a data harvester designed to show hyper targeted ads - so even if Firefox ain’t for you, it’s still worth ditching Google for a different browser.

Legit though I switched to Firefox and it’s so so so much better

i’m gonna keep reblogging this ad infinitum so yall might as well convert now

remember that all chrome based browsers will no longer allow adblockers starting this june

the modern internet is literally unusable without one, so switch to firefox


he's a cult leader, he's a fashion icon, he's a war veteran, he's immortal, he dies all the time, he's haunted, he's high and he's sober, he's agnostic, god hates him personally. i didn't say his name but he popped into your head, didn't he?


The most popular browsers in different countries in 2012 and 2022.

Nope! When Chrome first came to popularity, people switched over to it cause it was “faster” (turns out, it just eats through your device’s CPU) but since then Firefox has upped its game in a major way. Chrome just doesn’t measure up anymore. Plus, nowadays Chrome is just a data harvester designed to show hyper targeted ads - so even if Firefox ain’t for you, it’s still worth ditching Google for a different browser.

Legit though I switched to Firefox and it’s so so so much better

i’m gonna keep reblogging this ad infinitum so yall might as well convert now


I wish we had more female characters like Eleanor Shellstrop. One of the most unlikable people you've ever met. Read a Buzzfeed article on most rude things you can do on a daily basis and decided to use that as a list of goals. Makes everyone's day worse just by being there. Dropped a margarita mix on the ground and tried to pick it up, only to get hit by a row of shopping carts which pushed her into the road where she was hit by a boner pill delivery truck, killing her instantly. Cannot keep a romantic partner despite being bisexual. Had a terrible childhood but will die before she gets therapy. Best employee at a scam company. Just the worst but also can't help but root for her to improve.

Absolute loser. Girl-failure. Bad at almost everything. Literally perfect female character.


Always funny when your dash is curated in such a way as to avoid the initial annoying discourse and the annoying overreaction to that discourse and you only get the, like, two-levels-removed nuanced essay-length polemics and analyses to what sounds like discourse hell out there.


fucking sucks ass that detective is a subtype of cop or always some type of law enforcement. a detective should be someone who is a master of disguise, a weirdo, socially maligned, and hated by the police. he should solve the cases using his ultra specific knowledge about geography, linguistics, human biology, and cigar ashes


Middle East eye recorded an interview with a palestinian woman who was kidnapped from her children for several days and she spoke about being continuously told to strip by Israeli women soldiers and being beaten by men and women occupation soldiers. It makes you think all that bullshit about solidarity with all women. israeli women can choke they facilitated the rape of palestinian women in Gaza and beat palestinian women with no remorse because theyre palestinian (the palestinian woman said "it was all punishment"). Because at the end of the day regardless the abuse israeli women face in their society, well they consider themselves part of the colony and superior to the native. Women settler colonialists who proclaim feminism only want to be equal to the men in their colonial project. All that bullshit zionists have been talking about "believe all women. Believe israeli women" actually never pertained to all women because where is their shock regarding the testimony of palestinian women relaying the sexual abuse they faced? No where

This is the video

One thing that zionists will do is look for any debunks or just claim that this is all hamas propaganda as if we did not watch israeli soldiers dig into women's lingerie the past few months.

Sexual violence against Palestinians by IOF has been documented since 1948. You can find dozens of journal articles studying the topic. Reports come out yearly from interviews with palestinian prisoners that tell us that iof have the greenlight to do anything to them. The prisons are ripe with this abuse. And although I said women iof facilitate the rapes we know they take part of sexual violence against men women and children in prisons. You're not going to get the corroboration by "forensic evidence" with palestinians because the israeli system of course prevents investigations. The corroboration is the hundreds of annual reports from multiple organizations in and outside the region, the first hand testimony, and the admittance of former iof soldiers who have partook in the sexual violence.

We know that after October 7th that the violence against prisoners was escalated and many released in the exchange described the abuse as being a form of collective punishment for October 7th

This is not supposed to be surprising. Sexual violence is cornerstone to colonial rule, it's a tool to exhort confessions and humiliate and dominate. And I think that's what's so aggravating about all of this. Palestinians don't get infamous NYT articles we get silence about this and it's debated as if there isn't documentation spanning decades

The way we've seen israeli soldiers interact with palestinian womens lingerie, the videos of teenagers girls and boys alike stripped to their underwear, all reflect something in the israeli psyche that makes israelis feel as if they have a right to intrude and violate the palestinian body. But our voices are not enough, it needs to be corroborated by racist historians like Benny morris and Israeli newspapers and IOF confessions.

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