

@rxcked / rxcked.tumblr.com

UCLA alumni
instagram: @rxcked
23 y/o pansexual + non-binary

pictures where the sea and sky are no longer distinguishable

If I may contribute

not to be dramatic but like. this kind of indistinguishable meeting point of the sea and the sky is the center around which my life revolves


the idea that your friends won't like you if you're too weird is wrong for example one time I told a friend whenever I was losing my mind I laid down on the floor under my desk and stared at it until I was better and next time she visited me she taped a bag of salami snacks to the underside of my desk with a message saying "going insane all by yourself, handsome?" which I only saw months later when I had a breakdown. that's friendship.


didn’t realize i hit 1k followers??? woo thank u <3


the way I am livingggggg for this entire outfit…I wanna know-her know her, ya know?

thx for the tag @peace-for-levi 🖤


ty @poisonpeche for the tag (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥) ♡︎

tagging whoever wants to do it! yes, you!


invasive, but general asks

  1. how old are you?
  2. what’s your sexuality?
  3. what’s your relationship status?
  4. where do you fall on the political spectrum/ what do you politically identify as?
  5. how would you describe your personal style?
  6. describe your gender identity with nongendered words:
  7. have you ever been drunk?
  8. do you or have you ever smoked w33d? if so what’s your favorite method of consumption?
  9. have you ever done anything harder than w33d? if so what?
  10. are you a virgin? if not what’s your body count?
  11. what birth control methods do you use if any?
  12. what fictional family best represents your own?
  13. what color do you think represents you best (not necessarily your favorite color)?
  14. how do you feel about cancel culture?
  15. what’s your favorite tv show?
  16. what are your top five favorite bands/ artists/ musicians?
  17. what’s your favorite candy?
  18. are you addicted to anything?
  19. do you have stomach problems?
  20. have you ever had a traumatic experience? if you feel comfortable sharing it what is it?
  21. what are your thoughts on love?
  22. do you have more male, female, or nonbinary friends?
  23. have you ever smoked a cigarette?
  24. can you separate the art from the artist?
  25. why are you still on tumblr?
  26. are you a clean or messy person?
  27. do you have any tattoos?
  28. do you have any piercings?
  29. do you shave? if so and if you feel comfortable sharing, where?
  30. are you mentally ill? if so what mental illnesses do you have?
  31. do you collect anything?
  32. what level of social distancing have you been doing?
  33. have you gotten the covid vaccine?
  34. what’s your most controversial opinion (if you feel comfortable sharing)?
  35. who’s your favorite youtuber?
  36. what’s your favorite holiday?
  37. what are your favorite pair of shoes?
  38. do you have any weird f3tishes?
  39. what are your thoughts on baths?
  40. what are your favorite musical genres?
  41. have you ever had plastic surgery? do you want to?
  42. what do you think is the best room color?
  43. what books did you grow up with?
  44. do you like skinny jeans?
  45. what’s your favorite smell?
  46. what are your biggest insecurities?
  47. are you more attracted to people who are older than you, younger than you, or the same age as you?
  48. are you afraid to walk alone at night?
  49. can you drive? if so how old were you when you got your driver’s license?
  50. capitalism, thouhgts?
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